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The Mens Rights /Issues "debate"?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Its seems to me almost like a "defense" argument to feminism/women's issues rather than some of these guys are really super concerned about men.

The conversations seem to go like this.If you are speaking about women being raped.And the #'s are astronomical world wide.Women are being raped as we speak.Millions of times a year around the globe.Most of the rapists go unpunished.In many countries its not even illegal for a man to rape is wife.She is his property.

The MRA guys are likely to respond with a question.Well what about all the women that falsley accuse men of rape?What are you prepared to do about that?

Well nothing I guess.I mean I assume if she admits she lied she can be charged with slander in a civil court and you can sue her .And she should be charged criminally for filing a false police report if she went to the police.

I was actually disturbed to see a group of people discussing it and suggestions were as harsh as she be executed.The nicest ones were she serve the same amount of time in prison he would have had he actually raped her 10-15 years.Well then I could say what about the guys that plea bargain down and get off with way less including just long term probation ?

But my point is I don't understand why you are bringing to discussion one issue its "countered" with a completely different issue but related somehow? Domestic abuse? Men are abused too and nobody cares.Breast cancer epididmic? Men get prostate cancer.O.K well I donated money to the cause one time at the grocery /it was convenient/ but i have never donated any money for breast cancer.

Abortion ?What about his reproductive rights?Men get no say so. That one? O.K i can sympathize but there is NO viable alternative.The ONLY way to change that is to give the man the power legally to decide if she has to have an abortion or carry full term and deliver.Or outlaw abortion so there is no choice about it for either.I wont go for either one of those.

Oh the other suggestion is if he wants her to abort and she has the baby he should not have to pay child support. That's equality for you!Except it leaves out the welfare of the child.The dad gets laid and then the child gets screwed.

Anyway I'm rambling. Alceste said it though.Its obnoxios.(spelling).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Its seems to me almost like a "defense" argument to feminism/women's issues rather than some of these guys are really super concerned about men.
I think that says more about RF personalities than the issues.
There are men's issues which are difficult to discuss because of some people.
Personally, I see things more as people's issues, which is a reason I don't identify as feminist or masculinist.
Btw, kudos for moving this topic from the Femonlyum (new word) to an area for open discussion.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I think that says more about RF personalities than the issues.
There are men's issues which are difficult to discuss because of some people.
Personally, I see things more as people's issues, which is a reason I don't identify as feminist or masculinist.
Btw, kudos for moving this topic from the Femonlyum (new word) to an area for open discussion.

LOL!! It was out of my hands Staff moved it without asking me but I don't mind.

I see things as "people" issues too just I think sometimes there could be an issue that is more likely to affect one gender or another /a child verses adult/race/sexual orientation etc..But in the end of course we are all people that have to live together and get along so it is "people" issues.

Oh and I don't think its just RF personalities at work here.Maybe internet voicing but its not RF.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
LOL!! It was out of my hands Staff moved it without asking me but I don't mind.
I figgered that out after I posted, but I didn't want to yank the accolade.

I see things as "people" issues too just I think sometimes there could be an issue that is more likely to affect one gender or another /a child verses adult/race/sexual orientation etc..But in the end of course we are all people that have to live together and get along so it is "people" issues.
Oh and I don't think its just RF personalities at work here.Maybe internet voicing but its not RF.
Yeah, I clearly see emotional baggage from discussions elsewhere, but that becomes part of the personality aspect. I had to defend myself so many times from charges belonging to others, that I began to wonder if I were an overweight pro-life fundamentalist wife beater. I checked. I'm not. Whew!


Well-Known Member
Hey, look at that, it got moved out of the feminist area. Because men's issues are not feminist issues perhaps?

That's right, I'm trolling. But I couldn't resist, you can go back to your conversation now.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Hey, look at that, it got moved out of the feminist area. Because men's issues are not feminist issues perhaps?

That's right, I'm trolling. But I couldn't resist, you can go back to your conversation now.

Well to be fair.I wasn't really discussing "men's issues". I was discussing "men's issues with women discussing women's issues".

Me Myself

Back to my username
Hey, look at that, it got moved out of the feminist area. Because men's issues are not feminist issues perhaps?

That's right, I'm trolling. But I couldn't resist, you can go back to your conversation now.

Probably because it looked like MRA being bashed.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I don't have any issues with women discussing their periods as long as they don't do it near me.

What? You don't want to hear about my blood clots and all that bloating?

So you are a masculanist into equal stuff but you are saying you shouldn't have to care about my period?

Is that correct?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Well to be fair.I wasn't really discussing "men's issues". I was discussing "men's issues with women discussing women's issues".
I get the impression that we're not supposed to use Something Only forums to discuss an opposing group while denying them an opportunity to respond in the same thread. Otherwise, we'd see thread wars. Sounds like a new unreality show.


Hey, look at that, it got moved out of the feminist area. Because men's issues are not feminist issues perhaps?

That's right, I'm trolling. But I couldn't resist, you can go back to your conversation now.

Beats me. I think the staff just made a judgment call based on the somewhat critical tone of the OP. Mystic's thread about men's issues is still in there.


I get the impression that we're not supposed to use Something Only forums to discuss an opposing group while denying them an opportunity to respond in the same thread. Otherwise, we'd see thread wars. Sounds like a new unreality show.

That makes sense.

Me Myself

Back to my username
What? You don't want to hear about my blood clots and all that bloating?

So you are a masculanist into equal stuff but you are saying you shouldn't have to care about my period?

Is that correct?

I care eniugh to pretend to listen while I watch at boobs :)


Depends Upon My Mood..
Beats me. I think the staff just made a judgment call based on the somewhat critical tone of the OP. Mystic's thread about men's issues is still in there.

So it was my tone? Hmm...

I guess I should delete it all together.It was an honest to God question mind you .Which so far hasn't even really been addressed .I have only been accused of bashing for asking the question.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Before I just delete the post is anyone interested in addressing what I SAID or asked in the post?

Besides Revoltingest the only thing so far as feed back is I posted in the wrong area.


Before I just delete the post is anyone interested in addressing what I SAID or asked in the post?

Besides Revoltingest the only thing so far as feed back is I posted in the wrong area.

Wait, wait! I am! Sometimes I grab a few shorties as I read the thread before I get back to the OP.

Bear with me...


To the OP: Here's what I think is going on... Actually, there's a guy on YouTube who explained the thinking you described really well. I'll see if I can find it, but basically it seems the resistance comes not from a real concern about the collective troubles of men in general, but out of envy. "What about me? My life isn't easy either! I sure as hell don't FEEL privileged...!" Imperfect creatures that we are, we are sometimes inclined to resent sympathy, attention and help offered to others because we feel we aren't getting enough sympathy, attention and help ourselves.

It's the (almost) grown-up version of sibling rivalry. "It's not fair Jr. got the flu and doesn't have to go to school! What about me? I don't wanna go to school either! You love Jr. more than me! Wah!"