Sorry, but your last post only describes your post once again. By the very supposed nature of God in the Bible we can tell that parts of the Bible are not true. For example, can you tell me, can God lie? Can he attempt to deliberately attempt to mislead everyone?
When you ask
"Can he attempt to deliberately attempt to mislead everyone?" I think you might be trying to ask a classic (key, and well put) question:
Why shouldn't God simply let everyone know He exists?
Why not, after all.
So, a main theme when one reads through the entire collection of scriptures called the common bible, present in every book even in some manner, is that God wants us to choose to trust Him in a high degree,
not simply the alternative possibility of an acquiescence.
He doesn't want acquiescence. And for a very good reason.
To illustrate: if God simply was clearly seen at times, so that everyone knew He exists as a basic given, then a very large portion of people would choose the following orientation:
To kowtow to Him, acknowledging Him as the Lord (leader, monarch), while harboring in their hearts whatever attitude they prefer, whatever degree of mistrust or potential desire to go against Him, but on the surface and even in the conscious thoughts accepting (the unavoidable reality) that He is Lord...
A terrible, dangerous, and awful outcome in very many individual instances.
Because eventually, in an indefinitely extending eternal life, many of these would not only rebel against His guidance/way/structuring of the new world....but would seek to destroy that way. You'd get war.
The only relationship that can work in that vastly longer timeframe is one of Love and trust (trust is necessary for the maintenance of love, in that distrust tends to misread things and also discounts the value of good things, both).
So, therefore, logically, the only functional relationship for eternity is one based on faith -- a deep trust in Him, in the Good.
Ergo, therefore, logically, every possible evidence that would clearly prove God exists must be removed from this world, so that mortals cannot simply observe the fact of His existence. We must instead choose to trust Him. Only faith is adequate for eternal life situations. Faith, one could put it well enough, is to trust in the Good before any evidence of that Good has arrived. To trust before proof.