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The Mystery of the Empty Tomb


Resident Lycanthrope
Or...it never happened. It is my belief that the bible contains what man wanted it to contain. Because it was written does not mean it is true.


Well-Known Member
The location of the tomb can be traced back to the 4th century.

Helena is alleged to have rediscovered the True Cross, and a tomb, which according to Eusebius exhibited a clear and visible proof that it was the tomb of Jesus :biglaugh:; several scholars have criticised Eusebius' account for an uncritical use of sources, and for being thoroughly dishonest, with Edward Gibbon, for example, pointing out that Eusebius' own chapter headings claims that fictions are lawful and fitting for him to use.:eek: wiki

(emphasis are mine)
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Active Member
Just like in the case of Moses Jehovah disposed of Jesus body.

Both were his mediator, Moses to Fleshly israel Jesus to Spiritual israel.

Also they had all seen Jesus ressurect peole from the dead (Lazarus is one of them) so they knew about hte ressurection.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
I find it very interesting that both, Moses and Jesus were mediators of God. Under Moses' mediation, Israel was trapped in Egypt ad brought back into the Holy Land. Under Jesus' mediation, Israel was at home and expelled to the four corners of the Earth. How does that make sense to you?


New Member
1. None of the Gospel writers were witnesses.
2. If the 4 witnesses give information that adds to each other that is one thing but if they contradict then they loose credibility.
3. What on earth were the 4 women doing going to a tomb to embalm someone they know full well is behind a big stone.
Personally I think Jesus got the ***** with the whole thing, unrolled the rock himself (being god and all) and took off hoping he could get away before they made a damn religion out of his story.


New Member
Moses was a racial supremasist who believed that he was of the master race and had the God given right to take over someone elses Land and slaughter the inhabitants. Not the similarities between The Jews of the Old testament and the Nazis of Germany.

Jesus, altohugh born in a fascist, racist background believed in love and equality.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
We have to consider the fact that the writings of this event happened many years later, (70 years?).

We have to further consider that who wrote these accounts may or may not be who they said they where.

When you boil it down, is Christianity based on Jesus or Paul?


Well-Known Member
Moses was a racial supremasist who believed that he was of the master race and had the God given right to take over someone elses Land and slaughter the inhabitants. Not the similarities between The Jews of the Old testament and the Nazis of Germany.

Jesus, altohugh born in a fascist, racist background believed in love and equality.
Am I the only person who finds the comparsion of the Jews of the OT to the Nazis revolting?

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
Again, put them together and you'll get the whole story. :) The gospel writers are no different than 4 witnesses to a car accident from 4 different sides of the car. Their accounts will be different but all of them true. So you have to put their accounts together to get the whole story. :)

Really! Let us then put your formula to the test and solve this one. When Jesus was only 40 days old, immediately after Jesus' presentation in the Temple, Luke sends him back to Nazareth, where he had come from with his family. With Matthew, Jesus is taken to Egypt where he stayed until Herod died. So, being about a year old Jesus is taken back to Judea. But because Herod's son was King in Judea, Joseph was afraid and went to Galilee where he found the town of Nazareth to settle themselves down.

How could things continue happening for almost a year, in different places, with the same person, and with different causes and effects? To help you out, you can read my thread, "Were There Two Different Jesuses?"


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Interesting how the myth becomes more elaborate over time. Simple and unadorned in the first gospel, and increasingly dramatic and detailed in the subsequent ones.

Ben Masada

Well-Known Member
We have to consider the fact that the writings of this event happened many years later, (70 years?).

We have to further consider that who wrote these accounts may or may not be who they said they where.

When you boil it down, is Christianity based on Jesus or Paul?

Most definitely on Paul. Jesus never had anything to do with Christianity. Paul was the one who gave origin to the whole thing. Proof of it is found in Acts 11:26.


New Member
There are about 1 million Jesuses,
Jesus the man who actually walked in palestine 2000 years ago (presuming he did) Jesus the God of Christianity (there are many versions of this too) Jesus the prophet of islam. JEsus the jungian Archetype, the Gnostic jesus, the symbol of consciousness etc...


Active Member
There are about 1 million Jesuses,
Jesus the man who actually walked in palestine 2000 years ago (presuming he did) Jesus the God of Christianity (there are many versions of this too) Jesus the prophet of islam. JEsus the jungian Archetype, the Gnostic jesus, the symbol of consciousness etc...

There is one Jesus.

He is just mixed in with 1 million other ones.

His death providesfor us the hope of a perfect life inthe new system that he is King in. Not the world in which we live now that Satan rules


Well-Known Member
Am I the only person who finds the comparsion of the Jews of the OT to the Nazis revolting?

The use of thw word jew isn't apt for most of the OT, so I find that misleading, but I undestand the point the other poster was making. When you read about people who commit genocide and claim it's their god given right or command, it does have a striking resemblance to the nazis.

Incidently what did they jewish people do after the Nazi Holocaust? They went and commited their own against the palestinians, steeling land and killing all those who stood in their way.


Active Member
The use of thw word jew isn't apt for most of the OT, so I find that misleading, but I undestand the point the other poster was making. When you read about people who commit genocide and claim it's their god given right or command, it does have a striking resemblance to the nazis.

Incidently what did they jewish people do after the Nazi Holocaust? They went and commited their own against the palestinians, steeling land and killing all those who stood in their way.

Thats right, so are they truly God's people? No because they are not "beating their swords into plowshares" or showing love to their enemies!

Isaiah 2:2-4
And it must occur in the final part of the days [that] the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream. And many peoples will certainly go and say: “Come, YOU people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” For out of Zion law will go forth, and the word of Jehovah out of Jerusalem. And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And they will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore.

Luke 6:27
But I say to YOU who are listening, Continue to love YOUR enemies, to do good to those hating YOU