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The Non-Religious (Atheists, Agnostics, etc.) and the Christian Hell: Why should they go there?


New Member
I have become troubled with something religious. You see, in Christianity, it is generally accepted that the non-religious, such as Atheists and Agnostics (me being the latter), go to hell. But why is this so, if Christianity is correct?

Let me suggest an example of similar to this situation. A single mother has a child (the Non-Religious). She tells him that his father (God) created him, but the child doesn't believe her. One day, his father, meets his son, recognizing him. His son says that he didn't think he existed. So should the father punish his son for this? I don't see a reason why. The boy was just mistaken, incorrect, not right. That does not sound like a good reason to make the child go to time-out (Hell).

Also, let us suggest that there is a hypothetical man who exists in the world. This man is one of the most kind-hearted, intelligent, respectable, and simply greatest men who ever stood on this planet. He may have, say, cured famine, poverty, and/or a/plenty of medical disease(s). However, he could be an Agnostic or an Atheist. So would he still go to Hell? From what I've heard, apparently yes. This does not make any sense whatsoever to me.

So let us debate this idea (which I hope is in the right section).
It is God's will that in whatever we do, whatever we believe, that we bring Glory to Him. It is our purpose for life, and the reason of existence (the Christian belief that is). If you accept Christianity to be true, and that the Bible is a good representation of God's will, than you believe that nothing matters besides God, and that there is no purpose other than to Glorify Him.

Romans 14:8 "If we live, it's to honor the Lord. And if we die, it's to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord".

To use your example it would be as if there was a child who had a normal childhood growing up. When they turned 18 they decided to leave, and their parents asked the child to keep in contact, but the child didn't and abandoned their parents. Because of this the parents decided to give all of their inheritance to the other child who did stay in contact because that child had honored their parents wishes. So it's the same today, God's plan is for us to worship and glorify Him yet we continuously do not do so.
And all of the good things we do are nothing compared to Him,
Isaiah 64:6 "All of us have become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;"
How can an ant boast to us about it's good deeds, or can a child compare their artwork to the Mona Lisa in a truly analytical and professional way?

No, we go to hell because we disobey God.

Where Is God

In reference to what he said, if you rape an entire preschool filled with children, but you do it to glory God, then you get to go heaven! Yay!

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
God is not your Father until you are adopted by him. If a strange child came up to you and said "Father", you would say something like "Depart from me, I never knew you". Concerning God, it is his nature that he punishes sin. In the case of Christians, their sin is transferred to Jesus for pre-adjudication.

Where Is God

God is not your Father until you are adopted by him. If a strange child came up to you and said "Father", you would say something like "Depart from me, I never knew you". Concerning God, it is his nature that he punishes sin. In the case of Christians, their sin is transferred to Jesus for pre-adjudication.

So who does and does not go to heaven is pre-determined? :no:


Boldly Proudly Not PC
I have become troubled with something religious. You see, in Christianity, it is generally accepted that the non-religious, such as Atheists and Agnostics (me being the latter), go to hell. But why is this so, if Christianity is correct?

Let me suggest an example of similar to this situation. A single mother has a child (the Non-Religious). She tells him that his father (God) created him, but the child doesn't believe her. One day, his father, meets his son, recognizing him. His son says that he didn't think he existed. So should the father punish his son for this? I don't see a reason why. The boy was just mistaken, incorrect, not right. That does not sound like a good reason to make the child go to time-out (Hell).

Also, let us suggest that there is a hypothetical man who exists in the world. This man is one of the most kind-hearted, intelligent, respectable, and simply greatest men who ever stood on this planet. He may have, say, cured famine, poverty, and/or a/plenty of medical disease(s). However, he could be an Agnostic or an Atheist. So would he still go to Hell? From what I've heard, apparently yes. This does not make any sense whatsoever to me.

So let us debate this idea (which I hope is in the right section).
That's because it's nonsense. People that believe in Hell believe it's a repository for failure, as judged by a power they first believe to be omni-benevolent. Which if it were so, would not create an abode of eternal torment for the children an all knowing father made in deficit so as to judge them worthy of such a place after they're dead because they failed to save themselves from God.

If it was correct, it means that every last member of the Old Testament burn in hell to this day, because they did not accept Jesus as their savior from that certain destiny God ordained, by making them the sinner that is deserving of such a fate.

There are people that live all the days of their real life afraid of what comes after. That wonderful blessing of a person you describe in your analogy as Agnostic or an Atheist, is rewarded in life for the good works they accomplish for others.And for that they'll ever be remembered.
After life, it's a new adventure that is no longer the matter. Literally.
Hell is what we make it here on earth. Anything that is worthy of being called a supreme being, isn't first a supreme sadist. Which would be the case for omniscience to create damnation.

Go with your gut. If it doesn't make sense, don't live respecting what you judge to be non-sense.


New Member
If your God is so willing to condemn us to burn a lake of fire for all of eternity simply because we judged the world as we saw it, rather than as "his people" told us (without any sort of material proof), then he is neither loving, forgiving, nor benevolent.
Also, it is a cruel notion that one may be punished for not believing in a deity that one has never heard of. In many cases, atheists and other non-Christians do not reject the idea of God; rather, they have never conceived of the possibility that an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent being could exist.
Your Father Almighty seems sort of malevolent now, doesn't he?


Irrational Rationalist. Educated Fool.
I have become troubled with something religious. You see, in Christianity, it is generally accepted that the non-religious, such as Atheists and Agnostics (me being the latter), go to hell. But why is this so, if Christianity is correct?

Let me suggest an example of similar to this situation. A single mother has a child (the Non-Religious). She tells him that his father (God) created him, but the child doesn't believe her. One day, his father, meets his son, recognizing him. His son says that he didn't think he existed. So should the father punish his son for this? I don't see a reason why. The boy was just mistaken, incorrect, not right. That does not sound like a good reason to make the child go to time-out (Hell).

Also, let us suggest that there is a hypothetical man who exists in the world. This man is one of the most kind-hearted, intelligent, respectable, and simply greatest men who ever stood on this planet. He may have, say, cured famine, poverty, and/or a/plenty of medical disease(s). However, he could be an Agnostic or an Atheist. So would he still go to Hell? From what I've heard, apparently yes. This does not make any sense whatsoever to me.

So let us debate this idea (which I hope is in the right section).

Well! The nerve! Looking for sense in religion? I'd have never thunk it! :D

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Also, let us suggest that there is a hypothetical man who exists in the world. This man is one of the most kind-hearted, intelligent, respectable, and simply greatest men who ever stood on this planet. He may have, say, cured famine, poverty, and/or a/plenty of medical disease(s). However, he could be an Agnostic or an Atheist. So would he still go to Hell? From what I've heard, apparently yes. This does not make any sense whatsoever to me.
Let's say this same man also murdered someone... would all of his past great actions stop you as a judge from sentencing him to prison?

Prior good actions do not justify the improper ones.

But quite simply, not everyone understands heaven/hell in the same way. Eastern Orthodox for example view both as the loving presence of God, and our experience of bliss or torment is based on our reaction.

the Kid

New Member
Where does it say everyone who doesn't believe goes to hell?

The only stuff I remember was how Jesus was the only way to heaven, does that mean 'believing in Jesus is the way to heaven' or simply the sacrifice he made is the only way to heaven?

Seems to fit the story right? Jesus died for everyones sins, where in that does it say 'caveat : only if you think he's the son of God'.

For all I know it could actually say that. /shrug.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
Where does it say everyone who doesn't believe goes to hell?

The only stuff I remember was how Jesus was the only way to heaven, does that mean 'believing in Jesus is the way to heaven' or simply the sacrifice he made is the only way to heaven?

Seems to fit the story right? Jesus died for everyones sins, where in that does it say 'caveat : only if you think he's the son of God'.

For all I know it could actually say that. /shrug.

I'd love to hear from more Christians on this.


Jehovah our God is One
I have become troubled with something religious. You see, in Christianity, it is generally accepted that the non-religious, such as Atheists and Agnostics (me being the latter), go to hell. But why is this so, if Christianity is correct?

the question is easily resolved when you take the original word and apply its true meaning...your thread would read something like

"it is generally accepted that the non-religious, such as Atheists and Agnositcs, go to the grave. But why is this so, if Christianity is correct?"