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The Official “RFfiliates” Discussion Thread


Citizen Mod
Well the comic of the Mod Squad is almost coming to an end and I see by my Private Message Box that many people still have many questions. Well this is the place to comment or inquire. Talk about any of the previous strips or the current controversial storyline and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability. I will start the ball rolling by posting some responses to questions that I have already received and personally answered. For respect and anonymity I will not post the members name.



Citizen Mod
Q: Why did you represent Katzpur as a cat when her avatar is a kitten?

A: Katzpur has had the same avatar as long as I have known her on RF (about 3 years) so that kitten has got to be grown up by now. Also there is sort of a mature protective “den mother” quality that I needed to project and the image of a kitten would not have been able to express that.


Well-Known Member
A: Katzpur has had the same avatar as long as I have known her on RF (about 3 years) so that kitten has got to be grown up by now. Also there is sort of a mature protective “den mother” quality that I needed to project and the image of a kitten would not have been able to express that.

Maggie on the Simpsons is still sucking that pacifier, 20 years later.


Citizen Mod
Q: In Post #106 (of the RFfiliates Collected Thread-cardero) in the fourth panel, Sunstone is standing behind Ms. Tiffany Latex and the sound effects SQUEEK SQUEEK are emanating from behind. Is Sunstone doing what I think he is doing?


A: You would be surprised how many people wrote in to me about this. I should first point out that I realize that RF is a religious forum first and foremost and that “The Rffiliates” comic (in any form) is a family comic and I would never slip in any mature innuendos for the sake of a cheap laugh. You will have to excuse my art (she’sa not so good) but what is trying to be illustrated is Sunstone standing behind Ms. Tiffany Latex and he is quickly putting a writing utensil and notepad (for dictation) to take down the minutes of the meeting to satisfy Victor’s accusation of why she is in attendance to a Moderator’s meeting. This rushed technique has resulted in Sunstone rubbing the doll making a squeaking noise in which the only room I had to place these sound effects were at the bottom of the panel. I hope this clears up any misunderstanding.


Citizen Mod
Q: The name of the comic is The Mod Squad. Why do you have people in it who haven’t been moderators for ages? Get with the times man!

A: I must confess that this story was written a while back and that some members do not hold a staff position anymore but in all fairness the story was conceived with these characters in mind. When and where it was applicable, I have made cameos to new staff members and there is talk about doing another MOD SQUAD: The Next Generation storyline. We’ll see.


Citizen Mod
Q: Why have you depicted The Proselytizer as my Lord and Savior?

A: To be honest, I have never personally met your Lord and Savior and any resemblance is purely coincidental. The character of The Proselytizer is actually a composite of three real life personalities.
Jack Black, Kevin Smith and Paul Williams.


If your worship and religion is based on any of these celebrities, I apologize, I meant no offense.


Citizen Mod
Penguino writes: What drove you to do this comic?
Slumping Newsletter readership. “RFfiliates”, as everyone knows, was a feature in our monthly Newsletter. There was a time when I was unable to do a monthly RFfiliates strip but I still read and kept an eye on the number of views and I began noticing that readership was dropping off. I offered the proposition to Michel to do a serial comic starring the Moderators in which every month the story would end in a cliffhanger, in order to follow the story, the RF members would have to tune in every month to find out what happens.

What eventually happened is that THE MOD SQUAD was to debut in the September Newsletter and I had 4 pages already to go but Michel did not put a Newsletter out for that month so I figured I would take advantage of the extra time and have 4 more pages ready for October. THE MOD SQUAD debut on time and then Michel had some personal concerns to tend to and was no longer able to commit to the Newsletter. Already dedicated to 8 pages I felt it only proper to continue the story and just place the new installments in the "RFfiliates Collected Thread".

The Moderators were an interesting selection for a comic because of their responsibility and visibility. The administration and staff work hard for the (real) community and I thought that this was a nice way to give something back to them.

Penguino writes: Would you mass-produce this if you were asked by Marvel for example?

No. "The RFfiliates" is really only for the members of the RF community and I do not think that anyone outside of the community would really get it. I do know what you are saying though because the more I work with the comic and the members, the more I think that given half the chance, these characters could really evolve and grow on people and could easily become an entertaining comic or cartoon series.


Citizen Mod
Wha?:eek: I was just joking! Oh well, who am i to complain, any updates on the faithless?
I was supposed to post a "sneak preview" clue that would be the equivalent of a "lightening round" or a "last chance" but mrscardero said it was too revealing so Monday seems to be the goal date in which RF members find out exactly who THE FAITHLESS are.
I was supposed to post a "sneak preview" clue that would be the equivalent of a "lightening round" or a "last chance" but mrscardero said it was too revealing so Monday seems to be the goal date in which RF members find out exactly who THE FAITHLESS are.

Im looking forward too this!!!!


Citizen Mod
Q: What are you going to be doing after this storyline?


5. Clearing and cleaning out my computer of the thousands of reference pictures needed to complete this story. I will also be taking advantage of the warranty and sending this laptop out to be repaired. The back light screen is beginning to flicker.

4. I am going to mrscardero’s adopted mother’s house to see if she could talk Rizza into coming home and to see if she could talk her out of the divorce procedures if I promise to never pick up a pencil again.

3. I am finally going to commit myself to defeating the Omega Pirate in Metroid Prime and solving other titles.

2. Work on that great American novel.

1. I am going to Disney World.


Citizen Mod
Cardero, I can't always see the pics you post, and I have no idea why. When the answer is revealed, would you be so kind as to post it here as well, just in case?-Storm

Will you be offering a paper back edition for sale?-Luke Wolf

I sooooo want this!-Buttercup

Mrscardero and I are seriously looking into getting this story professionally trade-paperbacked. There is a printing company that I have worked with before that I would consider using to get “The RFfiliates” and THE MOD SQUAD either put in the same book or as two separate volumes. If I go with just THE MOD SQUAD trade, it will feature the complete story and a new full color cover. I never got a comic book published before and this would be an interesting experience and a nice handout for all interested members. I cannot offer this volume for sale because the legalities and copyright infringments on the avatars would land me in a great deal of trouble but I would take attendance of the people who wanted one and I would look into what the costs would be and if I could afford to do this, I will post a thread about it. Mrscardero has also offered an easier medium. She thought that it would be a good idea to put the comic out as a slideshow on CD-ROM or DVD R format. What do RF members suggest?


Citizen Mod
Q: What character in the current storyline do you enjoy depicting the most?

A: I love drawing and developing all of the RFfiliates but to be honest my favorite character in the current storyline that is really under developed but has great potential is the MODERATOR’S HANDBOOK. In a sort of “Hitch-hikers Guide To the Galaxy” way that book could carry on some great stories over many episodes. Administrators, moderators and other staff members come and go but the book is the only character that remains the same.