Nice questions. I guess I have to be honest, I do believe my faith is correct for others. Though, Im not a big evangelizer.
1. Do you believe the religion you have chosen to be the only "true" religion?
2. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what exactly does that mean to you
For lack of better terms, Id say Im a holistic pagan. There are many definitions of paganism, and i agree with that which believers give reverence to the earth. What it means to me is to live according to the earth. Eat foods in season. Take care of oneself with natural means (though very expensive). Practicing magic (which is a word I dislike) is prayer in action. I venerate my ancesters and recently departed. Things like that.
Living holisticly means a lot to me because I believe body is just as important as the spirit. As such, to connect the two we live in union with the ground we live on.
3. If the answer to question #1 is "yes," what do you believe will be the fate of those who do not share your beliefs?
Disharmony with their home. I find if one doesnt know their history, who they are by their family and where they live and grow up, they miss a part of themselves. I see a lot of other faiths that focus on belief and/or practice. Yet, they disconnect themselves from their home looking for their future home.
With eastern faiths, buddhist specifically, I like how they view the mind as the source of all things we believe and experience. Its a good foundation to balance ones spiritual life with the physical. Yet, some customary practices do not focus directly on connection with the earth but with the mind. Its like christianity focus on the spirit first. Many buddhist focus on mind first.
Yet, when living holistically, all connects. Nonone over the other. Without the holistic outlook, there will always be in my view a missing component to other faiths. If holistic practice is incorporated in their belief, it will help. I feel the practice stands on its own feet.