Are so-called "holy" scriptures necessarily true because they are holy, or are (were?) they holy because they are necessarily (observably) true? Which way does it go? What actually gives scriptures the attention and regard adherents treat them with?
Putting these questions aside, picking up after Adam hearkens unto the voice of his wife and eats the fruit, what happens?
-Both their eyes are opened and they realize they are naked
-Adam hides from god in fear for shame of his nakedness
-God approaches and inquires as to the whereabouts of Adam
-Adam emerges explaining why he hid himself
-God asks if Adam ate the fruit that was forbidden to him
Now how does Adam reply?
Genesis 3:12
ויאמר האדם
האשה אשר נתתה עמדי הוא נתנה לי מן העץ ואכל
And the man said The woman whom thou gavest to be with me she gave me of the tree and I did eat
In other words: Adam did not either recognize and/or acknowledge his own iniquity before attempting to implicate the woman as having caused it. Do we see any indication (ie. religions) with which such behavior is (institutionalized, and is) still on-going on the planet? Are men blaming/shaming women and implicating them as the reason for their own iniquities?
Even as a non-theist, the problem is simple: when the lower organ (ie. sex) rules over the higher organ (ie. brain) such that the latter is subject to (ie. only operates based on) the former (re: sex), this is the same as Eve giving the fruit to Adam. The story is not literal/historical; it is describing the "origin of sin" in a symbolic way using people as archetypes for the relationship the brain has to the sex organ (in any being).
What is most depressing is this story is literally at the beginning/heart of the entire Abrahamic trilogy: Judaism/Christianity/Islam all owing their very existence to it.
Islam obviously rejects the one-man-one-woman Edenic frame of reference entirely: holding a man himself having 11 wives in his life (9 at one time: what really is 'infidelity'?) as perfect and infallible: his own adherents being allowed up to 4. Where is it written from Adam's own rib was derived 4 Eve's? It is not - else it is impossible to establish peace and harmony if not a simple 1:1 balance between man and woman (not caring to be dragged into the war on gender minefield/battlefield: there are only two biological, immutable, organ-defined male-or-female humans).
This aside, that the Torah has at least 4-5 different authors is itself catastrophic for the entire Abrahamic pantheon: if there was no potent delivery of the Torah, the Abrahamic god (incl. Christianity and Islam) are rendered null. The same central "claim" at the basis of Judaism is the same central "claim" made by Islam: "
we are in possession of the perfect, inimitable, unaltered, inerrant word of god". There are only three options:
i. Only one is correct
ii. They are both wrong and false
iii. They are both (somehow) right
This is why 100's of millions of people are dead: "belief". The problem is as described in the first few chapters of Genesis (despite it being man-made) but even those who treat it as an authority are even more ridiculous for not giving it the attention it allegedly demands.
So who is to blame? Nobody: when one realizes there is nobody left to blame except for themselves (Adam's mistake) this is the opening of the eyes of Adam. What does one do... hide in fear? Or own up? That is the choice each has to own for themselves.
People who attempt to blame their own iniquities on others are the same thing as Canaanites: psychological projection (ie. tiller of own soil) who grows enmity, hatred, desire to spill blood and kills with the jaw of an animal. The envy of seeing other people not suffering (Abel) as much as they suffer (Cain) is where socialism comes from: making everyone else suffer as those who suffer themselves. Take the example:
The HRC/DNC attempt to pin Russia collusion on POTUS when in fact it was the HRC/DNC that colluded (while spying on Trump) is precisely how this Canaanite human sacrifice works and is embedded in Judeo-Islamic tribalism mentalities (ie. "believer" vs. "unbeliever" re: accepting Muhammad as a final messenger).
It is still going on everywhere: political smears/assassinations, unfounded allegations etc. However, there is a secret key (I call it the key of Solomon): the ability to see the 'mark' of the Canaanite(s) by understanding whatever they are accusing others of, that is what they are trying to "hide" about themselves.
Don't "believe" or take my word for these, but feel free to test them yourselves:
every single time you see/hear an accusation, first ask if it actually applies to the one making it. You will see it for yourself - like clockwork. Chastity takes the energy from the lower organ into the brain and enhances perception, casting a discernible glow on objects and people such that this becomes more and more noticeable over time. It is probably related to the basis of Christianity re: chastity being a requirement, but Christians themselves don't even know/practice it anyways.