Professor Bruno Bauer, in his work of 1877 "Christ and the Caesars", stated that he had concluded that the Romans had authored the New Testament and that Flavius Josephus was the inventor of Jesus.
James Ballantyne Hannay next wrote about the Roman authorship of the New Testament in his 1925 work "The Rise, Decline & Fall of the Roman Religion (Christianity)."
Abelard Reuchlin found the key to unraveling just
who the actual authors were, and that the authors were to be found in the Roman Piso family, who were a part of the
Piso/Flavian dynasty. He authored a booklet that came out in 1979 and is available from
The Roman Piso Homepage.
In 2003 Joseph Atwill discovered that the Roman emperor Titus Flavius, working with Flavius Josephus and other authors in his patrimony wrote the New Testament.
Atwill deduced this by comparing The 'Judean War' to the New Testament. The 'Judean War', written by Flavius Josephus, was originally part of the Christian Bible, and was removed around 1100 CE.
'The Roman Origin of Christianity', released as 'Caesar's Messiah' by Joseph Atwill documents the creation of the New Testament as a Roman satire devised to win over Judean dissidents by deceiving them into believing that the emperor Titus Flavius Vespasiani was Jesus!
I know, it sounds strange, but that seems to be the way it was. Titus took great pleasure in calling himself "the greatest forger in history."