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The Phenomena of the Ignored Posts.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Don't fall for it Mr.Cheese it's a trap :eek:



NO! I swear that isnt me..Its..my sister! The other one..The bad bad bad one..

Im "nice"..:)




Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
A lot of threads are just reenactments of other threads, with all the participants reading from the same script (over and over and over...)

If you post something that isn't in the script, people just assume it's a commercial.


Depends Upon My Mood..
A lot of threads are just reenactments of other threads, with all the participants reading from the same script (over and over and over...)

If you post something that isn't in the script, people just assume it's a commercial.

Over and over and over again sounds like a song...a song I heard a long time ago..

I swear I think it was Barbara Streisand..Thanks a lot for the flash back..




Premium Member
I am very jealous of you guys who have such a good attitude and good self-esteem(just joking). :D I just want to let everyone know that I read every post in this thread and liked them all. And a couple of them made me smile.


Well-Known Member
Of ccourse my posts sometimes get ignored and I understand that those whom I expected their replies lost their interest or because I made good points and they didn't know how to reply :D), and I ignore posts all the time; that posts of provocative nature "You're wahhabi", I tell myself "OK, who cares and definitely I won't bother responding to this rubbish" or to posters who are dishonest and just want to argue with you for nothing or simply because I lost my interest (I am not a debate lover). I try to train myself to respond to posts that will make me say something at least meaningful but no harm to post something meaningless from time to time. :D

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
We all have them: Posts we make that are largely ignored. Does this make you feel bad? Do you often keep checking a thread just to see if anyone commented on your comments? If they are ignored does it bother you at least a bit, even though that could be considered a little irrational?
I have to admit that while most of my posts are not significant enough to really respond to, that sometimes, when I make a point, I get a bit put off when it is ignored completely. And I know that I am being unreasonable, which makes it even worse. :D:facepalm:

Doesn't bother me. People are often inconsiderate, just see that you are not.


Done here.
We all have them: Posts we make that are largely ignored. Does this make you feel bad? Do you often keep checking a thread just to see if anyone commented on your comments? If they are ignored does it bother you at least a bit, even though that could be considered a little irrational?
Most of the time I don't think much about my posts after I post them. If the thread goes inactive, or if the thread stays active but my post gets buried because nobody responded to it, I'm usually not even aware of it. My approach to RF is through "Active Topics," so threads and posts that aren't "live" are mostly off my radar.

What bothers me is the opposite: Sometimes people respond to my posts but I don't become aware of it for a long time because I'm not following that thread, so I don't respond to their response and then I feel like I've inadvertently snubbed them when I find out.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
On the flip side of this question is another one. Why do people whose posts you've ignored seem to assume it's because you were just baffled by their brilliance and have nothing equally brilliant to say back? Why do they jump to conclusions if you tell them you simply have no interest in continuing a conversation with them? People assume that every debate is going to end up with a clear winner and that the winner is the one to have the last word. Some people want every topic to go on forever and keep needling you if you don't respond to their posts. I ignore posts all the time when I lose interest in the discussion or when I see it going nowhere. I just got called "uptight" because I have no interesting in talking about God's penis! Some people are just better off ignored, in my opinion.


Done here.
I ignore posts all the time when I lose interest in the discussion or when I see it going nowhere.
I even lose interest in my own threads once it seems that everything that's going to be said has been said. How many times do you really want to have the same discussion over and over?


Veteran Member
I even lose interest in my own threads once it seems that everything that's going to be said has been said. How many times do you really want to have the same discussion over and over?
I'll not post in a thread if someone else already said what I might have said. That happens frequently.

Edit: Wait, did someone already say that? :p
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Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Happens to me all the time.

I just assume they took my Title seriously.... :p


Treasure Hunter
I feel the most upset when I feel like I've said something really smart and no one seems to notice. It's always the dumb things I say or the really obvious stuff I say that people say "Oh, wow. That's really smart..." And I think, "It Took Me 12 seconds to come up with that!!" The stuff I put more thought into is the stuff that no one reads.


yeah, whereismynotecard, i agree. when you spend a good 5 or 10 minutes of effort into a comment, and no one notices, that can be annoying, but it doesn't much bother me much. I've noticed that most of the time, when i'm ignored it's cause there are two people going at it, and everyone is commenting on what they said, not really commenting on what i said, especially if i commented on what the two duelers said, lol. It's really fun when you are one of the 2, or possibly 3(or 4 or 5, etc.. there can actually be a lot of people who are actually part of a strong debate or discussion), cause then EVERYONE responds, and it's just a smorgasboard.