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the political centre?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
When I say "the political centre" what comes to mind?

What is it??????
A 0, 0 on the Political Compass chart.

By country, this would roughly be:

- Canada: the NDP
- US: Elizabeth Warren
- UK: roughly halfway between Labour and the Lib-Dems


Outstanding Member
In the way that anarchism does not benefit the collective - by having the state, government, laws, rights, order, etc.

Can you elaborate on this sentence?
I have no idea how to interpret it. Do you mean that libertarianism is not anarchist?

What are your thoughts on how libertarianism benefits the individual, in a manner that balances with the collective?

I can't think of any political position that is more centered on the individual than libertarianism.


Well-Known Member
Can you elaborate on this sentence?
I have no idea how to interpret it. Do you mean that libertarianism is not anarchist?
Libertarianism - by definition, is the opposite of anarchism.

Anarchism - by definition, is the absence of state, government, laws, rights, order, etc.

BTW, socialism is like the abuse of the state & government.

I can't think of any political position that is more centered on the individual than libertarianism.
It's not centered on the individual at all, but you could say that it's centered on balance between the individual and the collective of society & that's what's optimal for both. Anarchism & socialism are optimal for neither the individual nor the collective of society.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You beat me to a mention of the Overton window. The American left is very right wing compared to the left in Europe - the Overton window in the US has shifted so far right.
Or that Europe had shifted to the far left.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Libertarianism - by definition, is the opposite of anarchism.

Anarchism - by definition, is the absence of state, government, laws, rights, order, etc.

BTW, socialism is like the abuse of the state & government.

It's not centered on the individual at all, but you could say that it's centered on balance between the individual and the collective of society & that's what's optimal for both. Anarchism & socialism are optimal for neither the individual nor the collective of society.
In political compasses, libertarian is a left right spectrum just like authoritarian is (the opposite of libertarian.)
The original libertarians were leftists between socialists and left anarchists, and fought along side socialists against facists and communists during and after WW2.

Today modern libertarian parties are overwhelmingly right leaning. Especially those that align with Ayn Randian type philosophies.
But you could call the likes of Ralph Nader (today, not in the 90's) or the Green party left libertarians.


Veteran Member
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Liberalism. What's called leftist in the US is centrist in the global political stage (and liberal democrats tend to be a little right of center), and certainly when talking about political philosophy as a whole.


Outstanding Member
Libertarianism - by definition, is the opposite of anarchism.

Anarchism - by definition, is the absence of state, government, laws, rights, order, etc.

BTW, socialism is like the abuse of the state & government.

It's not centered on the individual at all, but you could say that it's centered on balance between the individual and the collective of society & that's what's optimal for both. Anarchism & socialism are optimal for neither the individual nor the collective of society.

With anarcho-capitalism being one of the main groups that goes by the 'libertarian' label these days (the other being minarchism) I am genuinely puzzled at you saying that libertarianism is the opposite of anarchism.

By chance, could you be mistaking libertarianism for liberalism?


Well-Known Member
In political compasses, libertarian is a left right spectrum just like authoritarian is (the opposite of libertarian.)
The original libertarians were leftists between socialists and left anarchists, and fought along side socialists against facists and communists during and after WW2.

Today modern libertarian parties are overwhelmingly right leaning. Especially those that align with Ayn Randian type philosophies.
But you could call the likes of Ralph Nader (today, not in the 90's) or the Green party left libertarians.

I like how None Dare Call It Conspiracy has an explanation that actually makes sense: Heritage History | None Dare Call it Conspiracy by Gary Allen

The Establishment promotes the idea of the inevitability of Communism through its perversion of terms used in describing the political spectrum (See Chart 1) We are told that on the far Left of the political spectrum we find Communism, which is admittedly dictatorial. But, we are also told that equally to be feared is the opposite of the far Left, i.e., the far Right, which is labeled Fascism. We are constantly told that we should all try to stay in the middle of the road, which is termed democracy, but by which the Establishment means Fabian (or creeping) socialism. (The fact that the middle of the road has been moving inexorably leftward for forty years is ignored.) Here is an excellent example of the use of false alternatives. We are given the choice between Communism (international socialism) on one end of the spectrum Nazism {national socialism) on the other end, or Eabian socialism in the middle. The whole spectrum is socialist!

This is absurd. Where would you put an anarchist on this spectrum? Where do you put a person who believes in a Constitutional Republic and the free enterprise system? He is not represented here, yet this spectrum is used for political definitions by a probable ninety percent of the people of the nation.

There is an accurate political spectrum. (See Chart 2) Communism is, by definition, total government. If you have total government it makes little difference whether you call it Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Caesarism or Pharaohism. It's all pretty much the same from the standpoint of the people who must live and suffer under it. If total government (by any of its pseudonyms) stands on the far Left, then by logic the far Right should represent anarchy, or no government.


Chart 1 depicts a false Left-Right political spectrum used by Liberals which has Communism (International Socialism) on the far Left and its twin, Fascism (National Socialism) on the far Right with the "middle of the road" being Fabian Socialism. The entire spectrum is Socialist!

Chart 2 is a more rational political spectrum with total government in any form on the far Left and no government or anarchy on the far right. The U. S. was a Republic with a limited government, but for the past 60 years we have been moving leftward across the spectrum towards total government with each new piece of socialist legislation.​


Well-Known Member
With anarcho-capitalism being one of the main groups that goes by the 'libertarian' label these days (the other being minarchism) I am genuinely puzzled at you saying that libertarianism is the opposite of anarchism.
Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron. I don't know why ancaps seem to think that they're libertarian. Just because anyone claims that anarcho-capitalism is libertarian doesn't make it so.

By chance, could you be mistaking libertarianism for liberalism?
I don't know - depends on how you define liberalism, I guess.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
When I say "the political centre" what comes to mind?

What is it??????
Usually it is all talk and meaningless, but there are people who are in a political center. They are rejected by other groups for having too much in common with the enemy. This can be done purposely; because you can make the conservatives think you have too much in common with progressives and make the progressives think you have too much in common with conservatives. It sounds like a terrible plan doesn't it, but you can also win big politically if you manage to get rejected by all groups as too boring and if the political climate is looking for a boring person. Its like shooting the moon in the game of hearts. If every conservative says you are progressive and every progressive says you are conservative you have a unique chance to make yourself appear to be neither. Its is like a coating that keeps certain accusations from sticking to you. At the very least you can appear moderate standing next to people considered extreme.


A 0, 0 on the Political Compass chart.

By country, this would roughly be:

- Canada: the NDP
- US: Elizabeth Warren
- UK: roughly halfway between Labour and the Lib-Dems
As a Canadian, I would not classify the NDP as center. In fact, I'd say they are quite a bit left of center.


Outstanding Member
Anarcho-capitalism is an oxymoron. I don't know why ancaps seem to think that they're libertarian. Just because anyone claims that anarcho-capitalism is libertarian doesn't make it so.

I don't know - depends on how you define liberalism, I guess.

To put it simple: The reason why ancaps go by the label 'libertarianism' is because the latter is focused on personal liberty and being anti-state. It is closely connected with classical liberalism.

Modern liberalism, which is referred as just liberalism in ordinary usage, supports governmental interference in a far reaching manner. The contrast is made clear by saying that a (modern) liberal, in general, supports what the New Deal stands for but a libertarian (and a classical liberal) doesn't.


Well-Known Member
When I say "the political centre" what comes to mind?

What is it??????
The foundation of Politics, is based on the classic marriage of men and women. The male and female brains are wired differently. The female brain is more wired side to side; left and right hemispheres and audio centers, while the male brain is more wired from front to back; visual center and frontal lobe. The former allows women more access to both sides of the brain; thought and feeling, and better wires her brain to the verbal and audio connections for language; women are more verbal.

The front to back wiring makes male more visual animals and gives more access to the frontal cortex; observe, imagination, visualize, and extrapolation; innovation. Both men and women are designed to be natural complements, so the team can become more than the sum of its parts; left to right plus front to back makes a cross wiring diagram; cross from overhead. Each can learn some of the wiring of the other; mother and son, father and daughter; willful but less innate. I learned to use both sides of my brain from my mother. My male wiring was innate and was just there.

The female brain's wiring is more geared to the natural needs of motherhood and children. A new mother's baby may have a dozen different cries that she can learn to differentiate, based on the circumstances; hungry, needs changing, tired, angry, manipulative, pain, etc. Her right brain can read the emotions from the subtle differences of sounds; natural language, and intellectually she can translate each to the circumstance. This knack evolves with her children and her husband, to where she can learn to proactively, make changes, in advance. This can even extrapolate to her work place family and even other extended families; the village. While cross programming by males in her environment can also allow her to wire many male thought characteristics. This is the foundation of the Liberal POV; social needs of the social family.

The male brain by being wired to the visual centers and the frontal lobe, is more about the cause and effect of reality due to the universal language of sight. This also includes hand and eye coordination; building and organizing. Spoken language is more subjective, and has an emotional elements; fuzzy, geared to the right brain and therefore more to the natural female brain who has more access. The male may seek a logical solution to a problem, while the female is trying to balance feelings, logic and language, since her child may not understand logic but can follow fads and their buzz words for important feelings of fitting in.

The Conservative are more like the Male and the Liberal is more like the Female in terms of wiring and political perception. Conservative means conservation of things that have worked, have plenty of test proven data and have survived the test of time. Science is conservative and works this way. The Big Bang Theory is conserved even though new added data, may require an update. There is still not a better way that is also as well developed. Liberal is more about emotions mixed with thoughts, such as the lure of novelty and fad; String Theory. It may not be test proven, but it sure was exciting. Word games are important to his end. We had the Inflation Reduction Act that made inflation worse. Although illogical, it felt promising at the time, just long enough to spend ill advised money.

In bible tradition, the male was to lead the female. This is less about people and more about the priority based in neural wiring; visual and objective being more useful for leading in practical reality. Balancing feelings with new ideas, that have yet to be proven, but feel exciting, is a recipe for disaster, if it supersedes what already works in practical reality. One of the current problem with Liberalism is the fad of male bashing, which to their base makes them distrust logic and common sense male wring. Nagging wife or divorced poisoning the well. The two parties are like a divorced couple who had to come together for the children. but cannot work together.

This is what has happened to the Democrat party. Electric cars have potential, but they still needed the logistics of charging stations and better battery materials and competitive price points on the free market; without having to harm what already works; oil. The words and feelings were nice but the goal lacked the full level of common sense needed to make it real and not just nag, poison and pretend.

As an exercise; If you look at the transgender issue, in the context of brain wiring perception, the female brain will be the first to sense a child who is crying for help. She wishes to ease their pain. However, the solutions offered is not entirely within the realm of common sense logic. A lifetime of drugs is not an answer. Also it is not uncommon for children to want to be something and then change their minds. Why do the Liberals go after such young children, other than as easier medical lab rats; easier to mold with drugs?

The male brain wants to look further, even into the future and not just look for the fastest and immediate quick fix; give him the bottle or put on the TV. He notices all the new family expenses and the potential liver damage, especially starting young growing bodies on transition drugs for a lifetime. Since language is subjective, we call this short term solution something pretty, so the female brain is happy; solution name sounds good therefore it much be good. But this does not solve the males problems of the future, based on all the unknown cause and effects of novel treatments, with little long term data, at the social scale they are suggesting. But there is the female need to doing it now, since the baby is crying This is not a transgender value judgement but a political solution judgement; what to do with the child that is in distress. Like any dangerous thing, help them cope but better to wait until they are adults; 18, and it is their life choice.
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The foundation of Politics, is based on the classic marriage of men and women. The male and female brains are wired differently. The female brain is more wired side to side; left and right hemispheres and audio centers, while the male brain is more wired from front to back; visual center and frontal lobe. The former allows women more access to both sides of the brain; thought and feeling, and better wires her brain to the verbal and audio connections for language; women are more verbal.

The front to back wiring makes male more visual animals and gives more access to the frontal cortex; observe, imagination, visualize, and extrapolation; innovation. Both men and women are designed to be natural complements, so the team can become more than the sum of its parts; left to right plus front to back makes a cross wiring diagram; cross from overhead. Each can learn some of the wiring of the other; mother and son, father and daughter; willful but less innate. I learned to use both sides of my brain from my mother. My male wiring was innate and was just there.

The female brain's wiring is more geared to the natural needs of motherhood and children. A new mother's baby may have a dozen different cries that she can learn to differentiate, based on the circumstances; hungry, needs changing, tired, angry, manipulative, pain, etc. Her right brain can read the emotions from the subtle differences of sounds; natural language, and intellectually she can translate each to the circumstance. This knack evolves with her children and her husband, to where she can learn to proactively, make changes, in advance. This can even extrapolate to her work place family and even other extended families; the village. While cross programming by males in her environment can also allow her to wire many male thought characteristics. This is the foundation of the Liberal POV; social needs of the social family.

The male brain by being wired to the visual centers and the frontal lobe, is more about the cause and effect of reality due to the universal language of sight. This also includes hand and eye coordination; building and organizing. Spoken language is more subjective, and has an emotional elements; fuzzy, geared to the right brain and therefore more to the natural female brain who has more access. The male may seek a logical solution to a problem, while the female is trying to balance feelings, logic and language, since her child may not understand logic but can follow fads and their buzz words for important feelings of fitting in.

The Conservative are more like the Male and the Liberal is more like the Female in terms of wiring and political perception. Conservative means conservation of things that have worked, have plenty of test proven data and have survived the test of time. Science is conservative and works this way. The Big Bang Theory is conserved even though new added data, may require an update. There is still not a better way that is also as well developed. Liberal is more about emotions mixed with thoughts, such as the lure of novelty and fad; String Theory. It may not be test proven, but it sure was exciting. Word games are important to his end. We had the Inflation Reduction Act that made inflation worse. Although illogical, it felt promising at the time, just long enough to spend ill advised money.

In bible tradition, the male was to lead the female. This is less about people and more about the priority based in neural wiring; visual and objective being more useful for leading in practical reality. Balancing feelings with new ideas, that have yet to be proven, but feel exciting, is a recipe for disaster, if it supersedes what already works in practical reality. One of the current problem with Liberalism is the fad of male bashing, which to their base makes them distrust logic and common sense male wring. Nagging wife or divorced poisoning the well. The two parties are like a divorced couple who had to come together for the children. but cannot work together.

This is what has happened to the Democrat party. Electric cars have potential, but they still needed the logistics of charging stations and better battery materials and competitive price points on the free market; without having to harm what already works; oil. The words and feelings were nice but the goal lacked the full level of common sense needed to make it real and not just nag, poison and pretend.

As an exercise; If you look at the transgender issue, in the context of brain wiring perception, the female brain will be the first to sense a child who is crying for help. She wishes to ease their pain. However, the solutions offered is not entirely within the realm of common sense logic. A lifetime of drugs is not an answer. Also it is not uncommon for children to want to be something and then change their minds. Why do the Liberals go after such young children, other than as easier medical lab rats; easier to mold with drugs?

The male brain wants to look further, even into the future and not just look for the fastest and immediate quick fix; give him the bottle or put on the TV. He notices all the new family expenses and the potential liver damage, especially starting young growing bodies on transition drugs for a lifetime. Since language is subjective, we call this short term solution something pretty, so the female brain is happy; solution name sounds good therefore it much be good. But this does not solve the males problems of the future, based on all the unknown cause and effects of novel treatments, with little long term data, at the social scale they are suggesting. But there is the female need to doing it now, since the baby is crying This is not a transgender value judgement but a political solution judgement; what to do with the child that is in distress. Like any dangerous thing, help them cope but better to wait until they are adults; 18, and it is their life choice.
What do you mean?