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The Pope Wears Prada?


What job do you think Hinckley retired from? He has been paid by the LDS Church for one thing or another since he was in his twenties.

this is false, our church leaders are not paid, we do not use "Tithing" to pay them, thier "Allowance" comes from the church's own investments, not from the people.
We do not shove a hat, or basket, or plate under your nose to guilt you into paying tithing, it's a completely voluntary thing.


Done here.
MidnightBlue said:
What job do you think Hinckley retired from? He has been paid by the LDS Church for one thing or another since he was in his twenties.
this is false, our church leaders are not paid, we do not use "Tithing" to pay them, thier "Allowance" comes from the church's own investments, not from the people.
We do not shove a hat, or basket, or plate under your nose to guilt you into paying tithing, it's a completely voluntary thing.
I didn't say anything at all about shoving anything under anybody's nose. I said Hinckley has been paid by the church since he was in his twenties -- and he has.

It's interesting though, that you view "the church" as something separate from "the people" -- "from the church's own investments, not from the people."


I didn't say anything at all about shoving anything under anybody's nose. I said Hinckley has been paid by the church since he was in his twenties -- and he has.

It's interesting though, that you view "the church" as something separate from "the people" -- "from the church's own investments, not from the people."

where has he been paid byt he church? do you have any material to back up this claim?

The church has thier own investments in companes, liek Beneficial Life insurance, and other companies aroudn the world, they are not controlled by the church, they just invest into them.


Deviled Hen
this is false, our church leaders are not paid, we do not use "Tithing" to pay them, thier "Allowance" comes from the church's own investments, not from the people.

They got money which means they were paid. Whether they were paid an allowance from donations or investments is irrelevant. And if they were not paid an allowance at all, then the investments would be used for some other purpose.

We do not shove a hat, or basket, or plate under your nose to guilt you into paying tithing, it's a completely voluntary thing.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?

Honestly, madhatter, your OP seems to be more of a rant because il papa dares not to buy his shoes at Wal-Mart than any sort of reasoned critique of the use of church funds.


They got money which means they were paid. Whether they were paid an allowance from donations or investments is irrelevant. And if they were not paid an allowance at all, then the investments would be used for some other purpose.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?

Honestly, madhatter, your OP seems to be more of a rant because il papa dares not to buy his shoes at Wal-Mart than any sort of reasoned critique of the use of church funds.

Buying Prada and Gucci is not being humble. that is the complete opposite.


The cake is a lie
even so, he is an example to 66 million people worldwide. he shouldn't be wearing prada and gucci.
Of course, if he were to wear rags, people wouldn't be satisfied either... "He's the Pope! He should look better... he's an example to 66 million people worldwide. He should show more respect to the position than that!"


Deviled Hen
even so, he is an example to 66 million people worldwide. he shouldn't be wearing prada and gucci.

Is this the part where I ponder who appointed you the authority to decide such things?

Seriously madhatter, critique all you want, but this thread of yours is no critique.

It's a cheap shot at most.


Deviled Hen
Of course, if he were to wear rags, people wouldn't be satisfied either... "He's the Pope! He should look better... he's an example to 66 million people worldwide. He should show more respect to the position than that!"


Frubals :)


Well-Known Member
Of course, if he were to wear rags, people wouldn't be satisfied either... "He's the Pope! He should look better... he's an example to 66 million people worldwide. He should show more respect to the position than that!"

Actually he's a example to 1.1 Billion Catholics worldwide.


Well-Known Member
Say what? The pope is now trying to be fashionable? Who is paying for his Gucci Sunglasses and Prada Shoes?
I doubt the accuracy of this report.... Newsweek does not have the best reputation for getting their facts straight. I would like a link if you have one so I can read the entire article.
what kind of annual salary doe the Pope get?
The Pope does not receive any salary at all.
Just a curious thought, why shouldn't the pope make his own living? why should clergy be paid? Can one of the Catholic members of the forum point out what scripture it's from?
I think Pope John Paul II tried to get a part time job a the Vatican Burger King for some spending money, but his robe kept getting burned in the fry vat so he was fired...... :cool:

Some clergy are paid a salary to be able to live.... mostly the "average" parish priest in your local Catholic Church falls into this category.

And then there are the mendicant clergy.....Mendicant Friars are members of those religious orders which, originally, by vow of poverty renounced all proprietorship not only individually but also (and in this differing from the monks) in common, relying for support on their own work and on the charity of the faithful. Hence the name of begging friars (mendicant=begging).

To learn more about mendicant friars, click here:
There remain from the Middle Ages four great mendicant orders, recognized as such by the Second Council of Lyons, 1274, Sess. 23 (Mansi, XXIV, 96) -- the Order of Preachers, the Friars Minor, the Carmelites, and the Hermits of St. Augustine. Successively other congregations obtained the privilege of the mendicants. The Council of Trent (Sess. XXV, cap. iii) granted all the mendicant orders, except the Friars Minor and the Capuchins, the liberty of corporate possession (see FRIAR). The object of the present article is to outline (I) the origin and characteristics of the mendicants; (II) the opposition which they encountered.

Hope the information helps.


Well-Known Member
this is false, our church leaders are not paid, we do not use "Tithing" to pay them, thier "Allowance" comes from the church's own investments, not from the people.
We do not shove a hat, or basket, or plate under your nose to guilt you into paying tithing, it's a completely voluntary thing.

Hinkley's employer was the Church from almost the time he returned from his mission until he was called to be a General Authority.


Hinkley's employer was the Church from almost the time he returned from his mission until he was called to be a General Authority.

there are jobs in the church, of course there is, there is even a "LDS employment center" in pretty much every city. the fact is he was not a paid clergy from his 20's.

my mother worked at the temple for a while as a part time job doing laundry cleaning.
so yes of course there are paid job, but they aren't being paid to preach.


I doubt the accuracy of this report.... Newsweek does not have the best reputation for getting their facts straight. I would like a link if you have one so I can read the entire article.

The Pope does not receive any salary at all.

I think Pope John Paul II tried to get a part time job a the Vatican Burger King for some spending money, but his robe kept getting burned in the fry vat so he was fired...... :cool:

Some clergy are paid a salary to be able to live.... mostly the "average" parish priest in your local Catholic Church falls into this category.

And then there are the mendicant clergy.....Mendicant Friars are members of those religious orders which, originally, by vow of poverty renounced all proprietorship not only individually but also (and in this differing from the monks) in common, relying for support on their own work and on the charity of the faithful. Hence the name of begging friars (mendicant=begging).

To learn more about mendicant friars, click here:

Hope the information helps.

It was not only in Newsweek, but on CNN, MSNBC, FOX News, and the New York Times


Deviled Hen
Cool... I always wanted to own a pair of those really expensive shoes... I wonder if they really are more comfortable than the $20 shoes I buy....???

I suspect the leather is longer-lasting than the cheapies I buy. I wonder how many years the Pope would get out of his shoes? Guccis might last for a decade or more, easily. It's not like papal styles change or anything, and at his age I'm sure the Pope won't grow out of the shoes. ;)