I suspect that a big part of this is nothing more than the fact that sex is held as such a taboo subject in the western world.I can not help but think that sex should be kept private. I think we deny the fact that looking at and talking about it, clinically speaking aside, can lead to arousal which can lead to fantasy and seeking out fulfillment. It can be a hasty decision that leaves the person, in the end feeling bad and sometimes even sickened. This is , of course not always the case.
When I lived in Germany it was hard to not notice that they have a very different outlook on the subject.
It was nothing to see at a public pool both men and women changing clothes at pool side.
IMHO, it depends on what is actually being done.I reserve my opinion on anyone's specific tastes, because that is not my question. I want to know do you think it is better to keep it private ?
Now if you are talking about the mere showing of any skin...
And I am not saying from a legal standpoint like outlawing things, just do you think all the blatant displays of sexuality would be better curtailed?
Seems to me that "blatant displays of sexuality" is far to subjective a term to be useful.
I mean, there are people who think that a pic of a baby nursing is hardcore porn.