Nice (fictional) story, yet...
Sure you can
Here is your first problem. A professor of philosohpy can be a great philosopher, yet it suggests nothing about his scientific knowledge...
Well.. I would debate that (assuming by God we mean the Christian God)...
Humans' way of defining good and bad are based on many many things... God or "Absolute good", is not one of them.
Each and every step along history that we considered to be a "moral" advancement, was initiated due to people realizing more and more about the human nature.
How rude it is to deny millions of people who many times died fighting for an idea later on "hijacked" to the benefit of God?
God didn't stop slavery! it was endless number of people who died fighting for liberation.
To claim the God is good, means two things:
1. You know God personalty, and you are absolutely sure that there is no Bad in god.(Judging by its books, one could argue against it quite easily)
2. That you know what Good is without basing it on the belief that God is good thus Good is what God wants.
In other words, The argument of: "Good is what god wants, and God is good. Good is God because God says it is Good." (Fallacy something?)
Again, Quite debatable
In order to know if God really is all powerful, you have to know what are all the "powers" working in existence, and only if God out measures them all, it really is all powerful. Again, You cannot claim God's claim of being all powerful as an evidence that God is all powerful.
Throughout the books, And the different myths, God makes wonders and Claiming he is all powerful. but what if it is not really all powerful? What if it can't make English speaking dinosaurs? and somewhere in the universe there is a creature that can?
What if God is only one of several and it is "Faking" it to being only the one God?
Dear god!!!
How sad it is that there are children who actually think like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I Give everything in my power to teach my kids that are good, and no matter what they do, as long as they respect other beings (Humans or not), and will do their best not to harm others, THEY ARE GOOD!!!!
If one of them even starts thinking he is evil, how sad will it be if I told him, Indeed you are!
I'd say this professor is far from bright, huh?
I Have to agree with the student on that one
Yeah... you know, because it doesn't really exist! This professor doesn't really sound like an atheist
Really? I Would love to see the scientific theory proving God doesn't exist...
FYI: Science invests countless of efforts to try and prove God! Actually, it probably started with that in mind.
The thing is, that no matter where we search (On earth and out side of it), there is not one evidence of anything suggesting of a godly presence.
god doesn't claim there is no God, Science claims there is yet an evidence that proved a god/s.
I Hope I don't have to explain the big difference.
And my entire life as a child where my parents and community or whatever shoved to my brain whatever they thought as the absolute truth yet never really bothered to verify it
Not really a problem. I fear theist quite often claim that science hates God or denies God or whatever..
All science claims is, So far, based on everything we know (Which is probably very little), there hasn't been even one small OBJECTIVE evidence regarding God (J, C, M or any other for that matter)
Actually, There is...
Cold and Hot are relative!
Cold, is not Hot. same as Hot, is not Cold.
Cold, might be in reality a lack of energy, but is an actual term.
And we don't really know how cold things can get. There are some suggestions that going below absolute zero temperature might be possible.
So the entire claim is valid only if adding : Based on what we know today!
Are you sure??? HA HA HA HA
Same thing,
This professor for philosophy, really isn't much of a philosopher it seems.
Lol... nope.. night is NOT darkness!
Indeed there are...
Although one doesn't represent the opposite of the other.. duh!
Or a No God???
Yet! Although science is getting closer everyday
Yet! ... see the pattern here?
I Agree!
Death is the end of life.. not the opposite of it.
This would be like saying:
the opposite of being awake, is going to sleep... nope.. the opposite of awake, is
sleeping, So you could say that:
Being dead, is the opposite of being alive... But this is also not the precise term, as not being born yet is also not being alive....
Ehh.. nope... Death... is not the absence of Life!
Death is the termination of life
Lol... I sure hope no!!!
For two reasons:
1. We are not evolved from a monkey! lol... We are evolved from an ancient COMMON ANCESTOR..
2. Why would a philosophy professor be teaching evolution???
Lol... really? you can see it on a daily basis!
Your eyes do have to be open though!
There are thousands upon thousands of demonstrable, observable evidences that prove evolution.
Yet we did and still do.
So let me get this straight...
This logic claims this:
The fact some process is happening for a few hundreds of millions of years, doesn't suggest it is like so before, rather the LOGICAL ( ??? ) conclusion should be:
Its been like that only for a few thousands of years but only looks like it tool millions???
or, in other words... If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, acts like a duck, has a DNA of a duck, demonstrate every treat any other duck has.. It is not logical to claim that it is a duck???
He does!!! he is a philosophy professor!!! Geez
Wow!!! Amazing!
Lets look at this in another perspective:
All people in the world (Maybe excluding some
), have a brain.
How do we know that?
1: if a baby was monitored and it was showing it got no brain.. I am pretty sure the doctors will notice
2: Shockingly.. Every person until today that was examined, shows it has a brain.. Wow!!!!
On the other hand:
Have you ever seen ANY god somewhere?
Have you ever saw any counter-physical miracle?
Have you ever witnessed any proven miraculous action? (proven - meaning it can be demonstrated over and over again!)
Hope you understand the way i'm going with this...
There are ZERO valid scientific theories that are based on faith.. Not even one
When did he claim there is no faith???
??? What ???
Really? Oh my god!!! That the proof that God is good!!!!
Oh, Wait!!! But what is Evil??? Oh.. Right! Evil is everything that God is not!
Ehhhh.. nope again!
You can measure heat!!!
You can measure Light!!!
For sure! He just realized how bad of a teacher he is
Yeah.. LMAO! I doubt that