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The prophet peace be upon him and his wives


White Slavery and Servitude in the Colonies of the West Indies

Although it is an inarguable fact that Africans were cruelly enslaved en masse by many European empires, most notably the British and French, as well as within the American republic as forced labor, there was also, however, a far less commonly known and rarely mentioned dimension of White, in particular Irish, slavery which also occurred as a consequence of empire. Much like many unfortunate Africans, the collective memory of the Irish of this era of British imperialism is one of persecution, dispossession, enslavement, and other untold sufferings.

The brief but bloody reign of Oliver Cromwell following the English Civil War gave birth to an era of brutal oppression and exploitation of the subject Irish population. From 1652 until 1659 alone, it is estimated that well over 50,000 men, women, and children of Irish descent were forcibly transported to British imperial colonies in Barbados and Virginia to serve as slave labor in the plantation economy. Other prisoners of war, as well as political dissenters, taken from conquered regions of England, Wales, and Scotland were also sent into permanent exile as slaves to Barbados. This essentially enabled Cromwell to purge the subject population of any perceived opposing elements, as well as to provide a lucrative source of profit through their sale to plantation owners.

The extent to which White prisoners were transported to Barbados was so great, that by 1701, out of the roughly 25,000 slaves present on the island’s plantations, about 21,700 of them were of European descent. Later, as the African slave trade began to expand and flourish, the Irish slave population of Barbados began to drastically recede over time, due in part to the fact that many were worked to death early on in their arrival and also as a result of racial intermixing with Black slaves.

Darwin's Evolution Theory supporting Raicsm ,'In the Origin Of species', And 'The Descent of Man':

In Darwin’s day, slavery supporters believed black Africans were a species apart from white Europeans. And Africans were restricted to the lowest rung of a natural hierarchy. According to Darwin's survival of the fittest through natural selection, 'Races of the lower order', e.g ' african origin' are inferior than the races of the higher ,'white order'. Although he showed his displeasure at the witness of brutal slavery at the hands of white people metted out to black slaves, his theory did not help alleviate that misconception, infact if applied to humans, his theory painfully points to affirm the position of slaves as a lower order species than offering any suggestion to eradicate the discriminatory injustice suffered by the slaves.

Excerpt from Darwin's "Voyage of the Beagle"

“I thank God (Darwin believed in A God), I shall never again visit a slave country. To this day, if I hear a distant scream, it recalls with painful vividness my feelings, when passing a house near Pernambuco [Brazil], I heard the most pitiable moans, and could not suspect that some poor slave was being tortured…Near Rio de Janeiro I lived opposite to an old lady, who kept screws to crush the fingers of her female slaves. I have stayed in a house where a young household mulatto, daily and hourly, was reviled, beaten, and persecuted enough to break the spirit of the lowest animal. I have seen a little boy, six or seven years old, struck thrice with a horse-whip (before I could interfere) on his naked head, for having handed me a glass of water not quite clean.”

...It makes one's blood boil, yet heart tremble, to think that we Englishmen and our American descendants, with their boastful cry of liberty, have been and are so guilty of contributing enormously to the misery of races of the lower order...."

The subtitle of the book is very telling: The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. Darwin's later book, The Descent of Man, is even worse then Origin of Species in its claim that some men (namely white men) were more highly evolved then others.

It is his obviously his observations of cruel slavery that had a huge impact on him to wish for ape -like ancestry and denounce any link with a man-like ancestry, rather than his observations of other species. The inference seems more to be wishful thinking, rather then an inference for the origin of species which the world so dearly sticks to as an explanation for the 'origin of species'.

>>A quote from "The Descent of Man", in a chapter called "The Races of Man.", in which Darwin wrote:

"At some future period not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes...will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest Allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as the baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla"
(1874, p. 178).

Slaves in Babylon: 18th century BC
The code of hammurabi, from babylon in the 18th century BC, gives chilling details of the different Rewards and penalties for surgeons operating on free men or slaves. The slaves were pinned by iron nails in their hands to wooden boards and their feet tied by thick ropes, sometimes big stones were kept on them to restrict their movement.

Slaves in Greece: from the 7th century BC

Both the leading states of Greece - Sparta and Athens - depend entirely upon forced labour, though the system in Sparta is more properly described as 'serfdom' rather than slavery, an attempt to replace the negative impact the word 'slave' .

The Slaves of Athens by far had no conventional rights. The most unfortunate Athenian slaves were the miners who were driven laboriously to the point of death by their owners.
The majority of athenian slaves were domestic slaves, their fortune dependent entirely upon their relationship with their owners.

African Slaves: During the 1400s portugese sailors started to explore the coast of west africa to ship african people as slaves to Europe.

The expansion of European colonies in 1500s brought about huge expansion of slavery. The spaniards needed large number of slaves to mine gold and other precious metal. Portugese colonists planted huge sugar colonies in Brazil. These Europeans enslaved, thousands of Indians, some of which died with european disease and the rest with harsh treatment.The spaniards and portugese then imported vast numbers of slaves from West Africa, the then called , blacks.

During the 1600s: France, England and Netherland established colonies in the west indies to significantly increase the African slave trade. Soon , the Europeans enslaved only blacks. The rising sugar demand in Europe created fierce Competition for african slaves( they were good slaves) and more demand for sugar colonies. Settlers also developed profitable Coffee, cotton and tobbacco plantation utilizing the slaves.

The whole West literally developed, progressed and EVOLVED as a better race, feasting leisurely on the Blood, sweat, tears and the lives of these African slaves. And to have a look over their 'return of gratitude' for the Africans, just watch Africa's poverty , economy and miserable living conditions.

From 1500s to mid 1800s :The Europeans shipped about 12 MILLION black slaves from Africa to the western hemisphere. Nearly 2 million of these slaves died on the way.

The slaves received physical torture, beatings, and severe punishments if they refused to work more, or attempted to run away against the cruelty of their owners.

Encyclopedia Britannica.

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Slavery is not Islamic.

Arabs were Not muslims when a Prophet was sent to them. They were idol worshippers, ignorant as hell about human rights. They ruled the Arab lands, they were brutal, savage beasts. (happy?)

All Arabs were non muslims before the Message of Islam spread. All Arabs, like all muslims, are Still not the best practising muslims. A Prophet was sent to guide them. The Prophet was Not their King, most of them initially Did not believe in him, the reason being he seemed an ordinary and respectable man with no wealth.( And that believing in him would mean loosing power/control of their wrongfully acquired wealth and rule. Their ancestors too were given the message of Ibrahim,( Abraham), but like all other strayed people, when the Prophet is out of sight, he is out of mind; atheism, polytheism ,idol worshipping , paganism starts again).

The non-muslims were not bound to carry out his orders, He was not their Ruler, just a Messenger of God, a Warner. He did not have all of their acceptance, exactly as He is not accepted today by some.

All Arabs did not convert to ISlam, all Arabs do not make perfect muslims ,like all christians, athiests ,hindus, jews do not make the perfect humans or religion practitioners.

The Prophet spread his message by practice, and by preaching good to those who listened and his followers ,initially few in numbers, released their slaves, were kind to them and treated them as equal. ( The Prophet DID something about slavery rather than confining them to the label of an 'inferior race' or 'lower order species' or feeling just sorry for them and not doing anything, and then denying the presence of God, like Darwin. The Prophet MADE things happen rather than complain profusely.)

The Prophets and The Caliphates in Islam all used to work side by side, they used to build Mosques ( Masjids) and their houses with their own bare hands, they sewed their own shoes, washed their clothes themselves, helped their wives in chores, slaves were really not a requirement in an Islamic lifestyle. And those who kept helpers, were for little work for help, not slavery.

The Prophet(peace be upon him) delayed his prayer congregation once, when he suddenly remembered that he forgot to lighten the fire of the stove back home (which was nearby), he went back halting the prayers and lightened it and then resumed the prayers . He had no slaves working for his personal needs, inspite of the fact that people begged to be his servant just to be near him because he was so loved.


The Jews, specifically admitting to the idol worshippers in a candid conversation that,

' We recognize Prophet Muhammad as the True Messenger of God, better than we can recognize even our own sons. For we don't even trust our wives as much( as to whoseoever's sons they bear) as we Know this Man to be the real Prophet. But accepting that truth would jeopardize our place in the society as the 'Learned' and 'Those who rule for their knack of knowledge', We will rule the world on the basis of that knowledge and accepting him will hinder our progress as the rulers in this world." Excerpt from several Hadiths.

Any guesses as to who is ruling the world today.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Slavery is not Islamic.
True, but that hasn't stopped Muslim's from embracing slavery with some relish. Perhaps you could let me know the date and place where slavery was abolished, for all time, according to Islam.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Excerpt from several Hadiths.
Now why, exactly, should we put any particular weight on the biased accounts of Muhammad as to what some Jewish people allegedly said? Personally, I would rank the likelihood of such hadiths being true as very low. In my view, they are mere white-washes created, after the fact, to bolster a very fragile foundation.

Any guesses as to who is ruling the world today.
I am all ears.
Who, exactly, is "ruling" the world today?
*flutters eyelashes annoyingly*


Personally, I would rank the likelihood of such hadiths being true as very low. In my view, they are mere white-washes created, after the fact, to bolster a very fragile foundation.

I'm afraid but the authority to rank hadiths lies with the Scholars of Hadiths, not some flying mickey mouse. :)

I am all ears.
Who, exactly, is "ruling" the world today?
*flutters eyelashes annoyingly*
gladly, not mickey mouse.

Hilary Clinton " Its a fact that its easier in United States to get a billion dollar bill passed for war than for our Health Care system."

and who is THEY who pass , plan and vote for such bills? The Zionist lobby.( i guess the disney generation needs a little bit of reality check)


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Bodhisattva in Recovery
I'm afraid but the authority to rank hadiths lies with the Scholars of Hadiths, not some flying mickey mouse. :)
But said scholars are viewing the material from a biased perspective. How can they seriously be expected to arrive at reasonable unbiased conclusions?

gladly, not mickey mouse.
I will agree that perhaps it would not go well for some if I ruled the world. <evil grin>

Hilary Clinton " Its a fact that its easier in United States to get a billion dollar bill passed for war than for our Health Care system."
Well, thanks for the thought, but your logic escapes me.

and who is THEY who pass , plan and vote for such bills? The Zionist lobby.
Seriously? *giggle* That canard is almost as rich as the worldwide Muslim conspiracy to dominate the entire planet.

( i guess the disney generation needs a little bit of reality check)
My reality is just fine, child. Could you withstand a reality check?


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid but the authority to rank hadiths lies with the Scholars of Hadiths, not some flying mickey mouse. :)

gladly, not mickey mouse.

Hilary Clinton " Its a fact that its easier in United States to get a billion dollar bill passed for war than for our Health Care system."

and who is THEY who pass , plan and vote for such bills? The Zionist lobby.( i guess the disney generation needs a little bit of reality check)
Ahahaha, I liked that post. :p


Active Member
Fatima, i'm beginning to think you don't like any of my posts; you either challenge me in threads or you PM me...we're both Muslims, but clearly our upbringings and surroundings are different. we don't have to think identically to both be practicing Muslims. ;)

My dear sister ssainhu

Im beginning to think that you got me wrong :) . I may challenge you or comment on your posts when I disagree with you , and to be honest I disagree with you a lot ;But that does not and will never change the fact that you are my sister in Islam, and that I love you for that :)

Shafi'i used to tell to his debaters when they get angry : Isnt it possible that we differ in ideas without it changing our compassion and love toward each others?

It is in my duty , my respected sister, that when I see something that I differ with , to speak about it either privately ( PMS) or publicly. And it is your right to accept it or reject it, but you being my Muslim sister doesnt mean it will stop me from speaking the truth whenever I see it a necessity todo so . And you have the same right of course :)

I hope that you read my post with an open mind and heart, and that you forget the whispers of Shaytan telling you that Im challenging or wanting bad for you or anything similar , as it was never in my intention and Allah is my witness on what I say

May ALlah reward you my sis and grant you Jannah AMeen


Active Member
But said scholars are viewing the material from a biased perspective. How can they seriously be expected to arrive at reasonable unbiased conclusions?

You may try , my friend , to learn before speaking without knowledge.

Learn a little bit about the narration science and see by yourself wether its biased or not.

There are thousands of hadeeths talking about good manners towards people, great stories about the manners of the prophet peace be upon him, great stories about the courage or generosity of such and such companion . But yet, they are considered to be unauthentic.

On the other hand, you'll find several hadiths which speak of such and such command with is rude in the eyes of some, but yet they are considered authentic.

Why scholars didnt just swip the "bad" rules to preserve the image of Islam? Why didnt they keep the hadeeths about the good manners of the prophet peace be upon him to add sugar to his good reputation ?

Since Atheism tend to show itself as perfect , with perfect morals ; why doesnt it teach its followers to keep their tongues from speaking of which they dont have knowledge?

In Islam , you dont have the right to do so , you'll be asked for anything you're talking about with no knowledge. Ive been exposed to many many many members on RF speaking of everything as they were professionals in the matter, and it made me wonder whether their moral system is as perfect as they tend to try and convince us ?

And my wonders continue post after post ..


Intentionally Blank
Slavery is not Islamic.

Arabs were Not muslims when a Prophet was sent to them. They were idol worshippers, ignorant as hell about human rights. They ruled the Arab lands, they were brutal, savage beasts. (happy?)

All Arabs were non muslims before the Message of Islam spread. All Arabs, like all muslims, are Still not the best practising muslims. A Prophet was sent to guide them. The Prophet was Not their King, most of them initially Did not believe in him, the reason being he seemed an ordinary and respectable man with no wealth.( And that believing in him would mean loosing power/control of their wrongfully acquired wealth and rule. Their ancestors too were given the message of Ibrahim,( Abraham), but like all other strayed people, when the Prophet is out of sight, he is out of mind; atheism, polytheism ,idol worshipping , paganism starts again).

The non-muslims were not bound to carry out his orders, He was not their Ruler, just a Messenger of God, a Warner. He did not have all of their acceptance, exactly as He is not accepted today by some.

All Arabs did not convert to ISlam, all Arabs do not make perfect muslims ,like all christians, athiests ,hindus, jews do not make the perfect humans or religion practitioners.

The Prophet spread his message by practice, and by preaching good to those who listened and his followers ,initially few in numbers, released their slaves, were kind to them and treated them as equal. ( The Prophet DID something about slavery rather than confining them to the label of an 'inferior race' or 'lower order species' or feeling just sorry for them and not doing anything, and then denying the presence of God, like Darwin. The Prophet MADE things happen rather than complain profusely.)

The Prophets and The Caliphates in Islam all used to work side by side, they used to build Mosques ( Masjids) and their houses with their own bare hands, they sewed their own shoes, washed their clothes themselves, helped their wives in chores, slaves were really not a requirement in an Islamic lifestyle. And those who kept helpers, were for little work for help, not slavery.

The Prophet(peace be upon him) delayed his prayer congregation once, when he suddenly remembered that he forgot to lighten the fire of the stove back home (which was nearby), he went back halting the prayers and lightened it and then resumed the prayers . He had no slaves working for his personal needs, inspite of the fact that people begged to be his servant just to be near him because he was so loved.

What are you talking about? We're not talking about 5th century Arabs, we're talking about tenth century, believing, practicing, Muslims. They enslaved millions of people.

Are you claiming that Islam prohibits slavery?

Or that Muhammed did not own slaves?

Or that the quran prohibits Muslims from owning slaves? Then on what basis do you claim it's not Islamic?

You seem to be denying that slavery was practiced throughout the Caliphate, and in most Muslim countries until quite recently? Are you? If so, please provide an objective source, because I have provided several that say quite the opposite.

In fact, Muslim Arab slave traders dominated the world's slave trade for over 1000 years. The Caliphate provided an enormous area of land over which to trade and transport slaves from Southern Africa to the Caucusus.


Intentionally Blank
You may try , my friend , to learn before speaking without knowledge.

Learn a little bit about the narration science and see by yourself wether its biased or not.

There are thousands of hadeeths talking about good manners towards people, great stories about the manners of the prophet peace be upon him, great stories about the courage or generosity of such and such companion . But yet, they are considered to be unauthentic.

On the other hand, you'll find several hadiths which speak of such and such command with is rude in the eyes of some, but yet they are considered authentic.

Why scholars didnt just swip the "bad" rules to preserve the image of Islam? Why didnt they keep the hadeeths about the good manners of the prophet peace be upon him to add sugar to his good reputation ?

Since Atheism tend to show itself as perfect , with perfect morals ; why doesnt it teach its followers to keep their tongues from speaking of which they dont have knowledge?

In Islam , you dont have the right to do so , you'll be asked for anything you're talking about with no knowledge. Ive been exposed to many many many members on RF speaking of everything as they were professionals in the matter, and it made me wonder whether their moral system is as perfect as they tend to try and convince us ?

And my wonders continue post after post ..

Atheism doesn't have followers, and doesn't teach anything.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You may try , my friend , to learn before speaking without knowledge.
And I would expect no less from anyone else - my friend.

Learn a little bit about the narration science and see by yourself wether its biased or not.
My brief exposure to "Hadith science" is that it is a science only in name and not a true science, per se.

There are thousands of hadeeths talking about good manners towards people, great stories about the manners of the prophet peace be upon him, great stories about the courage or generosity of such and such companion . But yet, they are considered to be unauthentic.

On the other hand, you'll find several hadiths which speak of such and such command with is rude in the eyes of some, but yet they are considered authentic.
And what does that tell you about these stories?

Why scholars didnt just swip the "bad" rules to preserve the image of Islam?
My guess is that until very recently they saw nothing whatsoever wrong with those stories. It is only in light of "modern thinking" that a great many of the stories have an unseemly underside. In the past, Muslims never thought anything of it.

Why didnt they keep the hadeeths about the good manners of the prophet peace be upon him to add sugar to his good reputation?
I suspect that that is exactly what will eventually be done as the "modernists" part ways with the more fundamental "traditionalists".

Since Atheism tend to show itself as perfect , with perfect morals ; why doesnt it teach its followers to keep their tongues from speaking of which they dont have knowledge?
Atheism shows itself to be perfect? Since when? Besides this, why is it that theists will blather on endlessly about angels and wormholes, scientific miracles in the Qur'an etc... etc... ad nauseum.

In Islam , you dont have the right to do so , you'll be asked for anything you're talking about with no knowledge.
From where I sit, this isn't a particularly impressive quality demonstrated by Muslims. It does effectively kill discussion though. Nice work.

I've been exposed to many many many members on RF speaking of everything as they were professionals in the matter, and it made me wonder whether their moral system is as perfect as they tend to try and convince us?
I understand what you are saying and I too tend to find that a bit irksome, depending on the topics at hand. The bottom line though is that some members on RF have a great deal of knowledge in given areas, Meow Mix, for example, and are not easily snowed by theists or dreamy-eyed believers.

I guess the heart of the matter is what constitutes the ability to speak with authority. I have corrected Muslims on a number of occasions for errors they have made and been thanked for doing so.

And my wonders continue post after post ..
I like your posts, Fatima, but don't let that go to your head just yet. :rolleyes:


Active Member
My brief exposure to "Hadith science" is that it is a science only in name and not a true science, per se.


And what does that tell you about these stories?

There are authentic stories, I was talking about the unauthentic ones, it does tell me they are false.

I suspect that that is exactly what will eventually be done as the "modernists" part ways with the more fundamental "traditionalists".

Didnt understand you very well, sorry.

From where I sit, this isn't a particularly impressive quality demonstrated by Muslims. It does effectively kill discussion though. Nice work.

Ive talked about what Islam teaches, if Muslims apply it or not is not what I care about.

I have corrected Muslims on a number of occasions for errors they have made and been thanked for doing so.

Theres nothing wrong with that, if you ever correct me on something I wasnt aware of I would have been very thankful and appreciated it. But this subject in specific, you just try to show that you have studied this science in depth, and I had to show that you didnt.

I like your posts, Fatima, but don't let that go to your head just yet. :rolleyes:

Dear Ymir,
I sincerely have to say that I actually do not care at all about people liking or not linking my posts, as long as I speak the truth , people opinions dont matter to me. And Im afraid to say that the same goes to you as well. :)