Have you studied all the scripture and everything they have to say about The GOd? Curious.
Two statements.
The human theist talks about nothing. A state no thing implied.
Created present god status. O earths it's heavens and his life.
The first two human theories as concepts is by nothing I create by inventive converting of fusion. I own a man's pre want first.
Not stated in the reason to theory.
Secondly God in science isn't any HE.
As he him his is thought by a man's self consciousness implied. His owned body type.
Secondly to know nothing existed you have to be in existence to observe and make the claim.
If a man as he him his is first the scientist. A man.
His machine is not creation and he built.
In thesis created creation his machine doesn't exist. In a theory.
Irrational male self determined I know I am a God man.
As created creation was never nothing.
His thesis does not exist first.
When you make a status a man he him his claimed I will change God. It is defined by causes.
Men don't rationally in psyche believe in God says a scientist theist mind as his God reasons in science took any gods as substances then converted them.
Science of man non believer of God. Believes in the power of man's machine inventions only.
His ideal was hot satanisms.
First in creating creation theories as science only. Reactions.
Today by status AI human machine caused machine use by man's design. Hearing loud large volumes voice speaking back. AI took a portion of life's natural water to cool the effect created transmitter was a human teaching.
As his temple mountain transmitters in cloud cooling peaks did not keep cooled at ground mass converting science he performed as alchemy melt converting.
Light constant direct thesis man of science burning ground mass only himself.
Hence he learnt to apply the reaction cooled by past causes. Machine status on ground to react only inside the machine.
As outside it was not cold enough. Transmitters he used in man's science.
That lesson was the UFO hitting melting his Ararat temple.
Reason empty cold nothing space coldest place first owned burning upper atmospheric gases itself.
Making nothing heated naturally in upper heavens.
Coldest position bio ground life.
Theist today knows. Uses exact same mind human advice. Does the comparisons by I want. Not I need or I should.
The advice says you should not.
I want superseded reality of natural life.
As our human father's voice is recorded as is our mothers in AI it proves he thinks gods are talking to him as sexual identities by voice.
Sexuality is personally biologically owned only.