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The qur'an


I've tried different translations,i still cannot see anything other than an old book with an old world view,much like the Bible
I agree there are many different versions some do not speak with people. I have asked a very respected scholar for a good translation according to my needs and he found me one. Perhaps you can ask one, if you want I can give you a scholar who I very much respect.

Thats good then,guess its a good idea to stay stocked up with female Slaves
If a women wishes to be free she has the same liberties as a man to sue for freedom.

Again the point is that slavery is only a byproduct of strategic military decision. And like Salamh said, you cannot have intercourse with a slave seeking to be married.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I agree there are many different versions some do not speak with people. I have asked a very respected scholar for a good translation according to my needs and he found me one. Perhaps you can ask one, if you want I can give you a scholar who I very much respect.

The problem with the Qur'an and Bible is they make little sense to me personally,they are however a look into the past.

If a women wishes to be free she has the same liberties as a man to sue for freedom.

Again the point is that slavery is only a byproduct of strategic military decision. And like Salamh said, you cannot have intercourse with a slave seeking to be married.

Its still slavery though dress it up as you may

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
A Slave is a possesion,in Mauritania Slavery is still practiced despite the Government saying otherwise and whether its under certain conditions or not its still wrong,this is where both the Bible and Qur'an fall down.


Since when did slaves have the option to sue for freedom? I would think that goes against the very denotation of the word slave?

a free man couldn't sue for freedom because he is already free. and everything you have said Abibi is wonderful for the time,and should be applauded but its a pity it didn't catch on with Muslims.


A Slave is a possesion,in Mauritania Slavery is still practiced despite the Government saying otherwise and whether its under certain conditions or not its still wrong,this is where both the Bible and Qur'an fall down.
If he is a possession then why can he claim the rights of a man who is not a possession? Why can he insult the Caliph, the leader of those men who are not possession? Why can he demand his freedom and why can he demand to marry? Please explain to me how these concepts gell together.

a free man couldn't sue for freedom because he is already free. and everything you have said Abibi is wonderful for the time,and should be applauded but its a pity it didn't catch on with Muslims.
I am not calling them free men, they obviously were not free. Nor were they slaves because by definition a slave cannot demand his freedom correct?

Their status is more akin to PoWs but even then, that term does not gell with their rights nor their status. And kai you are wrong, it caught on with the Prophet, the rightly guided Caliphs, and was only abandoned by the gradual corruption and rejection of Shariah.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
If he is a possession then why can he claim the rights of a man who is not a possession? Why can he insult the Caliph, the leader of those men who are not possession? Why can he demand his freedom and why can he demand to marry? Please explain to me how these concepts gel together.
But Abibi, why on earth SHOULD someone have to make these demands? They should not be taken as slaves in the first place.


Active Member
If he is a possession then why can he claim the rights of a man who is not a possession? Why can he insult the Caliph, the leader of those men who are not possession? Why can he demand his freedom and why can he demand to marry? Please explain to me how these concepts gell together.

Abibi :D,

Sorry but I think I have to disagree with this, I think EML is right, slavery is a possession. Yes, Islam recognizes rights for them, but they are still possessed, and not completely free.


Nor were they slaves because by definition a slave cannot demand his freedom correct

I agree with this, they weren't slaves by definition as slavery in Islam is Known to be for the creator. By this, slavery can't be practiced among human being and that is the reason a slave can reject, demand, and stand for his/her rights. Nevertheless, Islam never call them slaves as slave was called "Mamlok" in Arabic if I'm not wrong means possessed. Again, many slaves were very well respected, indeed many of them became Islamic scholar and leaders ( I'm not sure if they contributed in the development of science), this shows that Islam helped them and they were not hindered by their condition. So they are not slaves.


But Abibi, why on earth SHOULD someone have to make these demands? They should not be taken as slaves in the first place.
They shouldn't? Perhaps you should tell that to those who commit treachery and negate contracts of mutual agreement and seek warfare. Perhaps it would have been sensible to understand the implications of their actions.

Sorry but I think I have to disagree with this, I think EML is right, slavery is a possession. Yes, Islam recognizes rights for them, but they are still possessed, and not completely free.
I am not arguing about their freedom. It is clear that they do not posses complete free will. Nor does the term slavery do the concept that we are talking about justice.

Slavery (also called thralldom) is a form of forced labour in which people are considered to be the property of others. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand wages. ...
These do not fit with what we are talking about. It is much more closely related to the concept of incarceration, with the criminals of society being released once they show their actions to revert to peace and integrate within society.

Like I said originally, the Prophet would release slaves the moment they would do something that would benefit society, such as teaching literacy to Muslims.

These people actively sought harm against the Ummah and the things that Muslims were forced upon are unspeakable. In contrast, these men are held with reserves but good faith. Faith that they can earn their freedom if they wish it.

This concept of slavery in the Western roots and later used, but never to the extent of the West by Arab slave traders, is an abrogation of Islamic thought. The ways and means in which it is applied to those societies bears no relation to what we discuss now.


New Member
The holy Quran is not a book of this world written by someone sat by the fire in his home, its the word of god sent down upon Muhammad pbuh, and is not expected to be understood by arrogant folk like some on this forum. It is a revelation of wisdom for those who are wise.


New Member
You seem to think that the holy Quran was revealed today, let me correct you my friend. The quran was revealed over 1400 years ago and it is the Quran itself that puts out this challenge to those who reject it, so they can try with all thier might to prove that it is a false book, but they cannot. The quran has never been proven wrong, these are not my words but the words of scientists, scholors, professors and so on. The point i would like to make is that not many people know the true teachings of the quran, let me ask you, have you read the quran? if you have not then how are you in a position to judge weather it is true of false? even if you believe it to be false id still recommend that you read it.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The holy Quran is not a book of this world written by someone sat by the fire in his home, its the word of god sent down upon Muhammad pbuh, and is not expected to be understood by arrogant folk like some on this forum. It is a revelation of wisdom for those who are wise.

If you are already wise why would you need a revelation of wisdom,just asking

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
You seem to think that the holy Quran was revealed today, let me correct you my friend. The quran was revealed over 1400 years ago and it is the Quran itself that puts out this challenge to those who reject it, so they can try with all thier might to prove that it is a false book, but they cannot. The quran has never been proven wrong, these are not my words but the words of scientists, scholors, professors and so on. The point i would like to make is that not many people know the true teachings of the quran, let me ask you, have you read the quran? if you have not then how are you in a position to judge weather it is true of false? even if you believe it to be false id still recommend that you read it.



Agnostic Pantheist
You seem to think that the holy Quran was revealed today, let me correct you my friend. The quran was revealed over 1400 years ago and it is the Quran itself that puts out this challenge to those who reject it, so they can try with all thier might to prove that it is a false book, but they cannot. The quran has never been proven wrong, these are not my words but the words of scientists, scholors, professors and so on. The point i would like to make is that not many people know the true teachings of the quran, let me ask you, have you read the quran? if you have not then how are you in a position to judge weather it is true of false? even if you believe it to be false id still recommend that you read it.
Scholars and students around the world read and study the Qur'an for various reasons, from politics, to society and demographics, to defence reasons. all of which through highly critical eyes, that modern scholarship have enabled us to become proficient with.
it would be a waste after 1400 years to take the sacred text of a 1.6 billion people religion and read it at face value, instead of understanding the basics of the text of this huge slice of global population(s).
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Well-Known Member
Scholars and students around the world read and study the Qur'an for various reasons, from politics, to society and demographics, to defence reasons. all of which through highly critical eyes, that modern scholarship have enabled us to become proficient with.
it would be a waste after 1400 years to take the sacred text of a 1.6 billion people religion and read it at face value, instead of understanding the basics of the text of this huge slice of global population(s).

This is a silly argument. Billions of people could easily be entirely mistaken.

Billions of people have suffered from the common cold for thousands of years. Should we then ascribe superior wisdom to them as a result?


Agnostic Pantheist
This is a silly argument. Billions of people could easily be entirely mistaken.

Billions of people have suffered from the common cold for thousands of years. Should we then ascribe superior wisdom to them as a result?

Do you suffer from lack of reading capabilities?
I have said that all these scholars and students DO NOT take the Qur'an at face value. and have listed ALL the practical reasons to study the Qur'an outside the sphere of religious belief.
No one is saying that the Qur'an or any other text is divinely inspired. what is evident is, that this text is now instrumental in geopolitical realities, therefore many researchers find if essential to read it or study it. NOT that they BELIEVE in it.
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Intentionally Blank
I am saying that just saying people should not own slaves at a time when slave ownership was as common and an essential part of society won't likely do anything.
Remember, the qur'an is God's final and only direction to all of humanity, not just a (putatively) slightly improved penal code for 7th century Arabia. If that's all it is, it's interesting, and I suppose actual historical research could tell us whether it offered any improvement or not. But obviously, for a book that's supposed to contain God's will for all of humanity, it sucks.

Prohibiting drugs hasn't done much. I would say the way to cut down drug use is to not socially ostricize those who use drugs, to help them get away from using drugs, and to encourage a drug-free life.

That's not the point, is it? This thread isn't about the best way to get rid of slavery, although I think outlawing it certainly helps, and authorizing it, as the qur'an and prophet do, hurt. The point is that the qur'an does not provide good moral guidance for humanity. Because slavery is wrong.

I feel actions speak louder than words. But if it comforts you to say that slavery should be outlawed, rather than taking steps to make that call useless, by all means, go ahead.
So your position is that slavery should be legal? Is that honestly what you're trying to argue? That a book that makes slavery legal is more moral and correct than laws that prohibit it?

The prophet made an example of freeing slaves. Is that bad?
No, owning slaves to free is. Do you agree or disagree?
Muslims are not allowed to capture free Muslims and turn them into slaves.
And this encapsulates what is wrong with Islamic morality. Like all of the ancient, tribal, Abrahamic religions, it embodies a primitive, nomadic morality of loyalty to the tribe, while actually commanding its members to treat people outside the tribe horribly.

And I know of no verse or chapter in the Qur'an that states people cannot make up their own laws. Do you?
So you don't advocate Muslims following Sharia law?

Except these 'infidels' did not attack and are not attacking Muslims to begin with. Therefore, it is illegal in Islam. So no, it is not Islamic.
In that case, the entire history of Islam, including the life of the prophet, is un-Islamic. The history of Islam has been an uninterrupted succession of unprovoked wars of conquest.

So basically you're saying all history is inherently propoganda?
No, all of history is not written by the victors. What I'm saying is, Muslims have a motive to lie about the people they conquered. I'm sure if we asked them, or looked at some neutral research, we would get a very different picture.

Obviously. Yet it was a fact of the time. Sometimes, you have to deal with facts rather than dreams.
So God is powerless?

When Muslims pick-and-choose from the Qur'an, sure, they could end up with those ideas.
You mean when they follow exactly what the qur'an tells them to do, verbatim?

The best political ideology would be useless if you didn't strive to spread the idea and get people to agree. You won't get into government if you don't at least appeal somewhat to the people's wants and needs. It's the same with religion. Then, once you have a stable community, things can change.
How can things change, if the book we base our culture on retains the ancient, evil morality?

Islam didn't spread slavery; it already existed
Islam spread slavery from one end of the world to the other. Muslims operated the biggest slave trade in history, for 14 centuries. It's not over yet.
Millions were already enslaved.
Not nearly as many as came under the yoke of Muslims.
Also, I was talking about spreading Islam in the context of Muslims being threatened. Once they start going on wars of conquest, that's different. Islam is not being threatened at that stage.
So Islam conqured 1/3 of the known world by accident?

People would enslave others, with or without Islam. Urging people to free slaves and saying what a blessing it is will persuade some. It might have had a paradoxical effect, I admit.
So God is an idiot?

Islam taught that slaves were human beings, whatever their colour. Fair enough?
Nothing innovative there. Both Judaism and Christianity taught that. Judaism established many rules that limited slavery and gave rights to slaves. In the Jewish system, all Hebrew slaves get their freedom after 7 years. The Muslims system for the most part adopts the Hebrew system, with fewer rights for slaves. No great improvement or innovation there.

You make it sound like people, just because they are Muslims, must be crazy. At least that's the impression I'm getting.
People who adopt an ancient, incoherent, incomprehensible, barbaric mish-mosh of plagiarism and superstition as the basis of their morality are bound to act in crazy ways. And we observe that many Muslims do behave in quite crazy ways, such as going completely berserk because they don't like some cartoons.


Intentionally Blank
Seeing as auto manages to continually use red herrings, I am going to repost my thoughts on the matter once more. They are based off of the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sunnah. If she cannot point out where and how my conclusions based off this evidence is wrong, I can only assume she is trolling and has no knowledge on the matter.

[FONT=&quot]On the question of slavery.

I will start with verses from the Qur'an and the hadith that quite resolutely reject the racists and ignorant viewpoint of the West that was held on for so long and still is in many places.

"O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female and have made you into nations and tribes for you to know one another. Truly, the noblest of you with God is the most pious.2 Truly, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware".

First, I don't see where you get a condemnation of racism from that. Second, we're not talking about racism; we're talking about slavery. Muslim slavery is imposed based on religon, rather than race. How is that better?

There is also the hadith of the Prophet

"O people! Your God is one and your forefather (Adam) is one. An Arab is not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab, and a red (i.e. white tinged with red) person is not better than a black person and a black person is not better than a red person,3 except in piety."
But a Muslim is better than a Jew, a Christian or a polytheist.[FONT=&quot]

From this standpoint it is clear that it is ridiculous for any man to justify his belief of the inferiority of one human to another, on the basis of his race, with Islamic ruling.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with our discussion of slavery.
Moving on.

Looking at the concept of slavery in the West, it is beyond sickening to see the implementation of the modern equivalent of factory farming of humans in the past. From the slaves of the Roman Empire to those of the Spanish, it is a testimony to one of the most barbarous treatment of fellow humans in our history.
As were the conditions of Muslim slaves.
For example in the mines of Potosi, the "mouth of hell", slaves routinely descended down precarious rotten ladders, prone to breaking and throwing the climbers to their deaths, swim in pools of Mercury, inhales fumes of Mercury, carry heavy loads up and down the steep mountains of Peru, and bouts of starvation that quite effectively decimated the local population and subsequent shipments of slaves and stole the wealth of the biggest silver mine in history.
Yes, slavery is horrible, isn't it. I wonder why your God doesn't prohibit it.
Literally the legal position of a slave was the absolute right of the master to kill, torture, or by any other means to take advantage of them without any rights on the part of the slave.
Where? Not in Israel.
This status was not anything particular as it was common from all empires from India to England, the slave's lot was unbearable.
Are you an expert on Ancient World History, or where you going to present a shred of authority to back up your slander of every culture in the world except yours?
In contrast to these views which were also staunchly held in pre-Islamic Arabia, Islam discarded these notions.

'You are (sprung) the one from the other'


and the sayings of the Prophet

'He who kills his slave, we shall kill him; who mutilates his nose, we shall cut his nose; and who gelds our slave, we shall get him gelded in return.'
But on the other hand, if we do it to you, it's just dandy. Muhammad didn't like people damaging his property, that's clear.[FONT=&quot]

'You all are sons of Adam and Adam was created from dust'.

As you see, there is no superiority from one than another save his piety and humanity (as shown by the earlier quotes that I posted)
You do know that the New Testament embodies total equality for all in Christ, including slaves, right?[FONT=&quot]

We can see that the underlying theme in Islam's stance is not of subjugation but of humanity and kinship.
I'm sorry, but if you're goal is to capture me and put me in sexual slavery to some man I never met, that's subjugation, not kinship.
'let them marry from the believing maids whom your right hands possess. Allah knoweth best (concerning) your faith. Ye (proceed) one from another; so wed them by permission of their folk, and give unto them their portions in kindness'
Yup. A Muslim man can have any of his female slaves he likes. And that's your barbaric notion of humanism. Sickening.[FONT=&quot]

As well as the Hadith:

'They (your servants and slaves) are your brothers. Allah has put them in your care, so feed them with what you eat, clothe them with what you wear. and do not burden them beyond their capacities; but if you burden them (with an unbearable burden), then help them (by sharing their extra burden).'
Christianity beat you to it with all this.[FONT=&quot]

From this we know that, under Islam, slavery was never meant to encompass an economic motivation.
What on earth motivation is it supposed to encompass then?
[FONT="] From the example of the Prophet and the rightly guided Caliphs it is clear that making slaves work to the standards of Western nations would be against Islam. Indeed the owners would have been working and dying with their slaves in Haiti and Dominican Republic had they been following Islamic principles. [/FONT]
Where can we find these principles?[FONT=&quot]

The slave is not a machine from which you reap bounty, but a fellow human with which we all share a common ancestry and humanity.
Wow, you make it sound downright pleasant.
[FONT="]The stigma of slavery was also never seen in Islam. Freed slaves were not demeaned nor were they intended to be seen as anything lower than any free Arab. [/FONT]
Even better. It's no shame to be a slave. Islamic slavery just gets more and more...immoral.
Then there is also the fact that former slaves were instituted as commanders of Islamic armies such as Zaid’s generalship and upon his death the appointment of Usama by the Prophet who led Muslims such as Abu Bakr and Umar.
I hope you're not under the impression that any of that was innovative.
The theme of this is all indicative that a former slave is not barred from the highest of all occupations and status in a Muslim society. Compare this with the abolition of slavery in the United States that resulted in “freedom” for African Americans when they were still regarded as inferior and segregated like contagious animals. Islam provided the correct mindset to dispel these racist assumptions. [/FONT]

So actually you have nothing to say about slavery? Just racism? Interesting you should raise it, although I don't see why.

Uh, o.k., qur'anic discrimination is on the basis of religion rather than race. How is that better?