My doggies hate that, too. I think it's a doggie thing.
Ok I am going to write 2 pages of a paper I only have to write 2 more pages tomorrow!
You might not be here by the time I post this, but here is a funny story:
I always used blow air on Baggins's nose, and he used to retaliate by nipping my nose a little bit, which I thought was so funny. He never tried to bite me very hard, but just enough to show he was annoyed. So I went to my friend's house, and she has a German Shepherd. My friend wasn't at her house, so my sister and I were just sitting on her couch watching Scrubs on her TV, with the dog sitting next to me. I was playing with the the dog, who is very big, especially compaired to Baggins. But I was so used to playing with Baggins in a little dog sort of way, that I was playing with the German Shepherd the same way. I was blowing air on his nose, and he had that look in his eye like he was about to bite me like Baggins does, when I thought
Oh ****! If this dog bites my face... it might not be a good thing... So I found my brain and used it, and didn't try to provoke the big dog into biting my face after that.