Well, for starters, it's a tabloid. Science reporting in your daily newspaper - regardless of which one, and which country - is appallingly bad. Reporters are (usually) not scientists - they're overworked hacks trying to churn out a fixed word count every day. Much of the time they simply rework propaganda pieces provided for them by free market think tanks and / or PR agencies for whatever corporation stands to profit.
For decent science coverage (for laymen) you need to look at something like
New Scientist, or look at any one of the dozens of reports, studies and papers published on the web by various universities and professional organizations. (
Google scholar is useful). Or look at an information website maintained by climatologists.
Anyway, I don't know where to begin, honestly. To be honest, I didn't even read Ian Pilmer's article. When you mouse over a link, the url appears in the bottom left corner. Nothing in the mainstream papers is worth reading, especially if it relates to science. And I say this after pretty extensive perusing of mainstream papers.
Real Climate is currently the best resource on the web for laymen trying to get a decent grasp on climate change, IMO. Go to "Start Here" - there are a lot of links to other resources and a lengthy Q and A.