I don't know. I'm sure that if you could create something that would destroy/suck up all the CO2 in the atmosphere, then you will be a very,
VERY rich individual, as will be your great, great, great grandchildren.
They are called unprecedented in the last 420,000 years per the Vostok ice cores.
Actually, a recent article suggested that current levels are unprecedented in the last 2.1 million years. Link -->
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition -- Hönisch et al. 324 (5934): 1551 -- Science
Others have suggested ....unprecedented in the last 15 million years.
But the bottom line is two-fold.
1. at those CO2 levels the global temps were very significantly higher than now (and no, that's not a good thing), and the sea levels were also much higher (also NOT a good thing).....and the biosphere of the Earth had millions of years to adapt (evolve) in those conditions, to produce viable plants and animals. We may have only decades or 1-2 centuries (and that is VERY bad).
2. Unlike the right-wing alarmists (Yes. they are the fear-mongers :yes: not the GW advocates)
the realists (i.e. left-wing moonbats)tend to be much more fact oriented. We are not talking about a global fire-storm that will burn life from the surface of the Earth.
Even the most
extreme of realists will tell you that the worst case scenario is a few to a score degree centigrade alteration. HOWEVER, that will mean subtler yet VERY SIGNIFICANT changes on a global scale.
Consider: The vast majority of the human population of the Earth is currently housed within 20 vertical feet of the current sea-level. - Where are they going to move to?
Crop plants, and therefore farm animals too, lumbar producing forests, etc... are very sensitive to a few degree temperature change carried out over an entire year. As are the populations of plant diseases and insect infestations. -- What will happen when 10%, 20%, or even 50% crop failures start to occur? What will happen when the wheat belt moves from the central U.S. to central Canada? When the optimal growing conditions move from central China up into Siberia?
If you stop thinking like Limbaugh, that GW advocates are predicting flaming death to the whole world. :areyoucra :slap: But instead start seeing the problem in terms of MASSIVE refugee movements. Extensive warfare over decades for optimal living, crop-growing lands. Widespread droughts. Mass extinctions. etc...etc... Then you are starting to grasp the real problems here.
:clap Sorry Sandy. If you are going to make claims, then you have to back them up. Particularly when you are making claims contrary to many scientific papers shown to refute your viewpoint.