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The real Satan.


I have read parts of the bible and have conme to found that satan is not a rebelious being that just disobeys God, but rather obeys God in his commands.

Job 2:6
The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life."
Job 2:7
So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

So stanism is not about lies or the church covering things up, or killing people.


Well, do you believe God is all-knowing or not? Did you think that Satan did things behind God's back. "Ooh, that wascally Satan!"


Liebe ist für alle da
You mean like Satan the title given to the Angel who's job it was to test humans and not to make evil like people think now a days.


Admiral Obvious
Satanism <--Link Has little to nothing to do with the Biblical character Satan.

Satan did not create evil, God did.

To say God is all knowing is to say that God purposely set man up to fail.


Admiral Obvious
But man didn't fail...
That depends upon which flavour of Christianity you subscribe to.

Not only that, but if one refuses to see something, they will not see it.
Take the division of Christianity for example.

There are several here on RF alone who will argue that Christianity is not divided.
Yet to do so, they have to ignore the divided parts.


Well-Known Member
I have read parts of the bible and have conme to found that satan is not a rebelious being that just disobeys God, but rather obeys God in his commands.

Job 2:6
The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life."
Job 2:7
So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

So stanism is not about lies or the church covering things up, or killing people.

There are some who believe Satan was the first manifestation of God on Earth. The first "One". He brought the paradisical age to an end, didn't he? That fits with God's Plan of liberation through trials for mankind.

Satan was an agent of God, being One and the same as He. ;)


Hmm... it seems to be a common misconception that evil is actually a thing.

However, if you correctly define evil as the ABSENCE OF GOD, then the argument that God created evil doesn't make sense. Evil is only that which is not of God.

So, Satan (if he is indeed 'evil') would embody a complete rejection of God. And anything else that likewise rejected God would be... without God (aka 'evil').

Hope that clears up the Christian perspective.


Almighty Tallest
That's all well and fine that christian's think "evil" is the absence of god but, outside of christianity "evil" is the intentional behavior, which does harm, is dishonest, or fails to honor agreements. Though by this definition 99% of all politicians and large corporations could be considered "evil", though I think you'll find few who disagree with that. But, using the common definition you couldn't call Satan evil without calling god evil and it's not entirely unconceivable to say that god created "evil" even by the judeao-christian definition, since after all Yaweh is supposed to be an all powerful omnipresent being, he therefor created the absences of his presence in his own universe resulting in the "creation " of "evil".


Admiral Obvious
Hmm... it seems to be a common misconception that evil is actually a thing.

However, if you correctly define evil as the ABSENCE OF GOD, then the argument that God created evil doesn't make sense. Evil is only that which is not of God.

So, Satan (if he is indeed 'evil') would embody a complete rejection of God. And anything else that likewise rejected God would be... without God (aka 'evil').

Hope that clears up the Christian perspective.
the "Christian perspective"?
You claim to speak for all Christianity?

I know many many a Christian and I have to tell you that your presented 'Christian perspective' is shared by very very few of them.


Satan represents the slap on the wrists you get when you disobey the "good book." Christians have diverse ideas, you couldnt go from church to church and preach the same thing and get the same response, they just have faith in the same god and a divine carpenter (Jesus).


Well-Known Member
Greetings all
I have been said, by my peers, to be somewhat 'blunt' and even 'rude' so i pre-emptively apologise if anything I post falls into those catagories. :)

But man didn't fail...

That's an interesting idea...The failure or success of mankind. What denotes the failure or success of man?

tomspug said:
Hmm... it seems to be a common misconception that evil is actually a thing.

However, if you correctly define evil as the ABSENCE OF GOD, then the argument that God created evil doesn't make sense. Evil is only that which is not of God.

So, Satan (if he is indeed 'evil') would embody a complete rejection of God. And anything else that likewise rejected God would be... without God (aka 'evil').

Hope that clears up the Christian perspective.

You have a nice idea of what evil is. Sadly, no (other) christian that I know has that point of view. I would be interested to know your view: Your fair argument that God did not create evil (but that it was only created through the concept of evil, that is, being with God) brings up the question 'Who did create evil?'. The idea that evil is not an actual thing but the absense of another (good, in this case) brings up Genesis 1. Here is stated that when God created the earth, it was '...of void, and darkness...' and so God created light and divided the two. This, in my opinion, would be much like the good and evil you are talking about, in the sense that darkness is not an actual thing but an absence of light. Most Christians would argue that God created everything so as 'God is' does that mean that, by the same reasoning as above, God created the absense of God, if only as a concept. If we think of God as a 'divine programmer' then he must have 'programmed' that which is not 'with God' must be 'without God'.
Sorry if that made no sense :sorry1:

I am atheist (Only in the sense that I do not believe in a supreme personal God) and I do not believe in the concepts of Good and Evil (Which often attracts rounds of laughter) so it's interesting to know other people's ideas.



Helper of Ahura Mazda
Hmm... it seems to be a common misconception that evil is actually a thing.

However, if you correctly define evil as the ABSENCE OF GOD, then the argument that God created evil doesn't make sense. Evil is only that which is not of God.

So, Satan (if he is indeed 'evil') would embody a complete rejection of God. And anything else that likewise rejected God would be... without God (aka 'evil').

Hope that clears up the Christian perspective.



I beleave that, (this is redcorn satanism btw) Satan jsut wanted to have some people to worship him, but gawd didn't lyke that idea, so he got punished and sent to hell, and he still wants followers, ro people that don't follow god, so god will have less people in heaven, and satan can have worshippers,so satanist rn't necisarily evil, but redcorn satanist want to drag people down to hell with them so satan will lyke them better.(i.e.making sure they don't go to heaven)


Left Hand Path
Maybe I could clear a little bit up for you confused people...

Philosophically there is two main types of Satanists, Theistic and Athiestic. I will give you the Athiestic view point, since it is more logical...

Satan, the literal meaning is opposition or advesary. Satan does not represent the embodiement of 'evil' or negative 'energy'. It is simple the will of the few who question what is, and create what is. Satanism is a life loving philosophy, which see's balance amongst the chaos and peace. A reflection of nature and the universe shows within us, and that is what Satan represents, the natural order of the universe and the existence in which we all dwell.

Satan is in direct defiance of the Christian Church, for Satan represents indulgence over abstinence, and vital existence over spiritual pipe dreams and so on...

Satan allows the freedom of mind and the creation of universes within, giving birth to ration and logical steps. This is also in defiance of the Church, that Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often than those that walk on all fours, who because of his 'divine spiritual and intellectual development' has become the most vicious animal of all.

We questions such things as God for the following reasons...

If God created us, then who created God? The Christian God says only he exists, so that makes him an Athiest, though all of these others God's in other religions do exist, in the mental state and to strong followers in the physical state as well.

A simple answer, we created God, as God came from the mind that speculated the perception forced down upon them. It is simple, man is capable of writing his fantasies down, man is capable of flying, man is capable of creating and destroying God's.

Why does the bible say the world is only 6000 years old? When we have carbondated rocks that are over 3 million years old?

Why does the bible excuse dinosaurs as a myth? When we have uncovered whole skeletons?

Why does religion in general deny the theory of evolution? When all life adapts to their enviroment, and changes physically, yet the instincts will remain the same. All instincts say, reproduce, and survive by any means necessary.

Murder, death, disease, combat are all necessities of life. For all things that are born are born to die. For what do we know after death? Simple...we know nothing.

Among the spectrum of balance, destruction gives birth to creation and vice versa. A star that goes supernovae may destroy what is around it, but it gives birth to more stars, planets and life.

To build a parking lot you need to destroy the ground there to build. It is simple logic. Salvation is among both chaos and destruction.

With all of the crazy things in life it is too hard for the rational and logical beings to follow a faith (trusting something with no evidence of it's existence).

That is where Satanism comes in.

Satan is the universe, nature, those who accept their nature are a 'pure' reflection of what is.

Quod natura non sunt turpia---What is natural cannot be bad.

All things in life are natural, and all things in life have the potential to benefit a being, if the being acknowledges and learns from their observance.

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto---I am human, therefore nothing human is strange to me.

Misanthropia may be common among such people though, but those who say they are misanthropic, yet they say they also love themselves is a hipocrite. To hate the human race is to hate yourself. So I think that some would agree that misanthropia is an exaggeration, though I do find society distasteful.

In my perspective, not speaking for any other Satanists, Satanism or Satan is what is existence and we are all part of 'him' in the mental being that man creates, and destroys.

For the objects man posseses was created by man or improvised from the natural materials of the Earth.

The true Satan is the mind in which all infernal dwellings gather.
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In Revelation 20 it describes the beast as an acient serpent which is relating back to Genesis, and calls him the Devil or Satan. So I think that there is not and Angel totally directed by God to tempt but that there is the only fallen star who tempted Job, Adam, Eve, etc. But You Have to realize that in Job he came with the other Angels, as in escorted in because they were suspicious of him, as he is the leading Rebel. And they were suspicious to him because they didn'nt know that he wasn't going to try anything funny, for Angels are not all knowing.
I have read parts of the bible and have conme to found that satan is not a rebelious being that just disobeys God, but rather obeys God in his commands.

Job 2:6
The LORD said to Satan, "Very well, then, he is in your hands; but you must spare his life."
Job 2:7
So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

So stanism is not about lies or the church covering things up, or killing people.

Why is this posted in the Satanism DIR? This has nothing to do with Satanism whatsoever.