follower of reason
Thanks guys for all the replies. Especially Mestemia for helping me understand the Pascals Wager issue. Let me clear it up for everyone. The reasoning I posted that was similar to it isn't affiliated with the religion. It was really my original personal reasons for believing in God before I explained him. Check out my Blog and you'll see that the reason for God's inclusion in the religion isn't because it's from it, but from the reasoning I wrote that explains God and how he exists. This is in many ways actually the opposite of Pascals Wager. It's not because we believe that it's better for us to believe in God but because God's existence can now be understood with reason. I probably shouldn't have posted that, I only did because I didn't want to leak my whole blog post before I had it ready. It's my fault guys I'm sorry.
Thanks again everyone. I can't wait to hear again from you all.
Take Care
Great question. To a lot of people it is, and with older religions it can be. But that is what one of the purposes of TROR. It's about tearing down walls and old ways of thinking that pitted reason vs religion. We believe that older religions worked for their time and their regions, but to have a true modern international religion we should have one constructed for our current modern mindset. A religion that doesn't fight science and reason but works with it. For years this has been a problem with older religions, but hopefully not anymore. It's a religion for the scientist and logical thinkers as well as the normal everyday believer, to bring the human race together and not divide them.I may be just being a cynical old fart, but isn't the phrase "Religion of Reason" a tiny bit of an oxymoron?
Maybe you misunderstood me, I don't think I was given this amazing gift of reason that nobody else has. I believe God gave me an answer, not me, and that with more and more people working on this we can interpret and bring together the tiny messages that God gives us. In fact if anything, the only tiny message God has given me was to connect these tiny messages he gave others. I don't see myself as anything better or different from you, I just had a message that allowed me to connect others.1) I have found that when we feel the sweet presence and peace of God, "he" is often working on something entirely different than what we think or pray for. You may have mistaken the gift of reason for something entirely different.
Exactly right. Only through, combining these tiny messages can we find our true purpose and final complete message.2) I have also found that God speaks in tiny words. When God speaks to me, it's only a word or a sentence.
I understand. But as you can see above to bring the religion to maturity I must tell what I have and find what others have as well. The whole base of it is to have more working on it and bring the messages that God gave them to complete the picture.3) Most importantly, it takes a lot of practice to realize what is for you and what is for other people. In other words - you're speaking too much, and that's revealing much.
Thanks again everyone. I can't wait to hear again from you all.
Take Care