Very interesting discussion. Albert Einstein was probably the greatest physisist and mathemetician of his day. This makes his discussions of theology interesting, I suppose, but not necessarily authoritative.
For a more modern example of what I mean here. Michael Jordan was probably the greatest basketball player of his time. Hard to argue with that. However, when he played baseball, he did not have the same level of skill as he displayed in basketball.
Perhaps looking to Albert Einstein for religious answers is similar to looking to Michael Jordan to save your baseball team. Just a thought.
That being said, the subject of religion, is there a god, where did life originate, etc. . . are subjects that obviously plague all the minds of any degree of intellect on the planet. It is very interesting to read what one of the most brillian minds of all time thought on these subjects. I find it somewhat comforting to read that Einstein came to some of the same conclusions on this subject as I have, even tho I think this subject is a bit far afield from his area of expertise. Even going far afield, I think his thoughts are of some value. For instance, even tho he wasn't nearly the baseball player that he was a basketball player, Jordan was probably a better baseball player than anyone reading this post right now. . .
Just a few random thoughts,