We've seen an interesting discussion of the scientific method.
It's more complicated & flexible than is typically proffered by educators.
Is there a method for religion?
Or to phrase it better....what methods do you see?
I see no debating is allowed here.
This is partly why I chose this forum.
Well, I compare the method used in religion with psychology. Psychology seems to be the middle ground between both what we cant explain and what we can. The DSM-IV criteria seems to help with knowing the method you are asking for.
For example.
1. Therapists usually try to
get clients to ask questions to themselves or think about themselves in what they want to acheive in their mental health and life (or so have you).
Religiously: This overlaps with people asking why there are so much evvil in the world, where are we from, why are we here, and to people who dont ask these questions, what keeps you getting out of bed, what keeps you from staying in bed. Simple questions that bring together how we live and what it means to live by yesterday, today, and/o tomorrow's standards.
2. The therapist sometimes, if the issue is not to far surfaced, he may give him small things to do. For example, some
reearch may involve I dont know, asking family about his family history (did I have mental illnesses when I was young), things like that. Or it could be researching his own personal life and connecting the dots.
Religiously, he is basically getting to know his origin and goals by connecting with people who care about him. (Not a generalization)
Which leads to
3. The therapist asking him to
form a hypothesis. "So what did you find out?" or "how can we use this to helo with X?" or "what are your thoughts about Y?"
Basically, leading the client to think of his own big questions by asking him little ones.
Religiously, this technique helps the client start to ask open ended questions, for more research, and more hypothesis. So, now they dont just have an abstract idea "why am I here? or who created me?" but a foundation that other people they know asked that question to. They have a sense of connection.
4. The therapist helps his client to
test his hypthosis by doing mini meditation, probably five minutes, during session. Maybe he will ask for him to keep a diary of some sort. Dont know.
Religiously, the client already had a goal (question), motivation (research and creating hypothosis), now they are ready to go forth! Go to church. Meditate. Be with other people who experience the same struggles as themselves. A sense of community.
5. (Skip) The client analyze his "data" or experiences based on his goals, information he received from his sources, community, and self. So basically, his goals or questions are answered
6. Communicating results to therapist, family, stranger, spiritual community, god, whomever seems to be the next step towards varifying the fact of religion based on Religiontific Method Criteria.
Its based on
1. Asking the question: Pondering or needing to know "who am I; where am I?"
2. Doing research: Learning about the world around you, through books, experiences, conversation, RF
3. Forming a hypothesis: Trying to fit what you learned into one coherent question/statement
4. Testing results: Go for it. Go to church. Be born again. Say Ido.
5. Communicate the results: To ones self, family, community, god, etc.
I figured this by how therapist talk to their patients.
1. Asking the clients to ask questions about themselves outloud
2. Helping clients to know where to start in answering these religious questions of life
3. Letting the client for questions about his own pondering and from what he learnt
4. Working with the clients with the results of those tests in session (say they meditate at home, try a mini session in the office)
5. Communication is the key to all therapy treatments
I know this is splattered. I just went with it.