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the right religion


To the dating : The general consensus is as given on early Christian writings .. we actually do not know when each was written in most cases exept where .. as in Matt.. we find historical events recorded that are datable.
Of course no one knows an exact years those were approximations that are consistent with dominant scholarly concensus. I have many very good reasons to assert earlier dates but have no need to. Those ranges are plenty early enough.

Having Paul written earlier than the Synoptics does not help your case at all.
You are the one who is so concerned with dates. I don't think they matter all that much. I was pointing out that by YOUR standard Paul wins because he is the earliest.

If Paul had known anything about the events of the life of Jesus then we would have expected him to have written about it. We have almost nothing from Paul .
Only more of the new testament than any other writer. He had a greater traing in the law than all the other apostles put together. He was selected to impliment the change over from the covenant of the Law to the covenant of Grace and was extremely qualified for it. We already had four gospels on the life of Christ how many more do you need. Paul did exactly what he was supposed to do and you have no authority to reject what Christ accepted.

If the synoptics had been written such that Paul was aware of the teachings therin then he would have altered his doctrine at least to conform with the words of Jesus.
His words are consistent to any reader willing to do a little research and who is not precommited to a works philosophy that is incapable of saving anyone. You have absolutely no way to know what paul would have done. To assert that you do is both arrogant and unbiblical.

He also would have referred to some of the stories of Jesus to support his teachings had he known them.
He did, but even if he didn't what gives you the authority to demand he do anything.

If there were some early versions of Mark and Q (from which Matt and Luke were later written) then Paul was obviously not privy to these which further supports the idea that Paul was not really an accepted member of the Church of Jerusalem.
Good lord, do you just swallow any theory that supports your preconception. Being that the other apostles excepted him as well as Christ then your statements are just plain wrong.

The discord between Paul and the Church of Jerusalem is recorded by Paul himself and obviously James did not think much of Paul's doctrine.
Well if anyones view prevailed it was Paul's and he was excepted by them and Christ no matter how hard you try to find a reason to reject him.

The problem with Johannine writings is not only were they written later, but that these writings are in a completely different linguistic style (The writer was not a Jew) and the ideas are new.
There is nothing in the current bible that is inconsistent.

In your link citing some Jesuit guy .. William (the Author) actually makes the case against this Jesuit fellows dating of (45-65) and no reference/links to this guy is provided .. What up ?
These were not meant to establish an exact date just to give a reasonable range and so were not elaborated on. I gave links to the site which the quote came from, any additional links should be there.

He cites Polycarp, Ireneaus, Clement .. and so forth as giving dates differing from the Jesuit fellow.
But they were all within a certain range which was the point I was makeing. The only criteria I was if the Gospels were written during the lifetime of the apostles. I did not care whether that was 34AD or 100AD and so did not have the interest or purpose that you seem to.

Not that this guy is scholarly in any way shape or form ?? He is an associate pastor for goodness sakes ..... Provided Courtesy of:Eternal Word Television Network.
What guy? Those dates are not his dates. Let me stream line this a bit. If I say that I believe that the Gospels were written between 45AD and 110AD can you agree with that? You seem to think I was making an absolute claim for an absolute year.

He starts out talking about some course he went to where the gospels were dated 200-300. He was probably confused by the terms 2cnd and 3rd century. The second century starts at 100 and 3rd in 200 so what he means is that the course claimed 100-200.
I have seen every imaginable range of dates. It depends on the preconcieved intention of the claiment, so his 200-300 probably exists on someones website.

Try the links I provided for something at least resembling scholarship.

The Passages you gave are not clear on the issue of "born again" in relation to entering the kingdom of Heaven. It is hard to tell what is being spoken about to begin with ... and even when they do come close it is from Johannine stuff which I just do not accept as reliable. (You are welcome to your own opinion of course)

I'm not sure if you are aware but " 1 Peter" was not thought, by the majority, to have been written by Peter. It is a fusion of Paulism and some other tradition.

Well this pretty much sums up exactly what I thought from about your second post to me on. I am have not fully responded to you here because it is useless until I send you a private message and ask you something.
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Question Everything
...If I claim to be a Christian then that means faith in the bible is necessary even if it's wrong. ....

I disagree. I am a Christian, and I believe parts of the Bible are wrong. My faith is in a divine being, not in a book. I worship God, not pieces of paper. I commune with God, and come to know Him through the Holy Spirit, through listening to my conscience which is the light of Christ, and through trying to become more like Jesus. The scriptures can be a wonderful tool, but they are a means to an end...

(New Testament | Matthew 16:16 - 18)
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The true church is built upon revelation from God, not on a book.

1 Corinthians 12:3..no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
The Spirit causes men to walk in God's statutes, Ezek. 36:27
The Holy Ghost shall teach you all things, John 14:26.
Holy men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, 2 Pet. 1:21

The Holy Spirit is real, and is the ultimate source of the wisdom of God.
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I disagree. I am a Christian, and I believe parts of the Bible are wrong. My faith is in a divine being, not in a book. I worship God, not pieces of paper. I commune with God, and come to know Him through the Holy Spirit, through listening to my conscience which is the light of Christ, and through trying to become more like Jesus. The scriptures can be a wonderful tool, but they are a means to an end...

(New Testament | Matthew 16:16 - 18)
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The true church is built upon revelation from God, not on a book.

1 Corinthians 12:3..no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
The Spirit causes men to walk in God's statutes, Ezek. 36:27
The Holy Ghost shall teach you all things, John 14:26.
Holy men spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, 2 Pet. 1:21

The Holy Spirit is real, and is the ultimate source of the wisdom of God.
Let me clarify this a little. You must believe in the truth of the original revelations. I agree that there are human errors in our modern bibles but probably not to the extent you do. Since all the apostles and Jesus Christ affirm the original scriptures to deny them is unchristian. I think you missed the point of my original statement as well. A christian must affirm the bible as was originally given or he wouldn't know any of the verses you quoted. I also believe in the spirit and am born again but I only came to know of him through the bible.


Veteran Member
Let me clarify this a little. You must believe in the truth of the original revelations. I agree that there are human errors in our modern bibles but probably not to the extent you do. Since all the apostles and Jesus Christ affirm the original scriptures to deny them is unchristian. I think you missed the point of my original statement as well. A christian must affirm the bible as was originally given or he wouldn't know any of the verses you quoted. I also believe in the spirit and am born again but I only came to know of him through the bible.

what we have are copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies.

your god is mute.

A christian must affirm the bible as was originally given
by what criteria, the level of their sincerity?


Active Member
You are the one who is so concerned with dates. I don't think they matter all that much. I was pointing out that by YOUR standard Paul wins because he is the earliest.

Date is not the only standard by which reliability is judged.

Only more of the new testament than any other writer. He had a greater traing in the law than all the other apostles put together. He was selected to impliment the change over from the covenant of the Law to the covenant of Grace and was extremely qualified for it. We already had four gospels on the life of Christ how many more do you need. Paul did exactly what he was supposed to do and you have no authority to reject what Christ accepted.

Not sure how you think that Christ accepted Paul's writing ? I do not buy into this assumption at all.

If these four Gospels existed in some earlier form (they certainly did not exist in current form .. Matt for example records events related to the destruction of the temple) then why does Paul never refer to them to support his doctrine.

Also .. why do Pauls treachings about "salvation by faith" contradict James who was leader of the Jerusalem Church, and Jesus himself.

His words are consistent to any reader willing to do a little research and who is not precommited to a works philosophy that is incapable of saving anyone. You have absolutely no way to know what paul would have done. To assert that you do is both arrogant and unbiblical.

I have given you a number of quotes from the Bible where both James and Jesus contradict Pauls "salvation by faith" claim.

Paul himself supports this idea in recounting conflicts he had with the diciples.

Pauls words are not consistent with James 2 (faith without works is Dead)

Good lord, do you just swallow any theory that supports your preconception. Being that the other apostles excepted him as well as Christ then your statements are just plain wrong.

It is you that has failed to account for or address directly the the contradictions between James 2, the words of Jesus, and Paul.

Well if anyones view prevailed it was Paul's and he was excepted by them and Christ no matter how hard you try to find a reason to reject him.

Just because Paul's view prevailed is not necessarily evidence for reliability.

There is nothing in the current bible that is inconsistent.

This statement can only come from abject denial. Standing on a stump and shouting "there is nothing inconsistent in the Bible" over and over again does not make it so.

I have given you specific inconsistencies from James and the words of Jesus in Matt (sermon on the Mount, and Chapter 23-24)

You have not addressed James. You have not addressed the words of Jesus which contradict Paul.

All have done in relation to Jesus is point to Johannine material where Jesus seems to support your claim. I have agreed that the words attributed to Jesus in John do seem to support your claim somewhat. This creates a big problem because now we have Jesus contradicting himself which I do not think he did so some editor is putting words in the mouth of Jesus.

My rational for rejecting John rather than Matt, Mark and Luke, is that the book was not written by a Jew and it is in a completely different style than the other Gospels.

The other rational is that John is the only Gospel that attributes such verbiage to Jesus.

The contradiction in doctrine is there for anyone who is literate to see.

James himself saw this contradiction and he spends all of James 2 in an effort to clarify the issue.

James 2 is the straw that breaks the back of any argument claiming that there was no contradiction.

What guy? Those dates are not his dates. Let me stream line this a bit. If I say that I believe that the Gospels were written between 45AD and 110AD can you agree with that? You seem to think I was making an absolute claim for an absolute year.

45 is way too early and the Author of the link you provided gives evidence to this effect.


Question Everything
I also believe in the spirit and am born again but I only came to know of him through the bible.

I do not deny the original scriptures, but I do not believe that we are currently in possession of them either.... yes, most of the Bible is translated correctly and can be used for spiritual guidance, but do not make the Bible your God... Learn the lesson of the Scribes and Phnarasees - they had the original unaltered text, but they were not guided by the Spirit, and so they killed our Savior... the text is not enough, you have to be guided by the Spirit in order to accurately come to know God...

If you have only come to know of Him through the Bible, and not through the Spirit, then you do not have an understanding of what the Spirit is.

1 Kings 19:11 - 12
11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

seek the still small voice my friend, gain the testimony that comes from going to the source.
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what we have are copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies of copies.

your god is mute.

by what criteria, the level of their sincerity?
I can't remember the last time you said anything of substance. You post like a troll and I am about to give up on you again. We have modern bibles or at least one I know of that went straight from the ancient Greek to modern English. There was only a few copies in there. If you knew anything about textual criticism or anything at all. You would know that if you have an extremely rich textual tradition that contains a large number of parallel lines of transmission, then it the original can can be determined by comparative techniques to a relatively small margin of error. I would even show you how it's done if you were a sincere poster that actually cared about knowledge. Your last statement is too stupid to bother addressing. Either step up the level of discussion or I am done with you again.


Veteran Member
I can't remember the last time you said anything of substance. You post like a troll and I am about to give up on you again. We have modern bibles or at least one I know of that went straight from the ancient Greek to modern English. There was only a few copies in there. If you knew anything about textual criticism or anything at all. You would know that if you have an extremely rich textual tradition that contains a large number of parallel lines of transmission, then it the original can can be determined by comparative techniques to a relatively small margin of error. I would even show you how it's done if you were a sincere poster that actually cared about knowledge. Your last statement is too stupid to bother addressing. Either step up the level of discussion or I am done with you again.

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

you are funny!!!


I do not deny the original scriptures, but I do not believe that we are currently in possession of them either.... yes, most of the Bible is translated correctly and can be used for spiritual guidance, but do not make the Bible your God... Learn the lesson of the Scribes and Phnarasees - they had the original unaltered text, but they were not guided by the Spirit, and so they killed our Savior... the text is not enough, you have to be guided by the Spirit in order to accurately come to know God...
I do not believe that the bible is 100% accurate. I believe that it is around 95% the best I can gather. You seem to be laboring under a false understanding. I made the statement that a Christian believes in the bible as a response to a specific point a satanist made. I do not hold the bible as superior to God, that doesn't even make sence. I agree with your last statement but can't figure out why you made it.

If you have only come to know of Him through the Bible, and not through the Spirit, then you do not have an understanding of what the Spirit is.
That was the whole purpose the bible is for. It was given to point the way to salvation. That experience brings us into communion with the holy spirit who leads us into all truth. The bible did not cease to be relevant with the holy spirit is the devine word "Logos" or "Theonustas".

1 Kings 19:11 - 12
11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
What question or point is this in response to or relevant with?

seek the still small voice my friend, gain the testimony that comes from going to the source.
This voice's claims are to be compared to the devine word to verify it's source. Satan will even seek to mislead the elect. This whole post seems random and irrelevant to anything I have said even if generaly accurate.


Date is not the only standard by which reliability is judged.
Good then lets drop dates. I don't usually find them important.

Not sure how you think that Christ accepted Paul's writing ? I do not buy into this assumption at all.
Then you disagree with Christ. As well as the other apostles. Unless you assert that the writer whom all the other apostles accepted and who wrote more of the new testament than anyone and who prevailed in the discussion with the other apostles lied when he said he met Christ.

If these four Gospels existed in some earlier form (they certainly did not exist in current form .. Matt for example records events related to the destruction of the temple) then why does Paul never refer to them to support his doctrine.
I don't know what this was addressing.

Also .. why do Pauls treachings about "salvation by faith" contradict James who was leader of the Jerusalem Church, and Jesus himself.
They only contradict your understanding of this issue. I have read eight commentaries on this subject lately and they seem to have no issue reconcileing them. Also the notes in my NIV life application bible had no problem.

I have given you a number of quotes from the Bible where both James and Jesus contradict Pauls "salvation by faith" claim.
I am well aware of these verses. I have investigated them on many occasions. They do seem to contradict on the surface but with a little research these surface problems go away. This is a similar issue in the Gospels themselves and many other places. Where people who do not look past the surface or have a preconcieved bias that doesn't allow haronization.

Paul himself supports this idea in recounting conflicts he had with the diciples.
The conflict which was very small envolved Peter's hypocritical behavior as it related to his associations. Peter was wrong and Paul pointed it out. The other small confrentation involved circumcision and anyone could see that Paul was right again. He was by far and away the expert on the law.

Pauls words are not consistent with James 2 (faith without works is Dead)
James was saying that a faith that results in no works is a dead faith that couldn't save anyone. He is contrasting a superficial faith and a real born again faith.Just try to construct a workable faith based justification. It is impossible.

It is you that has failed to account for or address directly the the contradictions between James 2, the words of Jesus, and Paul.
Your obsessed with these few verses. You have some kind of Bias that is driveing this. Any commentator will do better than I would. It would take more time than I have to hash this out for you. There is plenty of info all over the web to satasfy you if knowledge is actually what you want.

Just because Paul's view prevailed is not necessarily evidence for reliability.
Well it sure as heck is better eveidence for it than your position.

This statement can only come from abject denial. Standing on a stump and shouting "there is nothing inconsistent in the Bible" over and over again does not make it so
I have just spent several hours allowing a Muslim to throw every contradiction he could find at me. Even I was suprised how easily they were shown to be non contradictions. I have however not done that with every single one that anyone thinks might be valid so I will amend my statement to say it is approx 95% free of contradiction and reliable.

I have given you specific inconsistencies from James and the words of Jesus in Matt (sermon on the Mount, and Chapter 23-24)
I thought you said James and Jesus were in agreement. I thought Paul was the rogue. Which is it?

You have not addressed James. You have not addressed the words of Jesus which contradict Paul.
It takes a long time to hash those out. As someone who claims to be Christian you have the know how and ability to read a commentary or scholars that make the case better than I can. If you actually want is the highest quality information then that is where you want to look for it.

All have done in relation to Jesus is point to Johannine material where Jesus seems to support your claim. I have agreed that the words attributed to Jesus in John do seem to support your claim somewhat. This creates a big problem because now we have Jesus contradicting himself which I do not think he did so some editor is putting words in the mouth of Jesus.
I do not agree he is contradicting himself. I suggest some prayer, unbiased thinking, and study can clear any problems you are having reconcileing these things up.

My rational for rejecting John rather than Matt, Mark and Luke, is that the book was not written by a Jew and it is in a completely different style than the other Gospels.
If it was not written by a Jew then shouldn't it be different. Regardless a different style has nothing to do with accuracy or reliability. You reject John because he says things you don't like. His different style is just the best reason you can come up with to dismiss what you don't like.

The other rational is that John is the only Gospel that attributes such verbiage to Jesus.
That is because he has a unique mission and perspective. He was to reveal his devine nature more fully than the others. All of them have a slightly different mission and perspective. It is exactly what you want in multiple witness testimony.

The contradiction in doctrine is there for anyone who is literate to see.
Everyone except all the great commentaries and 90% of Christians. As well as all the people throught the years that have affirmed the canon.

James himself saw this contradiction and he spends all of James 2 in an effort to clarify the issue.
You keep saying the same thing over and over. I have already addressed this as well as hundreds of Christian scholars.

James 2 is the straw that breaks the back of any argument claiming that there was no contradiction.
Only if you refuse to unbiasedly look for legitimate ways they can harmonize. It is you who are bucking the established Christian narrative. You have the burden of proof and that requires a lot more than assertions.

45 is way too early and the Author of the link you provided gives evidence to this effect.
It may very well be that is why I said between 45AD and 100AD. So what is the point?


Question Everything
This voice's claims are to be compared to the devine word to verify it's source. Satan will even seek to mislead the elect.

I think you are so afraid of Satan's voice, that you shy away from seeking to hear from any voice... jmo. Yes, the Devils are real, but so are the angels, so is the Spirit.

It's better to seek mutual understanding, then to be defensive... jmo.


I think you are so afraid of Satan's voice, that you shy away from seeking to hear from any voice... jmo. Yes, the Devils are real, but so are the angels, so is the Spirit.

It's better to seek mutual understanding, then to be defensive... jmo.
Now I know you just make up stuff to have something to post. You have no data suffecient to make any claim as to what I do or why I do it. The fact that you will do so anyway suggests spiritual immaturity and a lack of intellectual discipline. That instruction is given by God which you are denying. You sound like more of a new age spiritist than a seasoned Christian.


Veteran Member
Why do you ask?

because you constantly tell me i have nothing to back my claims sooooo...
by what criteria do you determine the word represents gods will?

you put so much weight on it i would think you can answer the question with ease


because you constantly tell me i have nothing to back my claims sooooo...
by what criteria do you determine the word represents gods will?

you put so much weight on it i would think you can answer the question with ease
Why do you think I can answer with ease? You are actually defending your haveing proof for your claims by asking me to prove mine. Never mind forget I asked anything and don't answer me.


Veteran Member
Why do you think I can answer with ease?
cause it's your MO...you say this constantly.

You are actually defending your haveing proof for your claims by asking me to prove mine. Never mind forget I asked anything and don't answer me.
no not at all. i'm not the one who claims to know gods will.
so what it the criteria?

i didn't get that part.