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the right religion

No doubt Maury was inspired by the Bible, but he used research and observation to create his navigational charts. People get inspired by numerous things which motivates them to do what they do. Including fiction.

Not to say the Bible is fiction but this argument doesn't necessarily support the Bible being God's word. It just means people have used the Bible for inspiration. Sometimes that leads to success, sometimes not. You can't just myopically view the successes and ignore the catastrophes of religions.

The Fact is that the bible told of the sea paths being there! No other book had given that information! If we stay with bible facts, no other religion can stand! Because the bible teaches the way of the Lord!

Psalm 8:8 "The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea." KJV

Bob L

there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)
There is no "one true faith". Every religion since the dawn of time has seen itself as the One True Faith. My personal solution to this was, since all religions think they're the true one, then none of them can all be true. So I became an atheist and stopped worrying about it. Now to me none of them are true! :D


Active Member
The Fact is that the bible told of the sea paths being there! No other book had given that information! If we stay with bible facts, no other religion can stand! Because the bible teaches the way of the Lord!

Psalm 8:8 "The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea." KJV

There is nothing in Psalm 8:8 that talks about anything related to navigation.

In any case .. you could find such passages in any religious book.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
The Fact is that the bible told of the sea paths being there! No other book had given that information! If we stay with bible facts, no other religion can stand! Because the bible teaches the way of the Lord!

Psalm 8:8 "The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea." KJV

But there is nothing prophetic here. It's men singing praises to God. I'm sure man has been aware of currents in the oceans for thousands of years.

It's poems written by men. Men wrote it from what they knew and understood. You're completely taking the Bible out of any sense of reality.

I don't even know what to say, I mean really that's how you see the Bible? Some tome of mystical, magical knowledge?
There is nothing in Psalm 8:8 that talks about anything related to navigation.

In any case .. you could find such passages in any religious book.

Can you post the book and passage, and when the book was written? The Bible was written over 2,000 years ago. If one stays with what the bible teaches, he/she can prove their faith, by the scriptures. God has given us all things that pertain to life and Godliness, so would navigation be hard to learn, 2Peter 1:3?
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But there is nothing prophetic here. It's men singing praises to God. I'm sure man has been aware of currents in the oceans for thousands of years.

It's poems written by men. Men wrote it from what they knew and understood. You're completely taking the Bible out of any sense of reality.

I don't even know what to say, I mean really that's how you see the Bible? Some tome of mystical, magical knowledge?

No, not a myth, but magical knowledge, yes I guess so... All scriptures is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3:16 Chosen men of God, wrote the bible!
There is no "one true faith". Every religion since the dawn of time has seen itself as the One True Faith. My personal solution to this was, since all religions think they're the true one, then none of them can all be true. So I became an atheist and stopped worrying about it. Now to me none of them are true! :D

No worries right now huh! But just what if this be true... KJV 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9?;)


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
No, not a myth, but magical knowledge, yes I guess so... All scriptures is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim. 3:16 Chosen men of God, wrote the bible!

Which means what? If you want to take it literally Paul could only have been referring to the Septuagint. And all he is saying is it is useful as a training manual about God. Ok, fair enough but you're trying to pull a prophecy from a place where none exist. You are using it way beyond anything advised by Paul.


That site shows that people have differening opinions of mostly secondary doctrinal issues. What in the world does that have to do with the acual religion, God, or the bible. The truth given in the original revelations has not changed in any way whatsoever. If you walk by a car and say it is red, then I walk by and say orange does that mean the car changed colors. It means me and you see different but almost identicle things but the car is the same.

Give some examples please. I pretty much agree with this guy that "belief that is not based on evidence is one of the world's great evils". (he's just using religious kind of language; nothing to do with faith).
All of science is based on faith in the universal rational intellagabilty of the universe. The definition of empiricle evidence is it's detection by the five sences. Nothing over 300,00 thousand years ago can be accessed by these methods and so is faith based. It is a reasoned faith in the exact same way that religion is. Science requires that something either be observable and/or reproducable before it is considered fact. Nothing in evolution if true can pass that test before about 100 yrs ago and so 99% of it is reasoned faith. No one ever saw a type of creature become another type but they believe it happened. There is even a law that says that life only comes from life but they are so desperate to believe, they have faith it happened anyway approximatly 3 billion years ago when we can't even agree what happened last week.

Many of lifes greatest concepts are taken on faith. Love, astetic value, sanctity of life, objective moral values are all unprovable but are virtually universally excepted concepts.


You cant possibly know the history of christianity if you think it has never
I am quite sure you are making the same mistake that most non believers make. You are thinking of changes that Christian people have made in the way they view scripture or doctrine and confusing that with the faith it's self. The Christian religion is not to be thought of as whatever a person claiming to be a Christian does or thinks. It is based on the original revelations of God given almost 2000 years ago and that has never and will never change. If you walk by a car and say it is red, then I walk by and say orange does that mean the car changed colors. It means me and you see different but almost identicle things but the car is the same. I don't give a rip what any particular Christian claims, it is God's revelation that does not change. The modern bible is 95% the same as the original. The other 5% is mostly grammer not meaning. However it does have a few percent of meaningful differences. 2% meaningful inaccuracy is certainly not grounds by which to claim that the religion has changed especially since the modern bibles point out and footnote even this 2%. Even if the bible had significant errors compared with the original that still wouldn't mean that God has changed or the actual religion.
Which means what? If you want to take it literally Paul could only have been referring to the Septuagint. And all he is saying is it is useful as a training manual about God. Ok, fair enough but you're trying to pull a prophecy from a place where none exist. You are using it way beyond anything advised by Paul.

Peter is just saying God created all things in the beginning that pertains to the physical needs of man, this was during the creation, and he gave his Son, so all could have eternal life through him. I use the King James Verson (Not the new translations). What do you mean? "but you're trying to pull a prophecy from a place where none exist." Peter is just telling us how to live our lives by what God has given us. (2 Peter 1).


Veteran Member
It's not true. I'm an atheist, so Bible phrases don't worry me, since there's no evidence of a God to make them happen. ;)

How do you know that the wicked will not be punished with everlasting destruction [ 2nd Thess. 1 v 9] ? [Psalm 92 v 7]

Just because you have not seen that happen before, does that mean it will not happen ?

Isn't atheism a religion in that it adheres to the dogmatic view that there is No God. Since that can not be proven, it is the exercise of faith in the non-existence of God

Even atheist Antony Flew after many decades concluded that there are evils in abundance which could not be put down to a consequence of human sin.


Veteran Member
determining the right religion is like determining what is the right race...

it's a silly useless and a potentially dangerous concept to contemplate.
It's not true. I'm an atheist, so Bible phrases don't worry me, since there's no evidence of a God to make them happen. ;)

There is evidence! You just choose not to believe, but faith comes by hearing the word of God. The problem is it is more easy to say I am atheist, then to look into the perfect will of God for the answers and believe. I live by the word of God and that is where I look for answers and how I live my life.:)
determining the right religion is like determining what is the right race...

it's a silly useless and a potentially dangerous concept to contemplate.

If we walk by the "word of God" it only teaches one way!

It is hard because even the ones who say they are walking that "one" way, are not in "unity" with the scriptures. But what if everyone looked to the bible for their answers? The Bible was written by inspired men, who were given the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven so they would be no schism in the body (Church). 1 Corinthians 12; .