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the right religion


Active Member
What is your deal? You claim to be a Christian and then argue with every single orthedox claim made in Christianity and have defended every counter claim made by other religions? You have the most contradictory actions vs identity I have ever heard of. I will not continue a discussion with you until you suffeciently explain the apparent contradiction between your identity and your actions

What is "my" deal ? What is your deal? I am not the one bastardizing Christianity by making outrageous and unsubstantiated claims that makes folks that adhere to the primary message of Christianity look bad.

When I gave you a detailed explanation you had no response. If you really wanted a sufficient explanation you would have made some rational comments when I explained myself .. you did not.

Not every Chistian has the same perspective as you do. Perhaps you do not like my perspective but that is no reason to demonize simply on the basis of "your perspective is different".

If you can not defend your own perspective perhaps you should change it.

I would like nothing better than if you could give an example of a detailed, verifyable prophecy that has been fulfilled.

Case in point:

There are over 2300 prophecies in the bible, well over a thousand have been fulfilled. There are books and websites devoted to detailed explenations of them all. There are even 350 plus that concern Christ alone which you seem to claim to believe in. So now I must add Prophecy to Paul, John, orthedox Christianity, respected commentators, and many verses from the old and new testament which you dismiss.

There are numerous websites devoted to all kinds of crazy ideas (The world is ending on December 21, 2012 .. dont you know ?) and there are just as many books devoted to similar ideas that are unsubstandiated. This does not make these ideas true. You have folks like Jack Van Impe, who is a complete quack raging on about such things but I do not hear legitimate Church leaders making claims about any 2300 prophecies.

If there are thousands of prophecies that have been fufilled and each is detailed and verifiable as you claim, then you should have no problem comming up with just one.

Just one .. is all that is required to substantiate (at least partially) your perspective.

Unfortunately you have come up with nothing so far.
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What is "my" deal ? What is your deal? I am not the one bastardizing Christianity by making outrageous and unsubstantiated claims that makes folks that adhere to the primary message of Christianity look bad.

When I gave you a detailed explanation you had no response. If you really wanted a sufficient explanation you would have made some rational comments when I explained myself .. you did not.

Not every Chistian has the same perspective as you do. Perhaps you do not like my perspective but that is no reason to demonize simply on the basis of "your perspective is different".

If you can not defend your own perspective perhaps you should change it.

I would like nothing better than if you could give an example of a detailed, verifyable prophecy that has been fulfilled.
Since your the only one of the two of us that has consitently defended every religion but Christianity and has dismissed or diminished Prophecy, John, Paul, orthedox Christian doctrine, and respected commentators. Who was it that is butchering what?

Case in point:
There are numerous websites devoted to all kinds of crazy ideas (The world is ending on December 21, 2012 .. dont you know ?) and there are just as many books devoted to similar ideas that are unsubstandiated. This does not make these ideas true. You have folks like Jack Van Impe, who is a complete quack raging on about such things but I do not hear legitimate Church leaders making claims about any 2300 prophecies.
You are one strange bird. It is a universally believed fact in protestantism and I believe in Catholicism that the bible has approx 2000 prophecies in it. The majority have been fulfilled and are recorded in the bible. I did not mention Van Impe, the Mayans, or anything beyond the bible. I realise that you find it logical to counter claims I never made and reject biblical ones God made, but I do not. IMO your comments have more in common with Islam or atheism because your points have been more consistent with their position than Christianity. In fact I believe you are the first person from any religion that I have ever heard say that they did not believe that any biblical prophecy is true. A list of things in the bible you do accept would be a shorter list than those you don't.

If there are thousands of prophecies that have been fufilled and each is detailed and verifiable as you claim, then you should have no problem comming up with just one.
If you will restrict our discussion to PMs then I will be happy to prove you incorrect. I realise why it may not bother you to openly disgrace Christianity, but to me it does God a disservice and I for one consider that important. You are without doubt the most inconsistent and bizarre person I have ever discussed any concept with, ever. Either PM me or I will put a stop to this myself in whatever way I deem appropriate.


Active Member
Since your the only one of the two of us that has consitently defended every religion but Christianity and has dismissed or diminished Prophecy, John, Paul, orthedox Christian doctrine, and respected commentators. Who was it that is butchering what?

Do you think that lying makes you a better Christian ?

You are one strange bird. It is a universally believed fact in protestantism and I believe in Catholicism that the bible has approx 2000 prophecies in it.

This is the third time you have made this rediculous claim.

I am still waiting for just "one" prophecy.

I realise why it may not bother you to openly disgrace Christianity, but to me it does God a disservice and I for one consider that important.

It is you who openly disgraces Christianity and the message of Jesus by claiming to speak for God, to know the mind of God, what God is made of, and so forth.

It was this type of thinking that caused the Church to burn, torture and persecute people in the name of God using the exact same arguments that you do. What possibly could be more disgraceful than that.

Making wild and unsubstantiated claims about the Bible does not help uplift the reputation of the Church either.

What would help is if self professed born again Christians, who are in the minority, would stop demonizing other Christians because they do not share their warped version of Christianity.

Still waiting for one prophecy, of these thousands that you speak of, that has come true.


Active Member
What do you think about looking for the right religion is like looking for the right cigarettes?
Does it make any sense?
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Heathen Hammer

Nope, you're still wrong
You seem to lack discernment as to what fiction is. I Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series prophecy is used often and the author can make those prophecies come true. We know that is fiction because He says it is but the Bible proclaims itself as God inspired which is defintely not self proclaimed fiction.

The lore of the Northern Europeans does not present itself as fiction, but as history. You agree then that Thor is real.


Veteran Member
The "Word of God" is the evidence!!
no it isn't, prove it....the bible cannot prove itself you need objective empirical evidence....

otherwise the logic you are arguing for is that spiderman is real because the story takes place in new york, a real place.


there r many religion in the world, but surly there r only one right religion, but how could we reach the right believe, the right path? :)

In my opinion the closer my connection to God then the more sensitive I am to my conscience. I know I have a mind and I know I have a conscience. These things are not vague beliefs but reality. My conscience is my sense of what is right and what is wrong. Whether it existed from the time I was born as guide or my standard of conscience has been learned as I have grown I still have it and consider it to be Gods way of guiding me, as well as other things like intuition and other people through our interactions. But with people as well as the conscience I really need to be listening in order to be guided correctly. And so my relationship with God as a living experience affects how i am listening to my conscience. People stop listening to it and essentially kill their conscience and go in a bad direction. For myself there are many groups out there and they seem to be all relative to each other with many varying beliefs. No matter what group an individual is in they still have a conscience.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
What about the people of different religions who say God verified
their religion to them?

IMO people make up religions based on what other people claim God says.

People I suspect have what they consider "divine" communication. Usually others who for whatever reason have faith in those claims interpret those claims into a religion.

So what I guess I'm trying to say is I'd suspect anybody claiming God verified their religion to them probably convinced themselves based on some expectation they thought was appropriate. They heard or assumed some experience they had validated their beliefs.

Like wishing "God please let me get this job". So they happen to get the job so think their belief in God A, B or C has been validated. Or perhaps they had some spiritual experience and happen to belong to religion X, Y or Z and feel that experience validates their belief.

IMO God doesn't create religions, people do. However people have to trust what they experience first hand and act in whatever manner seems appropriate to them. I suspect that is what most people are going to anyway.
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no it isn't, prove it....the bible cannot prove itself you need objective empirical evidence....

otherwise the logic you are arguing for is that spiderman is real because the story takes place in new york, a real place.

"How do you know for sure that the whole Bible is the word of God?

Faith in Christ comes from the "word of God"! Rom 10:17, "So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Yes, I get what you are saying! I am talking from the word of God and most doesn't believe it to be truth!

The "Word of God" is evidence of eternal life, for those that will believe and walk by the word of God. Paul was an apostle born out of due time, he said in Galatians 1:12, "For neither did I receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ." I never knew George Washington, except from history! But I believe he was President at one time, lol. So why would one not believe when they read "Christ is the only begotten Son of God"?

Jesus did signs in the presence of his disciples and this was written in the book of John 20:24-31, that people might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing they might have life through his name.

Thomas one of the twelve disciples called apostles said: "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe." After Thomas did this he said: "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said: "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.

Then there were people that didn't believe, who Jesus didn't even brother with, I guess because he knew their hearts. "And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief." Matthew 13:54-58; Mark 6:5-6.

"How do you not know that the whole written word of God is truth?
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Veteran Member
"How do you know for sure that the whole Bible is the word of God?

Faith in Christ comes from the "word of God"! Rom 10:17, "So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Yes, I get what you are saying! I am talking from the word of God and most doesn't believe it to be truth!

The "Word of God" is evidence of eternal life, for those that will believe and walk by the word of God. Paul was an apostle born out of due time, he said in Galatians 1:12, "For neither did I receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came to me through revelation of Jesus Christ." I never knew George Washington, except from history! But I believe he was President at one time, lol. So why would one not believe when they read "Christ is the only begotten Son of God"?

Jesus did signs in the presence of his disciples and this was written in the book of John 20:24-31, that people might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing they might have life through his name.

Thomas one of the twelve disciples called apostles said: "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe." After Thomas did this he said: "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said: "Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.

Then there were people that didn't believe, who Jesus didn't even brother with, I guess because he knew their hearts. "And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief." Matthew 13:54-58; Mark 6:5-6.

"How do you not know that the whole written word of God is truth?

The figure is hanging, like a spider,
from a radio mast high above... Manhattan. There are the
familiar landmarks... Pan Am and Chrysler Buildings.
Empire State.


Mary Jane. Close your eyes.

She does. Puzzled. He moves very close to her.

(in Spidey voice)
Do you still trust me?

She gasps and her eyes pop open... staring at him. Then
she gulps, nods once and squeezes them shut. He kisses
her long and deep, and she twines her fingers in his hair.
Two of MJ's snotnose girlfriends are walking by. They
just stare, shocked.
MJ breaks, staring at him in wonder.

My God, Peter. Are you really him?
I mean--


Spider-Man (2002) movie script - Screenplays for You

then spiderman is real...but is it peter....hmmm, he never really said he was.
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The figure is hanging, like a spider,
from a radio mast high above... Manhattan. There are the
familiar landmarks... Pan Am and Chrysler Buildings.
Empire State.


Mary Jane. Close your eyes.

She does. Puzzled. He moves very close to her.

(in Spidey voice)
Do you still trust me?

She gasps and her eyes pop open... staring at him. Then
she gulps, nods once and squeezes them shut. He kisses
her long and deep, and she twines her fingers in his hair.
Two of MJ's snotnose girlfriends are walking by. They
just stare, shocked.
MJ breaks, staring at him in wonder.

My God, Peter. Are you really him?
I mean--


Spider-Man (2002) movie script - Screenplays for You

then spiderman is real...but is it peter....hmmm, he never really said he was.

Really! Spider man being real verses Jesus being the Christ... :) I guess you fill safe as long as you believe the bible is a fable;) Did you at least look up the scriptures to see if I was telling you the truth:D Thinks for the spider man review!

Which came first the egg or the chicken.....Obviously, the egg came first, we have eggs for breakfast and chicken for lunch!
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Veteran Member
Really! Spider man being real verses Jesus being the Christ... :) I guess you fill safe as long as you believe the bible is a fable;) Did you at least look up the scriptures to see if I was telling you the truth:D Thinks for the spider man review!

Which came first the egg or the chicken.....Obviously, the egg came first, we have eggs for breakfast and chicken for lunch!
been there...

i was raised in it,
i was indoctrinated,
i knew it was real...
i even went as far sharing it

until i realized, once one puts a label on something it limits that something...
and god, or the idea of god, is limited if it's understood through the biased lens of the bible.

so i decided to...think for myself.