I think it is important here to make a distinction between equality of rights and the actual inequality of persons.
That's equality of
legal rights. There are all kinds of other non-legal rights that usually aren't equal. What inequality of persons, intelligence for example? Yes, but that's got nothing to do with legal rights, though I do know some liberals try to us legislation to equalize everything.
legal rights do not exist objectively and a dependent on the means to exercise them.
Well of course they need to be protected, that's government
raison d'etre. But they are objective based on the assumption that good order is the goal. To argue otherwise is to argue for chaos and double standards for everything.
It is easy for someone to defend "equality of rights" as way to defend a tyranny in which someone owns and controls property and therefore the means by which others to exercise their rights.
Again, it's the governments job to enforce the rights equally for all, which includes the wealthy, corporations and any others on the left's automatically assumed bad guy list. And racism, hatred and sexism, for example, are not automatically immoral. They only become so when they result in the trespass of rights.
A defense of equality of rights necessarily assumes that this legal equality implies an equal ability to be free which is not automatically the case.
No, it assumes and equal
opportunity to be free. Attempting to legislate outcomes is when the government becomes immoral by trampling on the rights of some with the impossible goal of making everyone equally wealthy, or actually, equally poor, as well as equally free etc. The left always tries to bring the top down instead of vice versa. As Kennedy said, a rising tide lifts all boats.
The evil in denying equality of rights is that it denies individual freedom as a universal right.
Again, your talking legislating equal outcomes which would be immoral even if it was possible, or if the elite would not take advantage of their situation--which is what you argue for every time you attempt to legislate outcomes via socialization.
This distinction between legal inequality and actual inequalities in society can be stretched so far as to render a person's rights invalid, when the defense of a persons rights become the defense of an oppressor. Supposedly "liberal" societies are able to defend considerable inequalities within their own social fabric on the grounds, of class, gender, race etc which engaging in a systematic hypocrisy that because the oppressed have legal rights no entitlement to express their grievances (or to the point of denying such grievances exist because legal equality is substituted for actual equal) since they have rights to redress them even when that does not entailing having the means to do so. For example, everyone has an equal right to own private property, but that does not mean everyone is fed, clothed, housed or has a source of income to support themselves.
So you're saying everyone has a
right to food, clothing and shelter, and they don't have to work for it?
The evils of poverty are simply made legal. Women and ethnic minorities may have an equal right to employment, but that does not mean they are not discriminated against. The Rich and the poor may have equal political and legal rights, but money can buy political influence in the formation of policy and a better legal team to defend social injustices which serve their interests.
In the latter example you are talking corruption which is already illegal. When you sell influence to favor the poor through votes, that influence can sometimes be outbid by the corrupt rich, when we have corrupt officials. Integrity of officials, should always be first in the minds of voters, but it's rarely on the radar. People on all issues are too often more concerned that it's ok to turn a blind side when the issue in question is theirs.
In the event that equality of rights is reduced to equality on paper only, it means that such equality conceals deep conflicts within a society. the greater evil is to do nothing as the language of "rights" is perverted as an instrument for tyranny, since to do nothing is to defend a situation in which people are denied their freedom, not by loss of rights, but by the loss of the means to exercise them.
Meaning that its necessary to legislated the outcomes via legislating the "means". Opportunity is all that's required except for the physically and mentally handicapped.
Anarchists defend equality of rights, and attack the state as a source of inequality, institutional power and the evils of coercion as the means to deny individual freedom. Anarchists are rare, Nihilists are even rarer but often there actions are justified on the grounds of exercising their freedom in spite of what they believe are artificially imposed legal and moral constraints. Nihilists therefore share a great deal in common with Anarchists and libertarians.
It's apparently vain for me to declare you vision of libertarianism is way off.
"Dictators" are slippery. Dictatorship is a lesser evil to civil war, but is often simply a concealed form of civil war. In societies that have become so polarized that a conception of universal rights has no longer become effective, the defense of equality of oppressor and oppressed constitutes a form of social pacifism and a complicit acceptance of the right of the dictator to rule.
There is no defense for the oppressor. The principle is the equal protection of equal rights for all. If someone is violating the rights of others, his rights are forfeit.
The problem with dictatorship is that in the face of such polarization, dictators have granted themselves the "freedom" to deny others rights.
Correct, which is why dictatorships (via dictators, or oligarchies) are immoral and must be removed. And, btw, dictatorships, of whatever flavor, are usually the ones who established the polarization in the first place, in order to exploit it and direct attention away from their other forms of corruption.
Whilst we may wish to say it is wrong, the depth of social conflict often rules out the possibilities for compromise and therefore an equality of rights even in something as fundamental as life, liberty, property and self-defense.
So we should surrender those hard won for rights? Appeasement ALWAYS encourages the corrupt.
The right of self-defense in such situations becomes irreconcilably opposed with maintaining the illusion of equality between oppressor and oppressed.
??? I'm not sure but that appears to be irreconcilably convoluted. You're working too hard to justify the unjustifiable, which again, is the attempt to legislate outcomes. Whoever has the power to determine what an outcome will be, is too powerful, and thus inevitably corrupted. Viz our current situation here in the US.