This is not about the Russian people. It is about Vladimir Putin.
I suppose, although I'm just going by what I've studied regarding their history, culture, and ways of looking at the world. I'm not saying they're all good people. Some are good, some are bad. Putin may be one of the bad ones, but I don't see him as some kind of madman.
Personally, I see this more as an embarrassment for the U.S. and our own security agencies than anything else. If Putin is sending us a message, then he's as much as telling us and the rest of the world that the U.S. is vulnerable and weak - some kind of sick and wounded giant.
Many people support imposing economic sanctions on Russia, but that may not have the effect we would like it to have. It could actually lead to more fervent support for Putin but also put Russia in a more desperate situation. I think we need to play this a bit more carefully.
Other than that, saber-rattling, whether it's done through public rhetoric or via cyberspace, is a dangerous course to take. We could try reaching out to them, just as Nixon did with Brezhnev. We had detente for a while, at least until Brezhnev invaded Afghanistan.
It seems for the time being, we're going to have to deal with Putin, one way or the other. I don't relish the prospect of a resurgence of the Cold War, as it wouldn't just be Russia, but China is also getting more worrisome these days.
I just don't think we should make any rash decisions about this.