Sir Doom
Cooler than most of you
Of course, however satins that you can't just believe what you are told of science and existence because scientists might be lying has credibility for several reasons,
No it doesn't have credibility.
1. History has proven that mankind is fallible regardless of how intelligent said person might be
Fallibility and lying are not the same. Fallibility falls under the context of, "I don't care if there are atoms or not." If a scientist gets on TV tomorrow and says, "Hey folks, sorry to screw things all up, but we've discovered atoms are not really real in reality. Here's what we found..." Then I'll go, "Daaaaaayum." And then get on the internet and make fun of them. On my unchanged desk.
2. To expect that you have all the information needed to draw a conclusion is false since new things are discovered daily, you can only draw a conclusion based upon evidence available which isn't always all the evidence you need to draw a truly educated conclusion
Who ever said I had all the evidence? I don't care about ALL the evidence. I don't need ALL the evidence to believe something. The fact is I ONLY believe it because of evidence. I didn't make up atoms and then figure out how they exist. Someone just told me they did and it made sense so I believed it. If someone shows me new evidence that throws out atoms, then I'll say, "Huh, imagine that." And then I'll go on the internet and make fun of people who still believe in atoms. On my unchanged desk.
3. Scientists are human and therefore are likely to have selfish motivations, hence what conclusions they come to are questionable
I'm well aware of the selfish nature of human beings. I've talked at great length about it in many threads. Scientists found atoms. This maybe a selfish find for them, but it does nothing to harm me in the least. I have no other theory to replace atoms with. So it stands. Selfish or not. I don't care what they gain from this theory. It isn't coming from me whatever it is.
4. Scientists have been caught in lies before though often by the time they are found out their studies have been in text books for twenty or more years leading many to accept lies as fact.
Okay. Catch them in the lie about atoms and you've got a scientist that IS lying as opposed to a scientist that MIGHT be lying. All you have to do is explain everything that atoms explain without atoms. Then I'll make fun of them on the internet for you. On my unchanged desk.