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The sick concept of Eternal hell suffering.


Well-Known Member
Christianity has exagerated itself.


Don't miss this statement I made, there is so much in it. Christianity has exagerated itself, but it thinks the exgeration comes from God. God has never endorsed Christianity, show me that in the bible, you few Christians who dare to converse with me. The term " Christians", was actually developed by the Romans, they simply called the followers of Christ, " Christians", early Christians didnot create the term for themselves.

And I want to go into that seduction of " Labels that we uphold so high."



Well-Known Member
Don't miss this statement I made, there is so much in it. Christianity has exagerated itself, but it thinks the exgeration comes from God. God has never endorsed Christianity, show me that in the bible, you few Christians who dare to converse with me. The term " Christians", was actually developed by the Romans, they simply called the followers of Christ, " Christians", early Christians didnot create the term for themselves.

And I want to go into that seduction of " Labels that we uphold so high."


A group can grab hold of a label, call themselves this label, and then introduce doctrines that will then be assumed to correctly define this label. Now there are times that the doctrine is complettely false, but yet accepted by soceity. I like to use the Klu Klux Klan here, a false doctrine of white superiority, but nonetheless accepted by America years ago. I admire America for comming out of this illusion, as a whole, and crushing it. But Christianity is a great illusion, far greater than almost any I have seen.

Here we have a Saviour who died for all of humanity, and a bible was given, written words of our God and this Saviour. But this group of people have usurped the name of Christ, as a means to define themselves. And society has accepted this illusion.

And I am going to go into this most elaborate illusion, and disect it for what it really is.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
We should change the title so it can be read as "the sick concept of Eternal debate suffering" :D

This thread is so damn long!


Well-Known Member
This thread is so damn long!

The intrest is just as long, I never knew myself just how much intrest is out there. A sure proof that walking alone is deciving to the human consciousness. This thread is destined to go public in other ways revealed to my imagination. I see it making the news media one day, but thats just my imagination, which I cannot dismiss, because imagination is yet another proof of God, its unlimited nature.

And we all will experience this ride together, remember this.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
The intrest is just as long, I never knew myself just how much intrest is out there. A sure proof that walking alone is deciving to the human consciousness. This thread is destined to go public in other ways revealed to my imagination. I see it making the news media one day, but thats just my imagination, which I cannot dismiss, because imagination is yet another proof of God, its unlimited nature.

And we all will experience this ride together, remember this.


... :facepalm:


Veteran Member
Don't miss this statement I made, there is so much in it. Christianity has exagerated itself, but it thinks the exgeration comes from God. God has never endorsed Christianity, show me that in the bible, you few Christians who dare to converse with me. The term " Christians", was actually developed by the Romans, they simply called the followers of Christ, " Christians", early Christians didnot create the term for themselves.
And I want to go into that seduction of " Labels that we uphold so high."

Acts (9:2) Jesus followers were called The Way.
Acts (11:26b) ...and the disciples were called 'Christians' first in Antioch.

With the mention of Labels: With Constantine Christian labels were put on, so to speak, on many pagan traditions or customs at that time. There was a mixing or a fusion of both Christian and Pagan beliefs. That is why there is a difference today between what is taught in Christendom and first-century Christianity as outlined in Scripture.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The intrest is just as long, I never knew myself just how much intrest is out there. A sure proof that walking alone is deciving to the human consciousness. This thread is destined to go public in other ways revealed to my imagination. I see it making the news media one day, but thats just my imagination, which I cannot dismiss, because imagination is yet another proof of God, its unlimited nature.

And we all will experience this ride together, remember this.

Can you say, delusions of grandeur?


I am indeed saddened to witness the degradation of human society, the lack of knowledge of the truth is going to land everyone in a place which one possibly cannot perceive.


God will blacken the faces of the people of Hell:
“On the Day (some) faces will turn white and (some) faces will turn black. As for those whose faces turn black. (to them it will be said), ‘Did you reject faith after your belief? Then taste the punishment for what you used to reject.’” (Quran 3:106)
Their faces will be such as if the night has covered them:
“But they who have earned (blame for) evil doings – the recompense of an evil deed is its equivalent, and humiliation will cover them. They will have from God no protector. It will be as if their faces are covered with pieces of the night – so dark (are they). Those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide therein eternally.” (Quran 10:27)
The Fire will surround the unbeliever on all sides just as sins surrounded him like a sheet wound around his body:
“Theirs will be a bed of Fire and over them coverings (of Fire)…” (Quran 7:41)
“On the Day when the torment (of Hell) will cover them from above them and from underneath their feet.” (Quran 29:55)
“…and surely Hell will surround the unbelievers…” (Quran 9:49)
The Fire of Hell will leap up to the hearts. The Fire will penetrate their super-sized bodies and reach the innermost depths:
“No! He will surely be thrown into the Crusher. And what can make you know what is the Crushers? It is the fire of God, (eternally) fueled, which mounts directed at the hearts.” (Quran 104:4-7)
The Fire will split the entrails as mentioned by the Prophet:
“A man will be brought on the Day of Resurrection and thrown into the Fire. Then his entrails will be spilled out into the Fire and he will be forced to walk around and around like a donkey in a treadmill. The people of Hell will gather around him and say, ‘O so-and-so, what is wrong with you? Did you not enjoin us to do good and forbid us to do wrong?’ He will say, ‘I used to order you to do good, but I did not do it and I used to forbid you to do evil, but I used to do it myself.’ Then he will walk around and around like a donkey in a treadmill.”[1]
God has described the chains, yokes, and fetters of Hell. They will be tied up with chains and dragged with yokes on their necks:
“for the rejecters We have prepared iron chains, yokes, and a blazing Fire.” (Quran 76:4)
“With Us are fetters (to bind them), and a Fire (to burn them), and a food that chokes, and a penalty grievous.” (Quran 73:12-13)
“We will put yokes on the necks of the unbelievers. It would only be requital for their evil deeds.” (Quran 34:33)
“when yokes will be put round their necks and the chains, they will be dragged along.” (Quran 40:71)
“(The stern command will say): seize him and bind him, and burn him in the blazing Fire, further, make him march in a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits.” (Quran 69:30-32)
The pagan gods and all other deities that were worshipped besides God who people thought will be their intercessors with God and bringing them closer to Him will be thrown into Hell with them. This will be to humiliate and demonstrate that these false gods have no power,
“Indeed, you (disbelievers), and that which you worship other than God,[2] are but fuel for Hell. Verily, you will enter it. Had these (false deities) been (actual) gods, they would not have entered there, but all will eternally abide therein.” (Quran 21:98-99)
When the unbeliever will see Hell, he will be filled with remorse, but it will not be of any benefit:
“And they will feel regret when they see the punishment; and they will be judged in justice, and they will not be wronged.” (Quran 10:54)
The unbeliever will pray for his death when they sense its heat,
“And when they are thrown into a narrow place therein bound in chains, they will cry out thereupon for destruction. (They will be told), ‘Do not cry this Day for one destruction but cry for much destruction.’” (Quran 25:13-14)
Their screams will get louder and they will call onto God hoping He will take them out of Hell:
“And they will cry out therein, ‘Our Lord, remove us; we will do righteousness – other than what we were doing!’” (Quran 35:37)
They will realize theirs sins and the error of stubborn disbelief:
“And they will say, ‘If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze.’ And they will admit their sin, so (it is) alienation for the companions of the Blaze.” (Quran 67:10-11)
Their prayers will be rejected:
“They will say, ‘Our Lord, our wretchedness overcame us, and we were a people astray. Our Lord, remove us from it, and if we were to return (to evil), we would indeed be wrongdoers.’ He will say, ‘Remain despised therein and do not speak to Me.’” (Quran 23:106-108)
After that, they will call the keepers of Hell asking them to intercede to God on their behalf for reduction in torment:
“And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Hell, ‘Supplicate your Lord to lighten for us a day from the punishment.’ They will say, ‘Did there not come to you your messengers with clear proofs?’ They will say, ‘Yes.’ They will reply, ‘Then supplicate (yourselves), but the supplication of the disbelievers is not except in error.’” (Quran 40:49-50)
Their will even plead for their own destruction to relieve themselves of the pain:
“And they will call, ‘O Malik, let your Lord put an end to us!’ He will say, ‘Indeed, you will remain.’” (Quran 43:77)
They will be told the punishment will never be reduced, it is eternal:
“Then be patient or impatient – it is all the same for you. You are only being recompensed for what you used to do.’” (Quran 52:16)
They will weep for a long time:
“So let them laugh a little and then weep much as recompense for what they used to earn.” (Quran 9:82)
They will weep until no tears are left, then that they will weep blood, which will leave its traces as described by the Prophet:
“The people of Hell will be made to weep, and they will weep until they have no tears left. Then they will weep blood until they have, as it were, channels in their faces, if ships were put in them, they would float.”[3]
As you have seen, the descriptions of Hell in the Islamic scripture are clear and graphic, as are the descriptions of the people who deserve their fate therein. Such is the clarity that any person who believes in Judgment Day and the eternal destinies of the Hereafter must be motivated to at least try not to be of the people thrown inside. The best, and really only, way of avoiding this fate is to seriously search into the true religion God has mandated for humanity. A person should never follow a religion merely because it was that which he was “born into”, nor should they take religion to be a new age fashion. Rather, they should look into the truth about this world and the life to come, and be sure that they have prepared for that judgment from which there is no return, by living a life and system of belief revealed and unchanged from the One High Above.


Well-Known Member
Hell is the separation of a human soul from GOD. The reason he is so separated is because that soul never knew GOD. The reason there is anguish in hell is because come Judgment Day, every soul will get a glimpse of GOD 's glory. If not found in the LAMB's BOOK of LIFE, that soul will be turned away from GOD's glory.

The fact that a person ends up in hell has nothing to do with GOD sending him there. That person in life made choices that led him/her to be in hell.

The people that are in heaven are there because they wanted to be one of GOD's children and were willing to set their desires aside to allow GOD to motivate them as HE saw fit at some point in their lives.

The awful thing is that anyone would be so stuck on their own plans, desires, their own ways, that they made no place for GOD and what he or she ends up with is the hell he or she fabricated for his or herself ------ totally apart from GOD.


Well-Known Member
Almost 2,000 posts with less than 100,000 frubals speaks volumes.

Actually in Mikiel defense, thats a very good thing. Just as the Word says the carnally minded will not agree with the spiritually minded (paraphrased). Frugals on this hell issue Mikiel. It amazes me too how STUPID people can be to praise a god who would for eternity torture his children in a literal fire. Just shows how depraved and sick humans are.
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Well-Known Member
Actually in Mikiel defense, thats a very good thing. Just as the Word says the carnally minded will not agree with the spiritually minded (paraphrased). Frugals on this hell issue Mikiel. It amazes me too how STUPID people can be to praise a god who would for eternity torture his children in a literal fire. Just shows how depraved and sick humans are.

Thank you. I agree.


Well-Known Member
Actually in Mikiel defense, thats a very good thing. Just as the Word says the carnally minded will not agree with the spiritually minded (paraphrased). Frugals on this hell issue Mikiel. It amazes me too how STUPID people can be to praise a god who would for eternity torture his children in a literal fire. Just shows how depraved and sick humans are.

John 8:44
'Ye are of a father -- the devil, and the desires of your father ye will to do; he was a man-slayer from the beginning, and in the truth he hath not stood, because there is no truth in him; when one may speak the falsehood, of his own he speaketh, because he is a liar -- also his father.



Well-Known Member
John 8:44
'Ye are of a father -- the devil, and the desires of your father ye will to do; he was a man-slayer from the beginning, and in the truth he hath not stood, because there is no truth in him; when one may speak the falsehood, of his own he speaketh, because he is a liar -- also his father.


According to the scriptures, Yup. If they were of God they would have same mind as their Father, the mind of Christ.Yet just as that verse says they have the same mind as their father, the devil.

Proverbs 23:7 -For as he thinks F316 within himself, so he is


John 8:44
'Ye are of a father -- the devil, and the desires of your father ye will to do; he was a man-slayer from the beginning, and in the truth he hath not stood, because there is no truth in him; when one may speak the falsehood, of his own he speaketh, because he is a liar -- also his father.


...Who is the Savior of all men, especially those who are believers. 1 Tim 4:10

This still hasnt anything to do with salvation. God saves all even satans kids. He is saviour of all men. You think God would allow Satan to win most of creation .You confuse punishment to salvation. To allow his creation to eternal pain is a act of a stupid God.It is better he destroyed adam and eve than allow Satan this victory.
This doctrine is of devils and shows the only God who tortures Satan.You are sick.


John 8:44
'Ye are of a father -- the devil, and the desires of your father ye will to do; he was a man-slayer from the beginning, and in the truth he hath not stood, because there is no truth in him; when one may speak the falsehood, of his own he speaketh, because he is a liar -- also his father.

Can we take a look at exactly what makes a child "worth saving" according to the Gospels?

In this chapter, John quotes Jesus as having said that anyone who doesn't believe that he's the son of G-d isn't a child of G-d at all, but a child of Satan. (John 8:40-45 ish) But in John 14:14, John quotes Jesus as saying "If you love me, you will obey what I command" and further states

"16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him."

He then says:

"21Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."

So here, Jesus tells the disciples that 1. The way to show your love for Jesus is to obey his commandments. 2. Only people who love and obey Jesus are loved by the father. 3. Jesus KNOWS when he sends the Spirit that the world won't believe it and so will be unable to believe that he's the son of G-d.

It's a set up! Only people who love Jesus as the son of G-d and obey him will get to feel the Holy Spirit, but only people who are full of the Spirit will believe that Jesus is the son of G-d! Basically, everyone who wasn't wiht Jesus during his life or wasn't taught directly from them is f***ed! Then all of these people unfortunate enough not to be in that position are no longer children of G_d?

I'm sorry. People say the original Bible gives G-d a bad rap, but the Flood is mercy compared to this trap.

My NT quotations are always drawn from the NIV, which I access at biblegateway.com