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The Simpsons or Family Guy

Family Guy or the Simpsons?

  • The Simpsons is better

    Votes: 17 47.2%
  • Family Guy is better

    Votes: 19 52.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Just a little poll for you. Pick one. I don't care if you really like them both or you really hate them both. There's got to be one that you like just a little bit better, and I want to know which one.


Moved on
I'm not sure what to say. Family Guy is hilarious, but The Simpsons have a special place in my heart. I'm going with The Simpsons, even though I haven't enjoyed the newer seasons as much as the older ones.


FAmily Guy is sooo funny. It's randomness is definitely its forte. I also like all the flashbacks (which are certainly random enough as they are, but are distinct enough to be mentioned seperately).


Family Guy is hillarious, but I find it a bit more crude. I have to change the channel too often to avoid certain jokes/topics (and, the problem is, by the time I realize they are coming, it's usually too late). Because of this I find it easier just to not watch it.


Active Member
It is a tough one to call - If you think about the later series of the Simpsons then Family Guy is definitely better - but the Simpsons First 5-6 Series are absolute gold! I've just bought the Simpsons series 5 DVD and it's got so many of my favourite episodes - back in the day when Homer was a loveable dope - remember the one where Bart and MilHouse join the Junior Campers and they go on that trip. Ned says "where's that gosh darn map I brought?" - Homer is wearing it on his head as a hat and it blows off - "err...I don't know. Luckily for us SOMEONE is responsible" - He pulls out that Krusty Fun Map of the USA - haha, that was awesome! And let us not forget the sacred text

Homer: Hello, my name is Mr Burns. I believe you have a letter for me
Post office clerk: OK Mr Burns, what's your first name?
Homer: <pauses briefly> I don't know.

The new Homer is this whiny runt who I just hate. He never says anything funny any more and all he does is get into wild predicaments with various celebrities. Every episode has like 10 celebrity guest voices, it's LAME! There's nothing real about them any more. The whole idea of the Simpsons was the average dysfunctional family! Now it's just "Guess how many celebrities the Simpsons will meet this week" TRASH

Family Guy is a case of so far so good but I heard it had been cancelled in it's 4th season or something. Mind you those 4 seasons are absolutely amazing - funny through and through. The thing I like about Family Guy is the lack of boundaries. Have you noticed that Peter has about 100 great grandfathers from 40 different cultures? lol Jabba the Griffin was my favourite - "you're not fat chris, you just come from a long line of husky Griffins, like your great great uncle Jabba the Griffin" <cut to jabba> "washi misuda wookie nipple pinchy" or whatever he says - lol GREAT! Peter hasn't changed from the first series either which I like, it's very consistent and yet the flow of jokes is just incredible. it's one of those shows where so much funny stuff happens that you can't possibly list them all without spending hours writing about it. How about this sacred text.

"Jeez Lois, I just spent all morning on a boat with the guys drinking beer, fishing and screwing around. How about a little ME time huh?"

"You know mother, this could well have passed for a palatable Banana pudding but without nilla wafers it's just another one of your culinary abortions!" <whacks bowl off table> "NOW CLEAN IT UP!"

"What's this? I said egg whites only! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" <whacks plate off table> "Now MAKE it again!"

Peter: Lois, I need your help. I need you to come to my press conference this afternoon
<Lois just snorts>
Peter: I could lose my presidency!
Lois: Too bad! I've already lost more than that!
Peter: <gasps> Not my rainbow socks with the individual toes?!
Lois: No. I've lost my respect for you.
Peter: Oh........cause I need those socks.

hahahaa. Just thinking about it makes me laugh.

Well I think that's all I have to say


Citizen Mod
Family Guy. The comedy is sharper, more abundant and seems unexpected and to come out of nowhere. There are also more jokes and the quality seems to more substantial than on the Simpsons. The Simpsons comedy is too closely associated with the characters and is a bit formulaic. For example, the first 10 minutes while they are setting up the situation is usually the funniest, the second half gets more involved in the storyline with less jokes and the third half is usually the resolve and features even less comedy. Family Guy has the humor flying free and fast at all times and it is not uncommon to find myself laughing at one joke for a very long time (my longest laughing time for Family Guy is 15 minutes.)

Pussyfoot Mouse

Super Mom
Aqualung said:
Just a little poll for you. Pick one. I don't care if you really like them both or you really hate them both. There's got to be one that you like just a little bit better, and I want to know which one.
Well I just went out and bought myself some new jammies with Stewie on them, so does that answer your question??? I just love that little guy! :bounce


spacemonkey said:

It is better than both. IMO
Because this poll is to end a long standing family feud about which one is better, and nobody in my family likes south park.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
While I will watch both over most other shows, I like "Simpsons" better. The randomness of "Family Guy" appeals to me, since it's a lot like the way my mind tends to work, but I prefer the characterizations on "Simpsons". There also tends to be cruelty in the humor of "Family Guy" and I really dislike that in any form.


A fool
Oh I'm thinking that American Dad is set to pip both of them (or maybe I'm just disappointed still after being let down over the Family Guy movie that essentially took the amount of funny packed into one episode and stretched it over an hour and a half). But for now Family Guy is the champion.


Angel slayer
Used to be the Simpsons, but Family guy is superior at the moment.
But I would still take Futurama over both of them :).


Fluffy said:
Oh I'm thinking that American Dad is set to pip both of them (or maybe I'm just disappointed still after being let down over the Family Guy movie that essentially took the amount of funny packed into one episode and stretched it over an hour and a half). But for now Family Guy is the champion.
I liked the Family Guy movie, and I hate American Dad. :) Strange...


New Member
The Simpsons are classic but Family Guy is hilarious and it seems the Simpson are having less and less good ideas as the series moves on. I would say it's about a tie between Family Guy and Southpark.


Well-Known Member
I love both shows and it is really hard for me to choose one over the other, but I chose the Simpsons because it's a classic, and I agree that the older stuff is better, I don't know. Both are equally great to me. Why must you ask such difficult questions?!