This is a claim to absolute knowledge and so has the burden of proof. Good luck. Mine were qualified claims and only have the burden of reasonable evidence of which I will provide.
That pretty much is the definition of the natural. Are you going to assert reality into existence or even attempt to justify these hyperbolic claims to what you cannot possible know even if true.
See the above. You have ALL of your work ahead of you.
See the above. You have ALL of your work ahead of you.
Nothing that I know of says that the universe began to exist. The big bang only says that whatever existed began to expand.
Then you know little about it and nothing about philosophy as it has stood for 3000 years.
There is no reason to assume a supernatural god. In fact there is no reason to invoke the supernatural at all. Anything that is sufficiently it's own cause is by default natural, can't be any other way.
There is no reason to give only god the exception to the rule. Anything that naturally exists is sufficient cause of itself. What makes you think the universe isn't just the natural default state of affairs? Does making a super intelligent infinite being the default sound more logical. If it were possible to have such a super intelligence as default then a natural universe should have no problem being default, just to argue that it is of its own nature.
No, nature doesn't mean infinite regression of causation. As we agree that is a horrible argument. If the God is also his creation then nature does not mandate anything except being what it is naturally supposed to be.
There exists every reason to invoke the supernatural to explain the natural. That is all that is available.
1. The universe began to exist: Vilenkins verdict: All the evidence we have says that the universe had a beginning.
Vilenkin’s verdict: “All the evidence we have says that the universe had a beginning.” | Uncommon Descent
It is said that an argument is what convinces reasonable men and a proof is what it takes to convince even an unreasonable man. With the proof now in place, cosmologists can no longer hide behind the possibility of a past-eternal universe. There is no escape, they have to face the problem of a cosmic beginning (pg. 176).
Borde, Guth, and Vilenkin’s Past-Finite Universe | Debunking William Lane Craig
Now Vilenkin worked on probably the most important cosmological conclusion since the big bang, called the Bord, Guth, Vilenkin past finite theorem. It was specifically designed to be robust and independent of the fantasies associated with guesses about the singularity.
Other fantastic fictions about cracked eggs and oscillating models have many reasons to consider impossible anyway but this theory is independent of them. Links on request.
2. The universe began to exist and by every observation and every philosophic principle it requires a cause. Nothing can create nothing. Nothing has no causal and no creative potential at all.
3. The universe constitutes all natural entities and laws known. That means at one time nothing natural known existed. This leaves only abstract concepts like numbers or morality and something beyond nature. Abstract concepts are not causal. Numbers never created anything nor have morals. That only leaves the supernatural. That by the way is independent of what the cause might happen to be.
4. Whatever the cause is must be independent of time, matter, and space because they did not exist at one time. Must be a non contingent entity. It must be more powerful than all known energy combined. It must be more intelligent than anything even conceivable. It must be personal. etc.....
5. The only known concept that meets these mandates is God. A God described with those exact characteristics thousands of years before they were known to be necessary.
1 - 4 are simple and unavoidable deductions consistent with all observations and principles.
5 is the best fit explanation given all candidates by far. 5 is far more than necessary to justify faith but is still faith. Of course technically every claim ever made has a faith component beyond the fact we think.
None have any flaw and have existed for thousands of years in the minds of the greatest thinkers in history. In fact it is the most discussed theological issue in philosophy in modern times. However just of curiosity which one do you deny, AND ON WHAT POSSIBLE GROUNDS. I have no use for unjustifiable declarations in a debate.