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The "something can't come from nothing" argument


Well-Known Member
I thought you asked how we know that nothing lacks any potential. Where the claim that we "believe" nothing existed before the big bang is multilayered.
1. The word universe means everything. In a natural context. If there was a time when everything began to exist then prior to that point there was nothing.
2. There are very good reasons to think a natural infinite impossible.
3. There are no good reasons to think a natural infinite is possible.
4. There are no reasons to think an infinite regression of causation even theoretically possible.
5. The dominant cosmological models have space, time, and matter beginning to exist at a finite time in the past.
This still does not establish the existence of "nothing" - merely the non-existence of our particular space-time.
... I find what you bolded a fair and sincere interpretation that even covers the various possible meanings of words or readings. However this still is not the point...
If you will recall, this exchange started with my remarks on apologists' reliance on metaphor and allusion when interpreting biblical prophecies. What I bolded was very much to my point.
Biblical prophecies come in several categories.

1. Clear prophecies that are easily verifiable historically.
2. Clear prophecies that are historically uncertain.
3. Historical clarity that seems to parallel ambiguous prophecy.
4. Unclear prophecies that incorporate apocalyptic themes, cryptic writings, analogies, or metaphor but through reasonable interpretation can be linked with history.
5. Ambiguous prophecy that cannot be historically linked due to a lack of evidence.

You demand prophecies in category 1. Yet when given them jump straight to category 4 or 5 and then declare all categories dismissible. ... You asked for clarity and simplicity, do you actually want it or not?
Having time constraints similar to your own, I addressed numbers 1 - 4 of the examples you provided here. Not my fault if you chose to lead with your weakest suit.
Because the bible does so. The bible is an extremely symbolic, cryptic, and apocalyptic book. If you rule out analogy before hand you are never going to get anywhere. Sword is constantly interpreted as the word. Why should I not interpret it that way?
More to the point, why should you, other than to make a duff prophecy look true? You claimed that sword meaning word was a common usage; a much commoner usage is sword meaning long sharp metal blade with a handle on one end. Why not take this one?
Assyrian as "rebel" is much more rare but including the fact your quoting extremely obscure prophecies and ignoring most of the far more clear prophecies then interpretation is a necessity.
A necessity for apologists, certainly; otherwise these are failed prophecies.
Either I mangled formatting up pretty bad or more likely you are taking what I copied as my words.
The words appeared in your post, without link or quotation marks. Whose words should I have taken them for?
I looked both words up. Temporal's main meaning is "relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular." Chauvinist's is "patriotism". Even if you used their secondary meanings it would sound something like temporary sexism. Either way it is a strange choice of words.
It's a phrase used elsewhere; odd that such a widely read person as yourself hasn't come across it.
I thought I had taken care of this by describing in general Islam's history of violence ... Since it would be next tom impossible for me to prove more instances of Islamic violence than western violence. It is just too big a task, I thought we could at least compare the mandates to violence between he religions of the two. I guess specifics, are just not desirable.
On the contrary, they are very desirable. You simply selected your "specifics" very carefully to shore up a very shaky supposed prophecy, while ignoring specifics such as Arab culture's rescuing of much classical literature and other achievements of the Islamic golden age. We could also mention that several present-day Middle Eastern nations are wealthy and peaceful.
As to
3. That period stretches all the way until the Turkish oppression of pilgrims that led to the crusades.
4. That takes us to modern car bombs.
you must be aware that the Turks are not Arabs, that the crusades had broader causes than just persecution of pilgrims, and that between 3 and 4 you skip over some eight centuries separating the crusades from the car bombs - centuries in which Christian Europe was hardly ever at peace.
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Rogue Theologian
So you are going to hold to your view even after it has been shown to be false? Well that would mean that you see no value in truth.

I wonder how many of your other views you hold knowing them to be false.

Why fool yourself by maintaining views you know are false? What point or value is there in deceiving yourself?

Are you suggesting the beginning....that one event.....was 'something else'?

I still hold....universe......'one word'.


Rogue Theologian
Is that your denial?.....or just a shallow retort?

I say Something set the universe in motion.
Spirit first.

God did it.


Well-Known Member
1. The word universe means everything. In a natural context. If there was a time when everything began to exist then prior to that point there was nothing.
Not necessarily. "Was our universe born inside a black hole in another universe?" Was our universe born inside a black hole in another universe?
2. There are very good reasons to think a natural infinite impossible.
3. There are no good reasons to think a natural infinite is possible.
Well of course there is otherwise people wouldn't have thunk it. "Big Bank breakthrough indicates 'infinite number of universes" exist". Big Bang breakthrough indicates ‘infinite number of universes’ exist | Death and Taxes
4. There are no reasons to think an infinite regression of causation even theoretically possible.
Actually there is no logical reason why infinite regression should be impossible. "there is nothing inherently contradictory about an infinite regress. Nobody has shown that, if an infinite heirarchy of causes occurred, then both A and not-A would be true. We haven’t demonstrated that, with an infinite regress, some basic piece of knowledge about the world would be contradicted."Is Infinite Regress a Problem? | Intrinsically Knotted If you can provide logical proof that infinite regress is impossible please post it here.


pro scapegoat
Are you suggesting the beginning....that one event.....was 'something else'?

I still hold....universe......'one word'.

I can't see how you could have read my last response as that suggestion. So let me clarify:

What I was asking you is why you would hold onto a belief (that 'universe' means 'one word') when that belief is clearly false?


Rogue Theologian
I can't see how you could have read my last response as that suggestion. So let me clarify:

What I was asking you is why you would hold onto a belief (that 'universe' means 'one word') when that belief is clearly false?


How many words DOES it take to say ....I AM!......Let there be light!....

Are you assuming the language of heaven is the same as ours?


Rogue Theologian
What am I allegedly denying?

Statement of fact.
You should try using them sometime.

You say that all the time.

It has become the mantra for your dogma.

You seem confused about dogma.....
Start a thread about it....let me know...


Admiral Obvious
You seem confused about dogma.....
Start a thread about it....let me know...

Based on your posts in this very thread it seems it is you who have issues with definitions...
Just saying.

Why start another thread for you to repeat your mantra only to then deny its dogma?


Rogue Theologian
Based on your posts in this very thread it seems it is you who have issues with definitions...
Just saying.

Why start another thread for you to repeat your mantra only to then deny its dogma?

Shallow retort.
If you want to discuss the nature of dogma....post a thread and call me out.


This still does not establish the existence of "nothing" - merely the non-existence of our particular space-time.
Our particular space time is the only known natural reality that exists. If it is removed there exists nothing else known to counter the nothing I submitted. Now if you want to posit some other natural reality beyond this one then on what basis do you contend with my faith since that your view requires far more? BTW this is not some apologetic claim or Christian tradition. I get this solely from secular science.

If you will recall, this exchange started with my remarks on apologists' reliance on metaphor and allusion when interpreting biblical prophecies. What I bolded was very much to my point.
You have not demonstrated this, you have only claimed it. I saw nothing in what you bolded that violated any acceptable biblical exegesis. The bible does not allow that much wiggle room but it does allow in many cases for a deeper than surface interpretation. Until you show a mistake, the claim it exists is futile. Interpretation exists as it should. This is not a fault until your show it is.

Having time constraints similar to your own, I addressed numbers 1 - 4 of the examples you provided here. Not my fault if you chose to lead with your weakest suit.
Lead? I have been debating prophecy in this forum for years. Linking to your objections does not validate your objections. Is there any I have not countered? There are many grey areas concerning prophecy but I recall some of your objections were among the most black and white of them and did not add up to any significant problems of any kind. Some might have been stronger. I can't remember. I am getting you and another poster confused I think.

More to the point, why should you, other than to make a duff prophecy look true? You claimed that sword meaning word was a common usage; a much commoner usage is sword meaning long sharp metal blade with a handle on one end. Why not take this one?
Some interpretations resolve themselves. The sword is among these. Jesus was a peaceful prophet that never ever used violence even when prompted to by his followers. On what basis am I to interpret that man meant he was bringing a literal sword when he always refused to actually employ one? We are not left in a 50/50 here hopelessly adrift, especially not in this type of case. It is very very easy and reasonable to see what sword means in almost every place it is used in the bible. Do you have any idea how hard it would be to interpret 2000 detailed prophecies in to having been fulfilled if they were not. That simply isn't an option on anything remotely possible at that scale. Which is why very serious scholars simultaneously reject Nostradamus and accept biblical prophecy.

A necessity for apologists, certainly; otherwise these are failed prophecies. The words appeared in your post, without link or quotation marks. Whose words should I have taken them for?
Interpretation is necessary for any text. Some more than others. Theological works on the heavy end. You keep shoving apologists into an interpretation category. That is fine so far, but then without justification you condemn that category. This is where you go horribly wrong. Interpretation is not wrong until shown to be, it is a necessity. However, again I say it is impossible to get that many false prophecies to pass anyone's muster simply by intentionally flawed interpretation. There are 350 for Christ alone. How can you interpret 350 detailed prophecies into fulfillment? Where is the parallel in history?

It's a phrase used elsewhere; odd that such a widely read person as yourself hasn't come across it.
I will dodge the taunt as well as the waste of our limited time here.

On the contrary, they are very desirable. You simply selected your "specifics" very carefully to shore up a very shaky supposed prophecy, while ignoring specifics such as Arab culture's rescuing of much classical literature and other achievements of the Islamic golden age. We could also mention that several present-day Middle Eastern nations are wealthy and peaceful.
As I have stated it would be very hard to convince you of which side has been more tyrannical and militant, as well as not the most relevant issue. It would however be far more simplistic to debate which belief system is conducive to that violence. Deal or not?

As to
you must be aware that the Turks are not Arabs, that the crusades had broader causes than just persecution of pilgrims, and that between 3 and 4 you skip over some eight centuries separating the crusades from the car bombs - centuries in which Christian Europe was hardly ever at peace.
It is certainly debatable what the underlying causes of the Crusades were, and most of the were unjustifiable. However Turkish attacks are what actually spurred them on initially more than any other cause. I did not intend to link Turks with Arabs emphatically. I have never really firmed up who the Turks are. They are kind of an enigma to me. I did intend to link the Arabs by their own claims with Ishmael however. Where did that claim go?

I have rarely claimed this, but your posts deserve more time than I have. You IMO do not carry any of your points in totality but do make cases difficult enough to require significant time to resolve. I will try and devote more time to them and less to others very soon.