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The "something can't come from nothing" argument


That's a statement. Not a proof. I hope he ras more arrows in his quiver than that.

Wait.... That was an assumption on my part. Robin are you from Sherwood? Or Batmans side kick?

I know 20000 comedians out of work and I try to be funny for free. Sorry
Visualize a sarcasm and smiley face here
I hope you have a lot of spell check programs in your quiver. Since I never ever gave that explanation for anything whatever I do not have to defend it. Wherever you invented that claim from it had nothing to do with my quiver. It is far too early for you guys to be getting me laughing this hard. When you decide to debate something I actually said you let me know.


I think god is the creator and created. I think timespace is eternal as part of that background of eternal omnipresence. Timespace is the beginning but is part of the eternal source so I don't think technically had a beginning anymore than its background did. Spacetime as it stands, seems illusory at best since it is interconnected in ways that defy our sense that there is spacetime at all. Based on that I believe all existence is eternal and the creator became the created.
Are you setting up timespace in opposition to space time? I have never heard that wording before but I agree that some notion of time might very well have always existed but it would have very little relationship with space time. What certainly did not exist eternally is the natural concepts of space, time, or matter as we know them. I have no idea what this other time would be or how it would function but intuition suggests it must exist in some manner. However I am uncomfortable in the realm of speculation and try to only stick to what can be deduced from reliable data. No natural infinites are eternal. If you want to research it Craig is the only one I have ever heard mention the subject of (for lack of a better word) supernatural time. He is very knowledgeable about time but it just makes my head hurt. That is why I only state what is reliable and virtually certain as I have bolded above.


Premium Member
No natural infinites are eternal.

I don't believe this, nature shows us the eternal exists and exists naturally. I believe god to exist naturally, why should we need to invoke supernatural, more like nature that we don't understand yet.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
If your view that the natural or any part of it is based on reality not faith then you can supply me at least one example of a natural infinite. I did not say your view was mere faith but pure faith. My faith in unproven things is at least consistent with known things, your faith in infinite natural reality or a universe which every known observation posits a cause actually not having one is another type of faith. It is pure faith, that is opposed to reality, not consistent with it. You are free to have any faith you wish but at least lets call it what it is.

Space time is a description not a context.

Nope, if relativity is true. Space time is a well defined physical object. Technically, it is a 4 dimensional Pseudo Riemannian manifold, which tranlates into: it is a 4-dimensional surface endowed with a way to measure objective distances between any two points on it, no matter where they are located on its surface.

So, for instance, the square distance between me here now and a dinosaur somewhere and sometime else is a certain amount of meters. This is what we get from relativity. Obviously such a surface does not move, begin to exist or anything elese that involves changes of states.

You do not need a foundation to believe in something. However you do need one to contend with another view or debate your own. I have many reasons to think what you suggest is impossible and apparently you cannot supply any reason to think it is based in reliable science. How persuasive do you think I would find that?

As I said, this is pretty canonical science. And it has not changed since 1915. As Einsteins said: time is just an illusion, albeit a stubborn one. There is no passing of time, really, just different events on a static surface. Even the Big Bang is one of this events, geometrically not much more special than the others.

Unless you believe in the newtonian (and outdated) A-theory of time. WL Craig does, for obvious reasons.

Your paradox is no paradox at all. The principle states that things that begin to exist require causes, not things that do not begin to exist. Just as lines have ends and circles do not, it is similarly meaningless to ask where a circle begins. It is no paradox.

Yes, but manifolds do not begin to exist. And this particular one is, by definition, outside space and time in the same way a box of chocolate is not a chocolate. That is the whole point. And one of the several indipendent ones that can be used to annihilate Kalam.

The context of that comment was entirely about natural entities. Your inserting a new context is a straw man. I said natural entities do not come into existence without a cause and an explanation. This necessarily has nothing to do with the supernatural. In fact the very question it's self (as illustrated in Dawkin's central argument) has been referred to as the worst argument against God in the history of western thought. It is hard to believe that the most profound concept in human history and one that has the greatest conceivable consequences is resolved by such juvenile means.

First you have to prove the existence of the supernatural before ascribing properties to it. So, your argument is circular, at best. You assume, for instance, that causes could be supernatural, introducing thereby the existence of the supernatural and its causation power in the premises.

The mere existence of a theory that has believers is not justification or evidence. On my road which cost theoretical scientist's their credibility with me was going to dinners where the exact same scientist would proclaim the merits of two mutually excusive theories. One in particular that applies here is hearing the same faculty proclaim string theory posits numerous dimensions and then on another night hearing them proclaim that holographic theory allows for only two. Both were given as reliable yet both cannot be true. Your going to have to go deeper than merely claiming someone says with me. I need why they say X to even begin to evaluate X. There are entire groups in scholasticism that deny string theory has any merit at all.

True. i am myself skeptical about string theory. But we have that, quantum gravity, eternal inflation, etc. So, your own God speculation is definetely not the only game in town. I can think of a plethora of naturalistic alternatives.

Nota bene: I am not disproving God; I am just stressing that its so-called cumulative evidence is just a cumulation of zeros. It is just faith. Searching for confirmation in science seems useless and constantly under the danger of confirmation bias. Why do you need it, if you and so many people allegedely had a personal relationship with Him? I don't need to appeal to cosmology to be confident that I have a personal relationship with my husband.

I did not mention any expansion of space time, nor is there a need to. Just the cosmological constant's fine tuning alone (1 part in trillions of trillions of trillions etc...) and no life permitting universe. The fine tuning argument is not confined by your requests.

You seem obsessed with life as a goal, something to aim for or whatever. By doing that, you beg the question.

Incidentally, if projections are correct, for most of its life the universe will not be able to host anything. Life permitting conditions will be as short as the blink of an eye.

Exactly what state was relativity in 100 years ago? You have so far relied on nebulous (someone said) claims about string theory, and natural infinites. Neither of which are reliable. Everything I have stated is based on simplistic evidence and reasoning consistent with everything reliably known.

Same state as today, basically. Only the mathematical methods to study it have improved.

That your evidence is simplicistic is pretty clear. Alas, as Einstein said, again, things should be as simple as possible but not simpler.

Back up the truth train here a minute. I have never denied the appearance of Mary. There is one example where tens of thousands are involved that is very convincing but this is another type of claim all together. Events that require interpretations of fleeting visual stimulus are easily mistaken. This can not be said to even remotely the same degree about spiritual experience. I have not gotten into hat because we do not have a common ground to meet on here.

Who said you denied appearances of Mary? i meant that rational analysis suggests that if Mary appears only in catholic countries, then there is a much simpler explanation than invoking the supernatural.

The best display of how faith affetcs the brain of people is when you see a crowd collecting in front of a weeping statue (under a broken pipe) looking for a blessing or a miracle. They even think you are a heartless cynic when you show them that a water pipe is broken and that is the cause of the tears. And this is why I think the faith virus needs to be removed before we can say that humanity has left its infancy behind.

I was born to a Christian mother and an agnostic father. However I rebelled against God and became at times either hateful of the concept of God or a denier all together, when my mother died. I loved evangelicals who came to the house. I spent hours embarrassing them. So I thought at least, until against my desire, God proved me out to be the fool. I was in early adulthood as opposed to God as any atheist ever has been but was overcome by evidence eventually in-spite of my wishes. Beyond all hat what you stated is a classic genetic fallacy anyway.

Continued below:

I am not sure it is a genetic fallacy. Many atheists I know became believers during a time of emotional vulnerability. Unfortunately, they start believing in the God of their upbringing and environment. It is still stored somewhere in the brain circuitry. After all, I believe that hope is a powerful survival mechanism in the long run, so it is plausible that looking for imaginary last lines of defense is an evolutionary adaptation.

This facts suggest that their new belief is not rationally motivated, but biased by culture.


- viole
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I don't believe this, nature shows us the eternal exists and exists naturally.
Then pray tell what natural infinites do you refer. The last time I checked not a single natural infinite has ever been discovered. My background is mathematics. Not only do infinites fly in the face of every observation when you try and trick reality and instead do some math using infinity it almost always causes mathematical nonsense like division by zero or self contradictory results. It also serves routinely as the limit to which a function cannot reach. It does not matter whether you look at the universe or try and dream up possible infinites using natural law they simply don't and more often than not only serve to indicate the boundary of something.

I believe god to exist naturally, why should we need to invoke supernatural, more like nature that we don't understand yet.
Maybe your using the natural in another way. Nature is usually defined as that to which natural law applies. Do you believe God is limited by natural law? While what you state is technically untrue the thoughst behind it are logical. I once heard a apologist describe God that way. He was just as wrong but the principle is valid. God is not out of place in the world, but he is not bound by it nor it's laws. He does not need nor is it rational to require anything eternal beyond himself. If any other thing was eternal then it would rival God and God would cease to be a maximal being at all.

Anyway please let me know when you find any natural entity that is eternal. You would probably receive a medal for it.


Premium Member
Anyway please let me know when you find any natural entity that is eternal. You would probably receive a medal for it.

There have been plenty of medals going around for that already. You just have to start with general relativity which shows that in theory, time stands still at the speed of light. This is one example of nature showing an eternal aspect to it, time shouldn't just stand still but thats what it amounts to.

Hmm, seems this is the best I could find. I was just asking this question on a thread I started. Sounds possible in theory for something with infinite power, whatever thats supposed to mean. The speed of light is pretty much an infinite amount of energy to even be going that speed to begin with, especially to retain it. They hesitate to call it eternal but thats what it amounts to, traversing an incredible amount of time in an instant.

Do time and space exist for a photon on which eternity should pass as an instant?
It is true that, given enough energy, you could be propelled so fast that 1 year back home would pass for you in a few minutes; a ride across the Milky Way covering 100,000 light years could be done in a few seconds; or even a ride across the visible universe of 14 billion light years could be done in a second or less...given an ultimate source of power to get you to those speeds. For a photon, or any other particle traveling at ESSENTIALLY the speed of light, any arbitrarily long distance could be traversed in less than a second....but eternity is different. For you to get boosted to a speed where 'eternity would pass in an instant' you would travel essentially an infinite distance, and the energy you would need to accelerate you would be infinite as well. For a photon, it is a completely meaningless exercise to ask how fast time passes for a photon, and in some sense in the 'rest frame' of such a massless particle, time is meaningless.
Gravity Probe B - Special & General Relativity Questions and Answers


Active Member
You need some posting instruction. Only by chance did I see my name in this post.

I will not only give your reasons to think natural infinites are impossible I will let you choose which one I will use. Pick either eternal matter, time, or space and I will show you that not only can you produce not a single example of an eternal example of any one of them but there are very good reasons to think hey are impossible to begin with and no good reason to think they are possible. However I hope you will get the formatting down, I can not depend on luck every time. I would be happy to explain the basics if you wish.

It was your claim that you could prove the universe was not eternal. You said it was easy to do. I would like to see your proof.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I do not know what to make of that claim except that it has no bearing on the truth of any faith.

I think it has. i expect that a God tries to have a personal relationship with anyone, not only the ones that live on a Christian area.

Well, if cosmology and physics had found all truths, there would be nothing left for them to do, wouldn't it?

Far from it. It is a hypothesis that is far more explanatory of reality than any other ultimate explanation ever posed. It is pretty much a necessity as without it nothing has any ultimate explanation.

Ach, Gott. The ultimate gaps filler.

By the way, what makes you think that there is such a thing like an ultimate explanation and that it needs to be conscious?

Cause and effect has stood up since the Greeks and is still not seriously damaged after 4000 years. I doubt it's merit is dependent on me. I also doubt that the universe will be any less in need of a cause even if I failed to define that word accurately as the two are not dependent what so ever. I can already see that you are attempting to get me to introduce a temporal chronological order here that you find paradoxical. It isn't but I will not get stuck there regardless. A cause is an effects explanation. Though I cannot comprehend how it is claimed by many scholars to not be dependent on space time. A cause and effect theoretically can occur simultaneously or even without reference to space time. The only impossibility here is that the cause occur after the effect in space time. I sense the last shriek of atheism is on it's way. If you cannot use reality to counter my claims then semantics apparently is the only retreat left open.

Well, then think about it, instead of trusting somewhere else or wikipedia.

A cause is an effect explanation? Apart from the smell of circularity, the problem here is that you are arbitrarily introducing an asymmetry between causes and effects. How do you decide which is which, especially if they are simultaneous?

Even within our universe that could be impossible. For instance, fundamental interactions do not a have a clear cause/effect relationship. Did the two colliding antiparticles caused a photon, or did the photon decayed and caused the two antiparticles?

What would you say?

There is little need. There are volumes that do what you requested from histories greatest thinkers that have existed for thousands of years. What do you need my poor efforts at definitions for? Here is one: a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the producer of an effect:

If you type cause: definition you get 268 million hits. Why are you asking me?

I ask you because you seem to delegate your own thinking to someone else. And because I always assume that if someone (including myself) is not able to give simple answers to a question, then she did not understand the problem. "I don't know" counts as a simple answer.

That is three more than required and about 9 more than 80% of the population has taken.

There is a much lower probability than 20% that any randomly chosen individual studied probability theory for 9 hours or more.

Do you understand the difference between semester hours and literal hours? Your comments make no sense to me. How many semester hours do you have in it?

9 hours is about one day of work. Do you think you can master Kolmogorov, Gauss, random variables, distributions, stochastic and ergodic processes, Markov chains, after a whole day? Or even a week of intense work?

What you can do in one day is realizing that probability can be defined only when you specify the experiment and the possible sets of outcomes. ;)

The very claim of fine tuning carries with it a necessary object. Fine tuned for what must always require a goal. I can see you do not understand what I am talking about. I am not talking about life as we find it, carbon life, not even theoretical silicon based life or some hybrid. I was talking about the fine tuning required to get a structured universe at all. I am talking about gravity that would allow stars of galaxies to form at all, not just us.

For what we know, structured universes are the only ones that can possibly exist without fizzling into a black hole or something. So, it could be that there is natural selection of stable universes in place, who knows?

In any case, this one seems to be overly fine tuned. Over engineering, at best. And very wasteful. A single planet and a single star would have sufficed, probably.

Do you think I would have said I have to find it if I had known the name. This is anything but a Christian journal. It had a picture of Nietzsche on it's cover dressed as Neo. It is connected with Cambridge but is not published by them officially and contains far more atheists than believers of any kind. I think it was called Philosophy now. Just look for an issue with a section called things we know that are wrong. It concerns the belief that matter is primary and how that has been proven wrong. I do not agree with their "proven" but with contributors from kripke to Penrose I took it seriously.

A picture of Nietzsche dressed as Neo? Mmh, i think we can exclude Nature and Scientific American, I guess.

They must have missed the note that is has been proven that mind is primary and matter isn't. Lol.

What are you talking about? Cause and effect has never been anything but confirmed and I think that exhausts all the philosophy I have used. The only part I find unreliable has been created by modern secularism. Their claims that truth does not exist are not only untrue but self defeating. They have ruined modern philosophy but they have not touched classical philosophy. In fact there is far more philosophy in texts written by Hawking, etc.. than science despite his being a noobe in the field.

You are confusing secularism with post-modernism. Truth does not exist for the modern secular person? i really wonder what magazine that was.

One of the first complaints given by your side is the fact that Christianity has does not change. Now your saying the opposite. Which is it? Long before Chesterton became a theist he gave completely up on atheism because it was so contradictory. It said God could not be real because he was both too cruel and too soft, too warlike and to passive, too demanding and too remote, etc....... He said Christianity could not be both a black mask on a white world and a white mask on a black world and gave up atheism as untenable. These platitudes are not arguments. My bible is 99% percent the same as what they had 1000 years ago. What changes are you talking about?

I never complained that Christianity does not change. i actually undestand more a fundamentalist that believes in talking snakes and a young earth, than a liberal that turns the word of God into metaphors when the bone of a dino is found.


- viole
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Nope, if relativity is true. Space time is a well defined physical object. Technically, it is a 4 dimensional Pseudo Riemannian manifold, which tranlates into: it is a 4-dimensional surface endowed with a way to measure objective distances between any two points on it, no matter where they are located on its surface.
Space time is an abstract relationship between matter and duration. Time is not material though it does relate to the material. I will not read anything after Riemann is mentioned. That equation almost cause me to quit in my sophomore year. I must have see4n two hundred hours of debates about time. Not a single person ever described I this way nor do I see any need to. What are all these terms supposed to demonstrate. Are you suggesting time is not necessarily related to matter and has always existed?

So, for instance, the square distance between me here now and a dinosaur somewhere and sometime else is a certain amount of meters. This is what we get from relativity. Obviously such a surface does not move, begin to exist or anything elese that involves changes of states.
What the heck are you talking about? In ten years of school, a life long interest in scientific theory, 20 years either watching or involved in debates, and a job that requires I make timing changes based on coordination with a cesium atom in an oven a hundred miles or more above the surface of earth and not one description you have made have I ever even heard before. I tell you what I will give you the benefit of assuming I'm am an idiot. I work with a Phd that specialized in information theory and is current on all dominant models relating to physics. Unless you object I will ask him if he can understand what you are saying. I will post it in my words but if you doubt my representation of his response I will get you in touch with him. He is brilliant and the nicest person I have ever met. I am not suggesting this in an attempt to embarrass you, but only to get a higher opinion than myself. He may say I am ignorant about time but I doubt it. Deal?

I will post this separately as it is a stand alone post at this point.


Active Member
So, for instance, the square distance between me here now and a dinosaur somewhere and sometime else is a certain amount of meters. This is what we get from relativity. Obviously such a surface does not move, begin to exist or anything elese that involves changes of states.

This is how I've understood relativity as well, viole. Time can be measured in meters, and the conversion between meters and seconds is light speed, 3x10^8 meters for each second.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Why is that a burden for me? Why would that label not apply to an early still cooling earth being reshaped by tectonics and meteor strikes. They have been considered semi-metaphorical long before the first (monk) suggested evolution might be true by Maimonides and countless others. What your complaining against (though I have yet to see the fault) is the literal interpretation made popular by the Catholic authorities. Since I am not defending the history of Catholic dogma it has no relevance here.

Yes, but it still had a form didn't it? Probably it was a sphere from the time it could be called a planet. Can you imagine something which is formless?

And this is only one of the innumerable nonsenses contained in Genesis.

I never liked the band Genesis and would not consider them rock (or at least good rock).

Oh, dear. You are without hope ;)

Took over what from whom?

The romans from the greek., at least intellectually.

I am not sure what a description of chaos is. This was very late Greek studies. Mostly the Greeks asked the right questions but often did not get right answers. Especially about cosmology and physics. Even as late as Ptolemy they were dead wrong about much. I think what you mean here is how detailed this meaningless description is compared to Genesis which came thousands of years earlier. The bible was concerned primarily with agency not mechanism and was never intended to give the far less meaningful how's but the far more meaningful why's. This accounts for the difference in styles. However the Bible unlike every other major theoretical view on cosmology is consistent with modern cosmology. The Greeks thought the God's changed something into the universe, same with the Romans during paganism. The bible is not a scientific textbook but where it speaks to science it unlike everything else is still as true today as 4000 years ago.

Yes. When it gets it right it speaks of science. When it doesn't, it is not a scientific text. Do you have notes on the Bible that say: what follows is science, the rest is spiritual? (E.g. Global floods?).

1. Evolution is no threat to the bible what so ever unless you are talking about evolution as naturalism alone would describe it and all that it would depend on and which the evidence does not support. What the evidence does support is exactly what the bible claimed a long time ago, that things change according to heir kind.
2. For evolution to even be meaningful you would have to defend naturalism it's self, and good luck with that.
3. So much for evolution it's self what about the bible (the only other issue mentioned here). If the bible was re-written in the face of scientific theory you might have a point. It was not so you do not.
4. If it's translation was influenced primarily by scientific theory you would at least have some sympathy but not a point. It is certainly not an indictment that interpretations are open to evidence. However it was not or at least was not most of the time. Your arguing against Catholic dogma, not scripture.
5. Thousands of years before anyone got the first grant check for evolutionary dogma Christians by the score interpreted Genesis in ways that are perfectly consistent with evolution.
6. I of course cannot give you the full history of all these various schools of interpretation but the book. "The science of God" by Schroeder would be a good start. Not even the evolution of homo-sapiens is inconsistent with these early interpretations that Adam was the first primate with a soul. Anyway you need to do some reading before we can discuss this issue in depth.

We can interpret basically anything to fit with everything. All you need isa bit of imagination.

Adam the first primate with a soul? The poor guy will never meet his mother in Heaven?

I wonder if you are serious.

It is not relevant what source is the best at science but only hat the bible is consistent with it. I do not read the bible for cosmology but I do find what I read in it to be consistent with it.

Good for you.

Actually you said it was probability, and I agree. I think you must have made a type O here somewhere. Nothing has no properties of any kind. I cannot produce anything and does not stand in causal relationships. If your going to insist it could (for the heck of it I considered it possible) then you at the very least cannot restrict what it could do. If nothing can do anything you cannot suggest what it could not. It is on atheism that I am even considering this. It makes no sense and is there is no reason to think nothing could do anything or that everything is eternal but there is no debate at all at that point so I only allowed the possibility for entertainment purposes.


The only thing we know is that you presume this has occurred. There is no direct evidence that this occurred and no one even knows how it could be possible even theoretically. Which molecule was added to my brain that made it conscious and how do you know? The fact that one chunk of matter can be about another is no more solved today than when Aristotle considered it. Consciousness is a complete mystery. Technically the only thing we KNOW is that we think. Now I grant many things in order to have a conversation but your observation of the rise of consciousness is not one of them.

True, although most neuroscientists believe that. What I know is that I can affect consciousness with chemicals, but not the way round. So, prority to matter seems rationally justified.

By the way, if consciousness is a total mystery, what about that proof that the mind is primary if we do not even know what it is?

I did not say that a deistic God could not exist but that, that God would by definition have the least evidence of all the possible theistic God's. It is kind of like believing that determinism was true. It's conclusion defies the means by which it was derived.

Continued below;

Why should have the least evidence is they all share the same evidence?

But I am intrigued by your comment that determinism is self defeating. Why is that?


- viole


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Space time is an abstract relationship between matter and duration. Time is not material though it does relate to the material. I will not read anything after Riemann is mentioned. That equation almost cause me to quit in my sophomore year. I must have see4n two hundred hours of debates about time. Not a single person ever described I this way nor do I see any need to. What are all these terms supposed to demonstrate. Are you suggesting time is not necessarily related to matter and has always existed?

What the heck are you talking about? In ten years of school, a life long interest in scientific theory, 20 years either watching or involved in debates, and a job that requires I make timing changes based on coordination with a cesium atom in an oven a hundred miles or more above the surface of earth and not one description you have made have I ever even heard before. I tell you what I will give you the benefit of assuming I'm am an idiot. I work with a Phd that specialized in information theory and is current on all dominant models relating to physics. Unless you object I will ask him if he can understand what you are saying. I will post it in my words but if you doubt my representation of his response I will get you in touch with him. He is brilliant and the nicest person I have ever met. I am not suggesting this in an attempt to embarrass you, but only to get a higher opinion than myself. He may say I am ignorant about time but I doubt it. Deal?

I will post this separately as it is a stand alone post at this point.

Go ahead. But be aware that most scientists, including physicists, are not relativists. So, get ready for a math fight based on relativity :)

i hate to post links, but you can add them as additional information about my point of view. Maybe the English is better.

Time and the Block Universe
That Mysterious Flow - Scientific American

The latest can be read free of charges by googling the title or by following the link in the former.


- viole
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As I said, this is pretty canonical science. And it has not changed since 1915. As Einsteins said: time is just an illusion, albeit a stubborn one. There is no passing of time, really, just different events on a static surface. Even the Big Bang is one of this events, geometrically not much more special than the others.
In your previous post you said time was an actual object, now your saying it is an illusion. They are mutually exclusive and it can't be both. Which is it? Your not in support of this ultra-modern idea that time is not true and that I am not who I was a Nano-second ago that Hawking's sometimes coughs up are you? or are you interpreting Einstein's diagrams as literal structures that actually exist?

Unless you believe in the newtonian (and outdated) A-theory of time. WL Craig does, for obvious reasons.
The obvious, being that he was the most brilliant physicist to have lived prior to the 18th century perhaps. My physics textbooks sure spoke highly of him, were they apologists and biased as well? I do not have a firm position on Newton, Einstein, Kant, Berkley, Leibnitz, or any of these very speculative views. My only firm position is that time is tensed. I tend to not wander to far off where evidence ends. I lost any memorization caused by degrees and terminology long ago. I only go where the evidence leads and no much further.

I want to halt here for a moment and reset this debate in another way. I do not often get to consider Riemann and four dimensional manifolds often and I do not want to. First I want to congratulate you in that at least your terminology has given me my first challenge in a while. Normally I do not even have to pause in typing or look anything up these days. I have started a discussion panel in my lab with two doctorates and one PhD and have begun remembering what your terms represent. I think your deductions are invalid and get among others reality confused with models used to evaluate them. However I want to make sure my initial assumptions are on track. I have to leave shortly and this will require a bit to adequately deal with. I think your premises grounded in reality, but not necessarily your application or conclusions based on them but hopefully that will become apparent. Good job, I am here for just this type of post. If I am not careful I may accidentally learn something along the way. In the meantime can you either simplify what your stating or provide a conclusion which you think this demonstrates. I want to be sure I look at this in the context it was intended. Whether you provide what I requested or not I will get back to you very soon on this. Probably in the morning. Chow and wa-lah.


Active Member
Go ahead. But be aware that most scientists, including physicists, are not relativists.

Not sure what you mean here. The theory of relativity is a scientific fact. GPS receivers must account for both special and general relativity every day to stay accurate.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
In your previous post you said time was an actual object, now your saying it is an illusion. They are mutually exclusive and it can't be both. Which is it? Your not in support of this ultra-modern idea that time is not true and that I am not who I was a Nano-second ago that Hawking's sometimes coughs up are you? or are you interpreting Einstein's diagrams as literal structures that actually exist?

Where did I say that the flow of time is objective? What I said is that distances between points on the four dimensional spece time manifold are objective, according to the given (Lorentzian) metric.

How can you confuse the two concepts? Time is relative whereas distances in space time aren't.

The obvious, being that he was the most brilliant physicist to have lived prior to the 18th century perhaps. My physics textbooks sure spoke highly of him, were they apologists and biased as well? I do not have a firm position on Newton, Einstein, Kant, Berkley, Leibnitz, or any of these very speculative views. My only firm position is that time is tensed. I tend to not wander to far off where evidence ends. I lost any memorization caused by degrees and terminology long ago. I only go where the evidence leads and no much further.

Of course you hold the position that time is tensed. What other choices do you have without destroying kalam? ;)

Unfortunately, a short glimpse in the geometry of space time that derives from special relativity shows clearly that the idea of a flowing present that separates the past from the future is physically nonsensical. Things like simultaneity, which define what present is, are not existent, for instance.

No speculations, but a theory that has passed every possible test since 100 years.

I want to halt here for a moment and reset this debate in another way. I do not often get to consider Riemann and four dimensional manifolds often and I do not want to. First I want to congratulate you in that at least your terminology has given me my first challenge in a while. Normally I do not even have to pause in typing or look anything up these days. I have started a discussion panel in my lab with two doctorates and one PhD and have begun remembering what your terms represent. I think your deductions are invalid and get among others reality confused with models used to evaluate them. However I want to make sure my initial assumptions are on track. I have to leave shortly and this will require a bit to adequately deal with. I think your premises grounded in reality, but not necessarily your application or conclusions based on them but hopefully that will become apparent. Good job, I am here for just this type of post. If I am not careful I may accidentally learn something along the way. In the meantime can you either simplify what your stating or provide a conclusion which you think this demonstrates. I want to be sure I look at this in the context it was intended. Whether you provide what I requested or not I will get back to you very soon on this. Probably in the morning. Chow and wa-lah.

I think the best is that you go through the links I posted in a previous post. I do not like to post links, but in this case they express in much better English what I am trying to convey. Other sources are from S. Carroll , Lee Smolin, Hawking, and B. Greene books.

These are mainly for the layman. If you want a more geometrical or mathematical description let me know.


- viole
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Nope, if relativity is true. Space time is a well defined physical object. Technically, it is a 4 dimensional Pseudo Riemannian manifold, which tranlates into: it is a 4-dimensional surface endowed with a way to measure objective distances between any two points on it, no matter where they are located on its surface.
Much to my disappointment I was sick yesterday and so my time that can devote to this post will be less that I wished. IOW instead of debating these issues in the flowery rhetoric they were given in I will have to be Blount and efficient. What I will hint at in my first response seems to indicative of your whole view point.

Time is not part of any natural object. That is unless your confusing reality with the mathematical tools and diagrams used to represent it. Time is notoriously confusing to define but it is best described as duration or the rate of change in a system or of an object. It is not an object its self unless your confusing a manifold with what it actually represents. A manifold is just a clarified graph, just as a graph of a ghost would not make a ghost an actual object nether is time an object because a manifold is.

So, for instance, the square distance between me here now and a dinosaur somewhere and sometime else is a certain amount of meters. This is what we get from relativity. Obviously such a surface does not move, begin to exist or anything elese that involves changes of states.
What is the term "square" doing in there. Time is linear not parabolic. The only way distance is relevant is in a hypothetic or model for convenience. In reality you and they dinosaur have no distance relationship because neither of you existed on the same physical plane. There is natural surface what so ever in which you and the dinosaur both exist. That is not even core relativity to begin with. Relativity has to do with the "appearance" of time from a hypothetical view point, Or relative to another. Nothing about the theory concerns a material plane on which you and any dinosaur actually exist unless you mean the models used for convenience.

As I said, this is pretty canonical science. And it has not changed since 1915. As Einsteins said: time is just an illusion, albeit a stubborn one. There is no passing of time, really, just different events on a static surface. Even the Big Bang is one of this events, geometrically not much more special than the others.
Much of what you said is science but how you use and link it is not. Einstein said his biggest profession mistake is to make a static assumption about the universe. He even invented out of thin air a constant to make the math work out. I don't know in general but I definitely disagree with the quote you attribute to him. He sure did spend a lot of time defining the nature of that illusion.

Unless you believe in the newtonian (and outdated) A-theory of time.
WL Craig does, for obvious reasons. Classical geometry does not incorporate time at all. It involves distances and relationship of things that exist or are taken to exist at the same instance. the quadratic formula, law of sins, or the Pythagorean theorem have nothing to do with time. If you have dug up some obscure use of geometry your going to have to cite it specifically.

The only thing dated about Newton is his assumption that his physics was a totality. His version of time is by far the almost accepted and substantiated ever devised. BTW that would be true or false regardless of who Craig likes, so who Craig likes has nothing to do with anything. It was just a wild and desperate jab that landed nowhere. Tensed time is far more accepted than tens less time. Though I admit that since secularism has come to dominate science all sorts of perfectly crappy theories have become far closer to mainstream. Depending on who your talking in to in that arena morality does not exist, accountability doe snot exist, we were determined to think determinism was true, the universe is two dimensional, multi-dimensional, or infinitely dimensional, the only place could not have come from is the only place it has ever been found, and there is no truth except the truth that it does not exist. Since the 50's science has become its own worst enemy by thinking it's self into imbecility

Yes, but manifolds do not begin to exist. And this particular one is, by definition, outside space and time in the same way a box of chocolate is not a chocolate. That is the whole point. And one of the several independent ones that can be used to annihilate Kalam.
Manifolds are not natural entities that exist beyond our creation. I can look back in time and very shortly run out of manifolds, graphs, and symbols, or any other abstract representation. They are no more eternal than my signature. The rest of that paragraph was lost on me. I do not really use Kalam specifically but it just as alive today as it ever was. Not a single point has ever been overturned or even touched except by rhetoric. However even if manifolds were natural objects they would share the same fate as the universe, It's fate is:
Vilenkin’s verdict: “All the evidence we have says that the universe had a beginning.” | Uncommon Descent
It is said that an argument is what convinces reasonable men and a proof is what it takes to convince even an unreasonable man. With the proof now in place, cosmologists can no longer hide behind the possibility of a past-eternal universe. There is no escape: they have to face the problem of a cosmic beginning - See more at: Craig on Vilenkin on Cosmic Origins You do not have access to anything outside the universe that is natural.

First you have to prove the existence of the supernatural before ascribing properties to it. So, your argument is circular, at best. You assume, for instance, that causes could be supernatural, introducing thereby the existence of the supernatural and its causation power in the premises.
By what standard am I required to do that? I can love what I wish, hate what I wish, define what I wish, and evaluate what I wish about a concept without proving anything. In fact by your criteria not one scientific claim can ever be evaluated because not one a true to a certainty beyond the fact that we think. My argument is not circular. I take he evidence we have and evaluate it in conjunction with a hypothesis. In my case it is even easier and more justifiable hat that because I happen to know the hypotheses' existence concerns a true being. The same cannot be said for dark matter, multiple universes, or abiogenesis. However as I stated my original comments had nothing to do with the supernatural anyway.

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True. i am myself skeptical about string theory. But we have that, quantum gravity, eternal inflation, etc. So, your own God speculation is definetely not the only game in town. I can think of a plethora of naturalistic alternatives.
It is the only game which given it's existence could without any doubt explain reality in totality. IOW if God exists he would be the ultimate source of reality, even if your other concepts truly existed you would still have al your work left in using them to explain reality as a whole.

Nota bene: I am not disproving God; I am just stressing that its so-called cumulative evidence is just a cumulation of zeros. It is just faith. Searching for confirmation in science seems useless and constantly under the danger of confirmation bias. Why do you need it, if you and so many people allegedely had a personal relationship with Him? I don't need to appeal to cosmology to be confident that I have a personal relationship with my husband.
That is extremely biased and unfounded. I have never heard even the most virulent of atheist claim that all evidence factors for God have a value of zero. That is hyperbolic non-sense. While it would always be a subjective the value of the evidence certainly has objective value at some level. Four examples: The majority of NT scholars grant the following as historically reliable regardless what their faith is.

1. Jesus appeared in history with an precedent sense of divine authority. (In this context it makes no difference whether he actually had it).
2. That he was crucified by the Romans on a cross.
3. That his tomb was found empty.
4. That even his enemies sincerely believed that they had met him after his death.

These have a virtually consensus concerning historical reliability from the scholar who specialize on them and they are all that is needed to ground faith in the Gospel explanation. The claims made by the bible are so outrageous and fantastic that only their being based on extremely persuasive evidence explains their being believe by 1 out of 3 people (a huge proportion of traditional scholars) and in the face of persecution and death by entire empires. Assigning zero values to biblical evidence is intellectually dishonest.

You seem obsessed with life as a goal, something to aim for or whatever. By doing that, you beg the question.
I have explained several times why that is not the case. It is merely that life prohibiting universe theoretically vastly (infinitely) out weigh life permitting ones, (that is if you make the ridiculous assumption that nothing can produce something to begin with.

Incidentally, if projections are correct, for most of its life the universe will not be able to host anything. Life permitting conditions will be as short as the blink of an eye.
You are still grossly missundertanding my claim. A universe that would permit any theoretically possible life for even a non-second would still have a miniscule chance of actually existing if universe were randomly generated without intention.

Same state as today, basically. Only the mathematical methods to study it have improved.
That was not really an answer.

That your evidence is simplicistic is pretty clear. Alas, as Einstein said, again, things should be as simple as possible but not simpler.
He and Occam were wrong except about speculation. Things should be what they are regardless of complexity. In this case the most simplistic explanation happens to be consistent with the evidence.

Who said you denied appearances of Mary? i meant that rational analysis suggests that if Mary appears only in catholic countries, then there is a much simpler explanation than invoking the supernatural.
To begin with I have little faith in the appearances of Mary but would not (based on their pervasiveness hold they position they are not true in general, but most specific cases I hold with skepticism. However let's pretend we know that a few are true. Do they make sense to occur in Catholic places? Using only the bible and common sense they certainly do. Signs are given for a purpose. They are not randomly generated and dispersed for political correctness. A type of sign many times has to do with who it given. For example they are mostly earthly things cows, weather, food, etc... They are tailored to be meaningful to those to whom they are given. Another issue is hat God judge's corporately as well as personally. A nation who denies God will not have many signs given at all. IOW there may be good reasons to be skeptical of any one Mary appearance but enough justification to believe they have occurred.

The best display of how faith affetcs the brain of people is when you see a crowd collecting in front of a weeping statue (under a broken pipe) looking for a blessing or a miracle. They even think you are a heartless cynic when you show them that a water pipe is broken and that is the cause of the tears. And this is why I think the faith virus needs to be removed before we can say that humanity has left its infancy behind.
99.99999% of Christians have never what you suggest so your example is anything but the best way to explain anything except wishful thinking on the part a tiny group of people. My position on who best illustrates faith is the much larger group that held to their faith in spite of entire empire's persecuting them. At the very least the man who lies down his life for his faith is sincere. Most Christians would instantly be suspicious of a weeping statue and reject it in almost every case. This is not reason, it is propaganda.

I am not sure it is a genetic fallacy. Many atheists I know became believers during a time of emotional vulnerability. Unfortunately, they start believing in the God of their upbringing and environment. It is still stored somewhere in the brain circuitry. After all, I believe that hope is a powerful survival mechanism in the long run, so it is plausible that looking for imaginary last lines of defense is an evolutionary adaptation.
I cannot generalize on what has caused faith. There are w huge range of reasons. I can only tell you that for the majority of Christians I know their heritage provided as many reasons to deny faith and resent as accept it. That is why the old saying about preachers kids is so often the case. Familiarity produce contempt and rebellion especially if it requires submission.

This facts suggest that their new belief is not rationally motivated, but biased by culture.
There are literally tens or hundreds of millions of cases where a person developed faith in God even though that faith was anything but convenience. Of course there will be more Christians in a Christian nation that has more access to information and is more accepting than a middle east nation where to believe is to risk death but there are far too many Christians in those latter countries to dismiss faith as merely cultural. The most influential Christian nation in history outside the US was a pagan empire before it gave in to faith. The memory of roasting Christians saw the adopting of the same faith by the same people.


- viole
Why is it that the only realm of science that is used to counter the bible the most theoretical and speculative of any? BTW if it is a matter of meters between you and a dinosaur then please paint a line from you to one and take a picture of it. Tensed time is the most intuitive and rational, and no one lives as if it untrue even if they claim it illusory using $100terminology. My perception literal duration is a trustworthy as my perception of anything.


This is how I've understood relativity as well, viole. Time can be measured in meters, and the conversion between meters and seconds is light speed, 3x10^8 meters for each second.
I have had relativity in college and work with GPS on a daily basis though I do not claim to fully understand either, but I do not think your understanding is correct. If it was then I have a challenge for you. If you think the difference between you and a dinosaur is merely one of distance then I will buy you as much paint as you need if you will paint a line from you to a . If you can't, then meters are not the proper units to have used. Anything which time is involved with is expressed in either pure durational units or in duration distance relationships. Relationships are between two distinct items are not between one alone.


Yes, but it still had a form didn't it? Probably it was a sphere from the time it could be called a planet. Can you imagine something which is formless?
This is a good example of one of the worst mistakes made by secular folks. You try and condemn a concept by condemning your understanding of a word translated thousands of years later. If you want to know what X meant then we must try as hard as possible to determine how X intended the word. We need the word first.

The word here is bohuw: It means a waste. Waste implies unsuitability for a purpose, or to not contain the relevant entities given purpose.

The earth was initially void of the entities that it was purposed for nor was it even in a state where it would have allowed those entities to exist.

Why is it always the critic who is least interested in what they criticize?

And this is only one of the innumerable nonsenses contained in Genesis.
It was not an example of anything useless so you will have to try another. It was a perfectly accurate description of what had been true at the time.

Oh, dear. You are without hope ;)
They still suck.

The romans from the greek., at least intellectually.
Ok, now in what way was this relevant?

Yes. When it gets it right it speaks of science. When it doesn't, it is not a scientific text. Do you have notes on the Bible that say: what follows is science, the rest is spiritual? (E.g. Global floods?).
It is never a scientific text. A text is a manuscript with a purpose. It was never intended to have a scientific purpose. probably because science is so low on the list of what really matters in comparison. Are you asking me how I can judge what is intended literally versus allegorically? However this does not alter the fact the biblically was scientifically correct about a great many very important things like hygiene that scientists were ignorant of even 2oo years ago and hundreds of thousands lost their lives for.

We can interpret basically anything to fit with everything. All you need isa bit of imagination.
Ok interpret the statement that two plus two equals for as being consistent with the fact that 2 + 2 = 27.5 meters.

Adam the first primate with a soul? The poor guy will never meet his mother in Heaven?
Nope but since you cannot lack something you never had he will not suffer because of it.

I wonder if you are serious.
I wonder why you wonder?

Good for you.
It would have been good for about half a million plus in the 1860's who would have survived science had the scientists simply practiced what the Hebrews knew 2500 years ago. Science so far has not saved a single person in the long run in it's entire history but has produced the potential to wipe out all life in existence and the moral insanity to almost have done so more than once. If you looking for hope and goodness you won't find it in an equation. In fact without God there exists no basis for ultimate hope what so ever and goodness is almost meaningless and relative.

That is what I said.

True, although most neuroscientists believe that. What I know is that I can affect consciousness with chemicals, but not the way round. So, prority to matter seems rationally justified.
You have no evidence you can create or destroy consciousness with anything. I and the bible claim that aspects of consciousness can be influenced by other factors so you claim is no threat to either. I am not even sure your statement is valid exactly anyway. You may effect the way consciousness filters or apprehends the external world or your perception of how wit does but without a precise understanding of what it is to begin with claims about changing it are pre-mature. I can change matter with chemicals but I can't make it cease to exist or begin to exist.

By the way, if consciousness is a total mystery, what about that proof that the mind is primary if we do not even know what it is?
Hold the phone there hop-a-long. I have never said anything about consciousness is proven. I only mentioned that the trend in philosophy, etc... as usual seems to be in the biblical direction. Speculative at best but many legendary scholars think this is true. I cannot nor have I claimed to even be able to understand their argument.

Why should have the least evidence is they all share the same evidence?

But I am intrigued by your comment that determinism is self defeating. Why is that?
Anything I have no choice in believing should be trusted. Suppose I put more than enough pressure on you through whatever manipulation was necessary to force you to believe X is true. If you have taken any military interrogation classes you would know it is a matter of when not if anyone breaks down. There would be no reason to trust what they believed. In fact it is constantly stated "you can't believe him he has to say that". It could very well be that the only deterministic fact that ever existed was the one hat led you to believe it was true. This is merely paradoxical musing but if you want an argument: If determinism was true then it would be unintentional and the state of intentionality does not exist. Why then can I have a question and instantly discover the answer constantly? I doubt determinism would be rational enough to even form a question but even if so it has no interest in a answer and would not constantly be so obliging as to provide both the need and the satisfaction of it constantly for billions of lives.


- viole
"Te veo despues"