So how do you measure decay with a yardstick? How can decaying slow down and even stand still if it isn't a force of various intensity? If anything gravity it is gravity that isn't a force. Time is a force that effects us but does not effect god and then there is everything in between. You think eternal life is real, well then eternity would have to be real, a real effect on us at gods discretion.
Decay is measured by the second....last I heard.
And yeah that clock on the wall doesn't generate time.
The metering 'stick' was simply rebuilt to go about in a circle.
(it's the battery that makes it work)
We speak of time as something we can run out of....and we will.
But that's a play on words.
We actually run out of useful chemistry.
Our bodies are reactions that have a 'length' of 'time'.
We take it personally....of course we do.
But it's not the measurement that does us in.
God?....not having a physical form...doesn't 'move' (like we do).
Time cannot be applied.
We often say of shall always be....
Decay is a matter of motion losing it's ability to go on.
We can measure the event.
The measure is in our heads.
No where else.