The definition of "change of state" itself would be a good one.
I see we are in the same swamp we left off in.
nonexistence (ˌnɒn ɪgˈzɪs təns)
1. absence of existence.
2. something that has no existence.
Type in "state of non-existence" you will get 4 million reasons to get out of the swamp.
BTW the most common argument I get from the quantum is about atoms beginning to exist. They usually mistakenly claim they do uncaused (which is perfectly wrong) but what they don't claim is that it does not occur. Fluctuations in quantum energy field literally cause an atom to begin to exist trillion of times.
I have defined them the same way. I specified it further with different language in case you were somehow confused about the original meaning. But yes the definition of "change" is dependent upon its pre-existence to the change. Otherwise what changed?
This is a trivial point and these posts are getting too large.
Actually your belief in god plays a HUGE role in why you think it makes sense. I don't care how much you deny it you still have this need to have an answer and you don't seem to care if its wrong or not. It also is based upon this idea that there was something "before" time. Which is profoundly intertwined with your theological stance.
I may very well do so but you have no evidence what so ever to evacuate whether it does nor how much it does. It is also a genetic fallacy anyway.
I have seen about 9-10 of his debates over the course of the years. I don't know of any he has definitively won. And I have never heard of an atheist having "the fear of god" put him them by him.
That was the point of the joke. It was Sam Harris who said it. I have never seen him not dominate his counter part with the exception of Carroll. IMO Carroll is the best your side has.
I haven't changed my position. Only your understanding of my position.
I don't think so. I have been stating from the word go the argument passes every validity test. You kept arguing against that but finally agreed.
Or saying that because we can't use a ruler to measure the distance to the sun it means that by default the magic 8 ball has the answer.
This is not about what is right. It was about your claiming not being even in the right category. Pointing to a discipline strictly limited to the natural as a resource for the supernatural is just silly. It is even sillier to limit that point to an arbitrary "modern" time period in science. Most scientists in history have been men of faith and a huge proportion of the best have been Christian.
Except there was no "before time" There was no pre-causal cause by the understanding of causality we have now. For our understanding of causality there MUST be time involved and existence involved. Neither seem to be the case.
I am only going to say this one last time. WE have reasons to believe space time began to exist with the big bang. We have no reasons whatever to think that another time reference did not exist.
Quite a lot. Because then you are not going against "nothing". The fact there is not a leading theory does not give credibility to anyone who makes a stance. The current and best answer is "we don't know". What is dark matter? We don't know. What is dark energy? We don't know. What is the sound of one hand clapping? We don't know.
There is a leading theory, God.
You see the assumptions you make even when attempting to show you do not make any. Dark matter is not known to exist. It isn't a thing we know exists to know anything about. I happen to believe it does exist but unlike you did I admit it is a faith determination. You simply assumed it did in order to make a claim about not assuming things. Atheists are some of the most ironic people I know of.
Actually it does. Spacetime does not exclude time. Spacetime INCLUDES TIME. Time is but one aspect of spacetime that we are able to precieve through our passage through it via entropy. You are factually wrong to state that it does not imply the end of "all time".
Space time is a relation between two things. When one of the things it relates to is missing that part breaks down not the other. For example when moving Miles per hour
applies. When stopped neither miles nor hours cease to exist, but the relational terminology does. Now I can see how space may have not existed and if so then space-time would not have applied, nor would the space part of it. However time is so abstract and unknown as to not have a direct connection with space at the very least in potential. Have you ever had vector mechanics? If so I might can add something to this?
I have yet to see an example of conclusive evidence they understood anything beyond basic philosophical understandings of our universe.
I disagree but lets pretend you were right. There was no philosophy in 1800Bc Israel. How did they get things so abstract so correct.
One that is wildly unsupported.
I can't remember the claim.
Yes. In DNA a naturally occurring chemical chain. We even understand how it formed from RNA.
Here we go again. No one know how this happened. Some have assumed it happened certain ways in spite of mountains of reasons it couldn't but no one has ever seen it occur.
Because we understand the process in which it formed. Complexity is not evidence of a designer.
Complexity almost exclusively is, always greater than equilibrium is, but specified complexity is always caused by mind. No one understands this process. There are guesses and theories but no proof and almost no evidence. I have been given at least two dozen links just to proof about abiogenesis. After following and reading them all there was no evidence what ever for it, they were all thought experiments. I finally gave it up and no longer even follow those links.
High functioning pattern recognition and recreation honed over millions and millions of years of evolution with that being a successful and favorable genetic trait.
The level of difference in capacity in intelligence is greater between us and our "supposed nearest relative" than for anything in the entire 4 billion course of evolution combined. More between us and a chimp than between a chimp and a bacterium.
I saw you use the term. I meant it as a divisive struggle in order to attain some kind of understanding or acceptable middle point. Through points and such.
I used that term? Go figure, I have no recollection of ever typing or writing that word in my life.
You did, as a blanket statement, state "Greek philosophers" as a whole. And it isn't just "exceptions" but in entirety your representation of "Greek Philosophers" is inaccurate.
I wrote Greek philosophers I did not add as a whole. At least I have no memory of doing so. I said Greek philosophers did X and Greek philosophers did x. Only some obsession with technicality would explain bothering with this.
IN society we understand more about the science of what your argument speculates about.
I thought you mentioned time not urbanization. Which is it?
"I don't know". That is a much better answer than anything based upon ignorance.
I do not know is not even the same type of explanation. It is a claim about objective fact. Mine is a claim about best explanations. They do not compete at least in this case. I was on a jury once. I did not know the truth yet we had a consensus about the best explanation.
Though if you take ANYTHING away from this debate please take that just because there is no "answer" doesn't mean that any answer would be better by default. That is not true. Not philosophically, scientifically or otherwise.
My answer is the best explanation we have. Now, that is not dependent on the fact you claim to not know. It is better than those who claim to have a rival explanation. I do not know and I may be wrong, but it is the best explanation we have today.