Man's religious phase represents the period of time between when he first began to wonder in words, to speak to one another, and attempted to control his environment with prayer and sacrifices to thunder gods or crows or whatever they imagined was their superior, until he outgrew that. If you gave language and symbolic thought to chimps today, they'd be worshiping man by tomorrow.
Aside from God, there is only one other being that is invisible and imperceptible to the senses, but whose individual reality and personal existence are nevertheless absolutely certain to each one of us. That being is our soul, our נפש. The soul that reflects on itself is capable of grasping the real, personal existence of an invisible, imperceptible Being; aware of itself, it also knows God. Just as we are sure of our own existence, so we are sure of God’s existence.
Rabbi Samson R. Hirsch, The Hirsch Chumash, Deuteronomy 4:15.
Yes. If chimps were fitted with a Chomskyesque language-module capable of harnessing the self-reflections of self-conscious soul-life they would, just like us, look for a creator, or someone or thing to worship, since it's precisly at that level of self-conscious knowledge that soul-life comes pre-packaged with consciousness of an invisible God who's the source of invisible soul-life. Since the soul can't die ---it's not mortal --- death becomes a dark thing, and everlasting life becomes a genuine motivation for proper thought and action.
First there is a `preconscious phase' where people do not possess free will but act directly and without reflection upon the gods' commands. A `socially conscious phase' follows, in which free will is regulated via a social contract (the Ten Commandments) pronounced by a human being (Moses) with special abilities to hear God; focus is on the community and ceremonies. In the third phase, a `personally conscious phase', the relationship between man and God is again internal (as in the preconscious phase) but now is conscious: Free will implies the possibility of sin in mind as well as deed. Polytheistic religions all belong in the first phase, while Judaism and in part, Roman Catholicism belong to the second; Protestantism is a pure cultivation of the third phase.
Tor Norretranders, The User Illusion.
The true evolution starts with the atheism which is universal in the early life-forms right up until man reaches the point where his brain and mind are capable of accommodating the incarnation of invisible soul life, at which point God consciousness arrives. While it's true that early on, mankind is confused by this God-consciousness, nevertheless, as the idea evolves and man gains greater understanding, he moves from somewhat simplistic god ideas to the more developed theologies of Judaism and Christianity, and eventually to the Protestant theology we have today.
There is a spectrum of humanity from more religious to less, with less growing and more diminishing (see the
rise of the "nones" - people without a religious affiliation). That's the measure of the present state of this transformation. It begins in the most intellectually advanced cultures in the most intellectually advanced individuals and gradually becomes more prevalent as time passes.
Two forces meet head-to-head in the evolution of life: life strives against the second law of thermodynamics which is literally the Sea of Lethe from which life crawled, and which sends hurricanes and gale force winds to try and wash life away with the time and tides of the fallen world. Even as life rises up and builds up cathedrals designed to denigrate the second law, the second law baptizes its own priesthood, its own priests, who, human atheists, use the very product that will eventually overturn the second law, the human mind, in a hopeless and hapless attempt to defeat life. The forces of death and destruction have their own servants even in the human race, the atheists, who are double-agents, who've sold their soul to defeat the soul, at the expense of their own immortality. Dark are the secrets of iniquity.
I understand that the faithful bristle at this, but there's a reason many denominations object to their children going to public schools and universities. It's the same reason the church bristles at losing access to the children whose parents don't teach them religion or bring them to a church because of laws banning state-led prayer and creationism in public schools. Education has a way of preventing or changing indoctrination.
The public schools are succumbing to the second law of thermodynamics. They were originally the product of Luther's command to educate all the young ---male and female ---so that they can read the Bible and overcome the lies of the atheists and their god, the second law of thermodynamics. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, all universities began as divinity schools, as seminaries; they're the products of Calvin and Luther. It's only with the disintegration taking place in these latter days of the current epoch of humanity (just prior to the Rapture of the Church ---the believer's golden parachute) that the seminaries, and divinity schools (which is what every school once was) have taken to teaching atheistic humanism and attacking the source of their very existence. . . Here, read Harvard's Professor of Evolution, Joseph Henrich:
If we want to explain these [advanced] aspects of brains and psychology as they appear in modern societies, we need to understand the origins and spread of high rates of literacy---when and why did most people start reading? . . . It began late in 1517, just after Halloween, in the small German charter town of Wittenberg. A monk and professor named Martin Luther had produced his famous Ninety-Five Theses. . . Luther's Ninety-Five Theses marked the eruption of the Protestant Reformation. . . Embedded deep in Protestantism is the notion that individuals should develop a personal relationship with God and Jesus. To accomplish this, both men and women needed to read and interpret the sacred scripture ---the Bible ----for themselves, and not rely primarily on the authority of supposed experts, priests, or institutional authorities like the Church. . . Protestantism spread from Wittenberg like the ripples created by tossing a stone in a pond. . . Thus we can take proximity to ground zero of the Reformation ---Wittenberg ---as a cause of . . . raised literacy and schooling in its wake.
Joseph Henrich, Chair of the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University.
Jews and Christians are the source of higher education. And it's for that reason that up until very recently, 99% of all Nobel Prizes were awarded to Jews and Christians. Ninety-nine percent. That's not a typo.
Yes. I suppose you think that one led to the other. It's the opposite. Abrahamic theism has been an anchor on Western intellectual progress, which made its greatest advances before the rise of Christianity and then again later following the rise of humanism, Enlightenment values, and the Age of Reason, when science and the modern liberal, secular, democratic state with guaranteed individual rights began replacing the old order of superstition (alchemy, astrology, creationism) and kings claiming a divine right to be kings. In between were the Middle Ages, or the Age of Faith.
That's the falsehood being taught and preached today.
Christianity is the root and source of Western Civilization, the Industrial Revolution, and the Scientific Revolution. Though it's not taught today, if anyone cared to look, they would see that behind almost every early scientific achievement of note, was a Christian or a Jew, not an atheist.
Yes, the organized churches, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, used some questionable means to keep people in line. Nevertheless, the historian Will Durant said that measured by almost any objective standard, the Catholic Church proves to be the most successful organism that has ever existed on planet earth. Regarding the dissolution of the once glorious Roman Empire, from which the Roman Church grew, Durant says this:
Moral decay contributed to the dissolution. The virile character that had been formed by arduous simplicities and a supporting faith relaxed in the sunshine of wealth and the freedom of belief; men had now, in the middle and upper classes, the means to yield to temptation, and only expediency to restrain them . . . Moral and esthetic standards were lowered by the magnetism of the mass; and sex ran riot in freedom while political liberty decayed.
Sounds like what we see happening before our very eyes today. That only people of faith seem even to notice it lends itself to the proposition that the reptilian brain of atheists is cold-blooded; it doesn't even notice the temperature rising until it's too late.
The End is Very Near.