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The soul


Rogue Theologian
Thief here...
So far no statements we can be sure of....
Allow me to try.

Look in the mirror. Be analytical.
You did not put you... in your body.
You are not your own handiwork.

You have five senses...all of which are wired to your brain.
You have two eyes to view your immediate surroundings.
You have two feet..for the moment when your surroundings need to change.
you have two hands to manipulate whatever you can...

This assembly generates what you are... on the inside...your soul.
Your hands on experiences influence you.
Life is truly a learning experience.
You are here to learn all that you can before you die.
There is no mystery to life.

At the end of your days the soul that you have become...
will either stand up...or not.

Shall we continue describing the soul...or digress to another topic.


Well-Known Member
You are here to learn all that you can before you die.

how can you be sure this is our purpose?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Few questions regarding the soul:

Can a soul think even without a brain?
Can a soul speak without a mouth?
can there be anything at the spot where a soul is?

If certain humans can spot a soul, in any way, is it possible to build a machine that can?

BTW, as you notice, these questions are not based upon any belief of the soul, e.g. mine.

I view "my soul" as being more like "Who/What I Am", or "Who/What I Choose to BE". It's a.. conglomerate(sp?) of this body, these thoughts, these actions, the thoughts of pasts, the thoughts of futures, the thoughts of possible others, including those of past and future lives. "The soul" isn't something you can point at and say "There it is", because it's a more.. abstract? concept than that. It's like trying to point at the spot where space is, within the universe. The soul is All of ME(s), which itself is a singular in a conglomerate of All of US... a part of All of Everything.

So to ask whether the soul can think or speak is a bit difficult.. because speaking and thinking is a part of BE-ing, as are a whole array of other things.

hmm... perhaps that might need some clarifications.. but I'm not sure how I can do that xD


Rogue Theologian
Thief here...
I shall attempt response to the previous posts at one time...
wish me luck.

Tools are recognized by design.
The design of the body should clearly indicate it's purpose.
You are a biological device intended for exploration...with built in motivations such as hunger... fear...curiosity....and more.

The soul of Man has been a long standing puzzle.
Ironically the answer looks back at you in the mirror.

Shift your perspective to a Soul of greater ability.
At one time or another that Greater Soul was singular...and alone.
In speaking..His will proved sufficient to create.
However...His declaration that all is good...was not heard.
It may have echoed...but with no other souls to bear witness...
He was alone.

Other souls, such as angels, may have present, but their response would be predictable...having the same perspective as the Creator.

Man was created to induce a fresh perspective.
The body...by cause of it's linear existence...by it's separation from the spiritual life...is inherently unique.

You see things differently because you stand separate from all others.
This makes conversation a possibility.
If each of us could know all things...altogether...we would have little to say to one another...we would know the response to all questions...even as they are spoken.

It is your singular existence...in your body that makes you unique.
Your soul is your own.


See the previous line
Can a soul think even without a brain?
No. "Thinking" is an action that happens on this plane of existence. I believe that the soul does not "think," but rather "feels." And because it does not have the mind to cloud those feelings nor does it have any other physical aspects affecting it, these feelings are more authentic than any feelings we living beings can have.

Can a soul speak without a mouth?
Speaking is also an aspect of this realm. I don't believe souls have to speak to convey any messages. Souls "speak" to souls in their own language. And because they "feel" rather than "think," they need only alter their aura to convey how they feel, and therefore convey their message.

can there be anything at the spot where a soul is?
The soul takes up no space in this plane of existence. The soul permeates through all things. As Obi-Wan stated in Star Wars about the force: "It surrounds us, it penetrates us."

If certain humans can spot a soul, in any way, is it possible to build a machine that can?
I believe a machine can spot a soul, sure, as everything has the energy of the Divine within it. But I believe that one has to be ready to see a soul in order to do so. It's more that they see an aura rather than a soul. Many practitioners of magic have to go through much training and practice in order to do so, and I believe that is because one has to learn how to turn off the distractions of the mind before one is able to see an aura, though I'm sure there are some who are born with the gift.


Rogue Theologian
Thief here...
There are machines that can display three states of mind.
When you are awake...when you are sleeping...when you dream.

Man has been using every other device at his disposal to affirm life after death. So far...nothing reliable.

Every religion you can name...every theological philosopher and prophet...
every argument you've heard so far.. mediums and seances by the millions.. vague images in photographs...audio playbacks without clarity...all fall short the affirmation.

If you know of a device that can photograph or otherwise record a soulful presence, by all means please describe it.
It is the most valuable device known to man.

If you have a discussion that is self evident...now would be good.

This much you can be sure of.
We speak and listen..this much fails when we die.
We see and can read and write. Again this fails.

If we communicate in the after life it will be telepathic.
They will be able to 'see'...who...or what...you really are.

And there is no point in humanity...that we die...and the souls that we become are reduced to nothing but 'feelings'.
If your thoughts fail when you die...you fail.


Agnostic theist
Few questions regarding the soul:

Can a soul think even without a brain?

I'm speaking from purely theoretical and experiential sense, but I believe the soul can think without the brain. That has been described by those who have experienced OBEs and NDEs. I think part of the mind/body problem is whether or not the soul (at least when it comes to thought activity) causes the brain to react or whether the brain causes thoughts. I believe there's more of a middle ground position as well, like perhaps neither causing the other while still being interdependent of each other.

Can a soul speak without a mouth?

I don't believe souls can speak but they can mimic sounds at times, which may explain why in a lot of EVP recordings they don't say much however way they're generating sound. It's as if they're speaking in sound bites. Also, I'm sure though souls may not be able to speak, they can still communicate by other means, like telepathy.

If certain humans can spot a soul, in any way, is it possible to build a machine that can?

I'm assuming a soul is the same as any ordinary spirits of the dead. Some paranormal investigators mention that these spirits use energy to try to manifest themselves and that gives off heat. And of course heat can be felt and detected by infrared imaging. Other types of energy due to these spirits may explain high levels of electromagenetic fields associated with supernatural hot spots or high activity of supernatural phenomena. These fields can be detected using EMF meter or I also with an RF field intensity meter. It's especially easy to measure and detect the heat and fields if they're concentrated in one area. I've seen video footage from thermocams that capture a concentration of heat and it was in a distinct outline like that of a person give or take a few curves. Whatever was captured seemed to be roaming around as well, I'm not sure if this video is credible but it's common to hear about this from paranormal investigators.

I was hoping someone could eventually explain what exactly is a soul??!? Especially how is that distinct from our spirit or are they the same?
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Rogue Theologian
Thief here...for Realist..
I'm sure you read 27.
The only difference I see in your post 28...is your offering that some evidence has been gathered by man made device.

Do you really think so?
If such evidence did exist would we not need religion.
No more need to worry for our souls.

The next life is vague and the nature of our souls likewise.
We do seem to agree on the telepathy idea.

Got any thoughts? please do.


Agnostic theist
Thief here...for Realist..
I'm sure you read 27.
The only difference I see in your post 28...is your offering that some evidence has been gathered by man made device.

Do you really think so?
If such evidence did exist would we not need religion.
No more need to worry for our souls.

The next life is vague and the nature of our souls likewise.
We do seem to agree on the telepathy idea.

Got any thoughts? please do.

According to the Bible, there are different spirits that dwell in our world. The ones who are messengers for God and the ones who are against God (devil, demons) and then there's possibly some of ours when we pass away. Although, some paranormal investigators may feel that whatever evidence they're capturing with thermocams, EVPs, and Electromagnetic field meters are that of the spirits of the dead people, some Christians would call those actually being demons playing as people. Perhaps both sides are assuming but the explanations from either side may be possible.


Rogue Theologian
Thief here...
In previous post, you did ask...
so I took the time to look it up in Webster's.

There's not much difference by definition, between soul and spirit.
Some attention is given to the soul as the moral and emotional portion.
The intellect is held as separate.

I wouldn't go that far.
The mind (intellect) without an emotional heart, would be without feeling.
The emotional heart without an intellect would be unbridled, and fickle.

I've had some serious mishaps along the way. (several)
I know the feel of cold and unresponsive flesh.
I know what it is to be blind.

My thoughts and my feelings remained intact. I recovered.

Apparently the flesh can shut down...and you will go on.


Agnostic theist
Thief here...
In previous post, you did ask...
so I took the time to look it up in Webster's.

There's not much difference by definition, between soul and spirit.
Some attention is given to the soul as the moral and emotional portion.
The intellect is held as separate.

I wouldn't go that far.
The mind (intellect) without an emotional heart, would be without feeling.
The emotional heart without an intellect would be unbridled, and fickle.


I agree with that. I've always at least thought that the soul consisted of our emotions, cognition, and of course, our consciousness or awareness. I've heard plenty of people using the word "soul" to mean the same as the mind.
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Library-card holder
Originally Posted by Bouncing Ball
Few questions regarding the soul:

Can a soul think even without a brain?
I don't belive souls think, brains think and that your brain isn't controlled by anything except a complex set of chemical processes.

Originally Posted by Bouncing Ball
Can a soul speak without a mouth?

"Speak" infers that a soul creates a sound, a sound is part of this material reality, which is false. One's soul however is true.

Originally Posted by Bouncing Ball
can there be anything at the spot where a soul is?

Thanks Comicaze I never realised how deep StarWars can be when you look at it. Yes the soul as Obi-wan puts it "surrounds us, it penetrates us."

Originally Posted by Bouncing Ball
If certain humans can spot a soul, in any way, is it possible to build a machine that can?
I guess so but I think that Machine's soul would turn out to be the same as your soul, and the table it is placed upon's soul and everything's soul.

Jimmy West

New Member
Few questions regarding the soul:

Can a soul think even without a brain?
Can a soul speak without a mouth?
can there be anything at the spot where a soul is?

If certain humans can spot a soul, in any way, is it possible to build a machine that can?

BTW, as you notice, these questions are not based upon any belief of the soul, e.g. mine.
Our souls are given to us, prior to our birth. It is our spirit and literally comes out of the breath of God. The soul is a mass of energy that sits in the core of our bodies. It place of information storage and is our link to God. The information stored in it is everything about us as individuals. Every thing we have done, every occurance, every event in our lives are stored in our souls. Information concerning our physical appearance is stored in our souls. When your soul arrives in heaven, the information concerning your appearance, that is stored in youir soul, will be used to create a physical manifestation of your spirit.


Rogue Theologian
Thief here...
I hesitate to use one incident as a rebuttal...however.

I've seen a documentary...two hours long...of a man trying to regain the loss he suffered in an apparent mugging.

He awoke on a subway, with no recall of his personal life.
He retained his cognitive skills, such as speech...numbers...driving a car...
But all of his personal info was gone...name...home address...etc.

To make the long story short...he went on a fact finding journey to meet the people that made his life story...hoping to jar his recall.

He remembered no one. He never regained his personal life.

If a simple blow to the head can wipe out a memory,
what do you think death will do?

I strongly suspect...we become who we really are.


As for the last question..."Is it possible to build a machine to spot a soul"...the answer to that question is yes, in fact we already have them...cameras. But it's not like you think where you will see a wispy figure of a ghost. Most photos of real spirits are not figure-like at all, but rather appear in the form of small orbs.
As for the last question..."Is it possible to build a machine to spot a soul"...the answer to that question is yes, in fact we already have them...cameras. But it's not like you think where you will see a wispy figure of a ghost. Most photos of real spirits are not figure-like at all, but rather appear in the form of small orbs.

You have to be careful with orbs though sometimes dust on the camera lens will give an orb like appearance. I had a cheap throw away camera once that put orbs in just about every picture. I assumed the low quality of the camera lens was responsible for the orbs formation and not that there were any entities around. :)


As for the last question..."Is it possible to build a machine to spot a soul"...the answer to that question is yes, in fact we already have them...cameras. But it's not like you think where you will see a wispy figure of a ghost. Most photos of real spirits are not figure-like at all, but rather appear in the form of small orbs.

That's a form of light. How come we can see the soul with a camera, but not with the naked eye? Is it too fast, or do we need that reflection?


That's a form of light. How come we can see the soul with a camera, but not with the naked eye? Is it too fast, or do we need that reflection?

That is right. It is a form of light. That is what the energy is that is the soul...a form of light energy. As for your question, I am not entirely sure of the reasons behind it, but I feel it has something to do with our own eyes perceptions of different light frequencies. Some kinds of light our eyes pick up, other kinds it does not. Ever hear of Kirlian photography? Maybe it is something like that?:shrug:


You have to be careful with orbs though sometimes dust on the camera lens will give an orb like appearance. I had a cheap throw away camera once that put orbs in just about every picture. I assumed the low quality of the camera lens was responsible for the orbs formation and not that there were any entities around. :)

Yes, absolutely. It is easy to get yourself a bunch of "fake" orbs on camera. My fiancee has the remarkable ability to see the spirits literally. Not many people do. It's quite interesting when I go to show her a picture of an orb I got on camera and she says "Oh, that just James, he's standing over there." :eek: