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The Sun (Earth) stood still?


Well-Known Member
The sun is on one side and the moon on the other side of the earth (night time), and it, the moon, also stood still (because the earth stood still).
Not always. there are times when the sun and moon share the sky. It all depends on the Earth's rotation. This is why we have solar and lunar eclipses.
These episodes, battles, may not have even happened on the same day of the same year.

As to the metaorites, they could be called hailstones of those days, which could be debris from those bigger metoeorites. Maybe???
Anything is possible.


Y'all are missing something.

It says the sun and the moon stood still on the that day in the same verse. If these two places existed at that one time, there was maybe 15 miles separating them.

Are you going to tell me that you have never looked up in the sky and seen the sun and the moon occupying the sky at the same time? or have never thought that maybe Joshua is describing an eclipse of some kind?

Further, as to the meteor spoken of earlier. I present verse 11 of that chapter

It mentions hailstones Which assumes one of two things. A severe storm or a meteor shower. Meteors, when entering the atmosphere, can look like the sun or the moon depending on your interpretation.

are you eliminating fiction????


Well-Known Member
I am saying it is possible for the sun and the moon to share the sky at the same time.
I am saying that it may be referring to a solar or lunar eclipse or that it may not have even happened on the same day.
I am saying it is possible that they may have mistaken a meteor for either the sun or the moon(which has been known to happen).
I am saying that they may not have understood what they saw.
I am saying anything is possible.

David M

Well-Known Member
Would it be plausible if this "big" meteorite struck the earth surface so hard putting a large enough dent under sea level (maybe the whole continent of Atlantis), which then start a reverse directional rotation of the earth as we know it today. This reverse sprint took hours to right itself causing some changes in the earth axis and re-positioning of continents as well. From the angle on earth the sun then would seem to stand still for a few hours before moving down the wrong direction.
Well, some fantasy or harry porter stuff for us. Have fun!

No, because a meteorite big enough to do that would have vapourised a huge section of the planets crust and killed most life on the planet.

Reposition the continents? Without the massive earthquakes that the bible does not mention?

So you are telling me all astronomical occurrences at this time are recorded and known by science through conventional means? An astrological body creating an illusion is the only plausible (reasonable,IMO) theory. I am curious to know all of the astrological bodies that may have appeared at the time (I guess I gave myself some homework if the answer exists yet).

No, I'm telling you that the peoples of the ANE did know about the existence of astronomical occurrences even though they did not know the scientific reasons behind them.

No astrological body could be large enough, bright enough and remain in the sky long enough to be mistaken for the sun without causing massive devestation or a serious change in the earths orbit.

Y'all are missing something.

It says the sun and the moon stood still on the that day in the same verse. If these two places existed at that one time, there was maybe 15 miles separating them.

Are you going to tell me that you have never looked up in the sky and seen the sun and the moon occupying the sky at the same time? or have never thought that maybe Joshua is describing an eclipse of some kind?

And yet they never appear to stand still. And no, the description is nothing like an eclipse because a) you definitely see movement and b) you don't see the moon if its a solar eclipse and the sun doesn't stand still if its a lunar eclipse.

Surely, Lucifer can stop a misly little planet from rotating.

That the event happened is possible.
That it didn't happen is also possible.
None of it has any say on whether it was natural or magical.

That it can actually happen without magic is not possible.
That it was made up, now that is possible.
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Where Is God

It is impossible for either the sun or Earth to stop rotating/revolving. Both have been revolving and spinning since their beginnings.


Superabacus Mystic
It's not impossible.

It just requires unearthly amounts of engineering.


Well-Known Member
On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon,
and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still,
and the moon stopped,
till the nation avenged itself on[b] its enemies,
as it is written in the Book of Jashar.
The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.
14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a human being. Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel!
My incredibly boring interpretation of this is that the author is just trying to emphasize that somthing very important happened on this day.
The battle was long. It felt like the day lasted forever, but the good guys won in the end.

I like the metroids and spinning xkcd-women better though :)


Veteran Member
"Stands still"......opens an ancient mythic opens using language similar to that used for the Divine Warrior in Canaanite mythology. (from the JPS Study Bible)

The divine intervention is found throughout ancient war accounts. In this, the exact meaning of the divine intervention in this passage is difficult ascertain because it is described in poetry only. The Book of Jashar no longer survives , but it appeared to be a book of poetry. that extolled Israel's military victories and heroes. (see 2 Sam 1:18) this information copied from the NRSV Bible 4th Edition.


New Member
The sun stood still. Miracle or scientific possiblity?
The Hazon Ish says that the concept of "Miracle" is constant continuance of nature principle, and besides, don't forget that we're talking about G-ds revelation, so if we talk about almighty power He has no problem to stop the Earth (Sun) and make it move again.


Veteran Member
Miracle, yes.

Scientifically possible, no.

Can it be interpreted symbolically?

I quote from the Baha'i Scriptures:

"By the terms “sun” and “moon,” mentioned in the writings of the Prophets of God, is not meant solely the sun and moon of the visible universe. Nay rather, manifold are the meanings they have intended for these terms. In every instance they have attached to them a particular significance. Thus, by the “sun” in one sense is meant those Suns of Truth Who rise from the dayspring of ancient glory, and fill the world with a liberal effusion of grace from on high. These Suns of Truth are the universal Manifestations of God in the worlds of His attributes and names. Even as the visible sun that assisteth, as decreed by God, the true One, the Adored, in the development of all earthly things, such as the trees, the fruits, and colours thereof, the minerals of the earth, and all that may be witnessed in the world of creation, so do the divine Luminaries, by their loving care and educative influence, cause the trees of divine unity, the fruits of His oneness, the leaves of detachment, the blossoms of knowledge and certitude, and the myrtles of wisdom and utterance, to exist and be made manifest. Thus it is that through the rise of these Luminaries of God the world is made new, the waters of everlasting life stream forth, the billows of loving-kindness surge, the clouds of grace are gathered, and the breeze of bounty bloweth upon all created things. It is the warmth that these Luminaries of God generate, and the undying fires they kindle, which cause the light of the love of God to burn fiercely in the heart of humanity. It is through the abundant grace of these Symbols of Detachment that the Spirit of life everlasting is breathed into the bodies of the dead. Assuredly the visible sun is but a sign of the splendour of that Day-star of Truth, that Sun Which can never have a peer, a likeness, or rival. Through Him all things live, move, and have their being. Through His grace they are made manifest, and unto Him they all return. From Him all things have sprung, and unto the treasuries of His revelation they all have repaired. From Him all created things did proceed, and to the depositories of His law they did revert. "

Baha'u'llah - Book of Certitude, p11