American Atheists, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Financial Information | American Atheists So this organization "slops at the government trough" just like you accuse religious no-profits of doing.
You misunderstand.
Atheists still tend to not associate with other on the basis of being atheists.
We don't gather for worship or disworship.
Sure, you found an organization.
How many of us belong to it?
I certainly don't. I know no one who does.
And to be a tax exempt organization doesn't necessarily mean getting government money.
How much do you claim they take in grants for playgrounds, or for other free services to their
buildings they might or might not have? Driving thru northern Michiganistan today, I saw
church after church after church....but not one single atheist building. (Titty bars don't count.)