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The Swastika or the Cross


Veteran Member
The Swastika or the Cross

These are distinctively different signs, nothing common, one must say, right, please?

I googled :

"How the world loved the swastika - until Hitler stole it

US Air Force aeroplane

Image source, Steven Heller
By Mukti Jain Campion
In the Western world the swastika is synonymous with fascism, but it goes back thousands of years and has been used as a symbol of good fortune in almost every culture in the world. As more evidence emerges of its long pre-Nazi history in Europe, can this ancient sign ever shake off its evil associations?
In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, swastika means "well-being". The symbol has been used by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains for millennia and is commonly assumed to be an Indian sign."

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The swastika, religiously speaking, is a sunwheel that represents the Sun and the deity underlying it, life, power, prosperity, cycles of Nature, the sky. In Heathenry, it is associated with the Sun (and Sunna or Sól, the Sun Goddess) and also with Thor. It is called the fylfot to the Anglo-Saxons. It's a very important symbol to me personally and I often wear it.

The cross obviously is a Christian symbol but has uses and meanings in various other religions and esoteric beliefs.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Swastika or the Cross

These are distinctively different signs, nothing common, one must say, right, please?

I googled :

"How the world loved the swastika - until Hitler stole it

US Air Force aeroplane

Image source, Steven Heller
By Mukti Jain Campion
In the Western world the swastika is synonymous with fascism, but it goes back thousands of years and has been used as a symbol of good fortune in almost every culture in the world. As more evidence emerges of its long pre-Nazi history in Europe, can this ancient sign ever shake off its evil associations?
In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, swastika means "well-being". The symbol has been used by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains for millennia and is commonly assumed to be an Indian sign."
Good post, paarsurrey. I suspect that the Nazis ruined the swastika forever. There are enclaves in the east where the old understanding is still dominant, because that portion of the world was spared the Nazi onslaught. But certainly in the west, there is no redemption for the swastika.


Veteran Member
The Swastika or the Cross
The swastika, religiously speaking, is a sunwheel that represents the Sun and the deity underlying it, life, power, prosperity, cycles of Nature, the sky. In Heathenry, it is associated with the Sun (and Sunna or Sól, the Sun Goddess) and also with Thor. It is called the fylfot to the Anglo-Saxons. It's a very important symbol to me personally and I often wear it.

The cross obviously is a Christian symbol but has uses and meanings in various other religions and esoteric beliefs.
"Christianity's" another symbol was fish they later replaced it with Cross, right, please?:


"ichthys or “Jesus fish,” perhaps the most prominent symbol of Christianity apart from the cross, was originally a pagan symbol representing almost every pre-Christian fertility goddess from Atargatis, Aphrodite to Artemis.

When the founders of the faith gathered to spread the word about Christianity, they embraced many pagan symbols in order to attract pagan new comers to the church. Since the prophets and Popes of the new Church were men, they also needed to knock down the Goddesses the pagans worshipped.

Until the rise of Christianity, Pagans had always worshipped goddesses and celebrated fertility as the source of all life (rather than a source of shame and “disgust.”)

The people who drafted the Gospels and early Biblical writings were all mostly older men.

They altered the status and power of women in their new faith. Over time, men have insisted that women be ashamed of their bodies and hide them, since women are presumed to be evil and dangerous to men.

The goddesses were absorbed into the church and turned into saints, all of them now deferential to the hierarchy and authority of the church.

The early Christians also took existing pagan symbols and gave them new meaning."

Both of these symbols have got nothing to do with (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah, please?
It is all doings of the heretic Paulines while they were fixed on destroying the teachings and deeds of Yeshua, please, right?




Well-Known Member
What does the swastika or cross represent to you?

for me it represents the acculturation of love

slave to love

can you help me?

matthew 11:29

The swastika; below, displays a counterclockwise rotation. It has four bent legs, which are connected to the four elements. These legs are also symbolic of the four psychological functions; earth=instinct, water=intellect, air=intuition and fire=emotions. The counterclockwise rotation, to the left, is implicit of becoming unconscious, the movement of which is bending the four functions; into an unnatural state. This sums up the fanaticism of the NAZI movement. The NAZI's were all in, in terms of their four functions, however, these became distorted due to fanatical unconsciousness induced by disinformation.

This is common to the modern American left; emotional thinking based on propaganda and blind hate of one person, combined with lack of critical rational thinking skills. VP Harris is like an actress, brought to life, as a President, by directors and producers. Since this sold as the favorite TV show, reality is not all that important; ignore her past record, but believe in the magic of Hollywood. The swastika is not based on reason but a high level of unconsciousness. Hitler used hate; the jews, whole DNC directs their obsessive hate toward Trump, to help bend the four functions. Both were/are dangerous movement, due to the classic NAZI manipulation tactics.


The cross is similar; see below, but there is no rotation left or right and none of the legs are bent. It defines a more healthy and balanced state of mind for the four functions. The Christian cross below, is not fully symmetrical. The bottom leg is longer. The top leg is intuition; Father and head of faith, the two arms are emotion and reason; Holy Spirit, which are balanced, while the bottom leg is instinct and is depicted as being longer; Son. This is reflect as Jesus being the second Adam, returning to paradise, where there was natural instinct, before knowledge of good and evil; before law when natural humans were gentile instinctive souls and law of good and evil was not yet in effect.


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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The Swastika or the Cross

"Christianity's" another symbol was fish they later replaced it with Cross, right, please?:

View attachment 97173
"ichthys or “Jesus fish,” perhaps the most prominent symbol of Christianity apart from the cross, was originally a pagan symbol representing almost every pre-Christian fertility goddess from Atargatis, Aphrodite to Artemis.

When the founders of the faith gathered to spread the word about Christianity, they embraced many pagan symbols in order to attract pagan new comers to the church. Since the prophets and Popes of the new Church were men, they also needed to knock down the Goddesses the pagans worshipped.

Until the rise of Christianity, Pagans had always worshipped goddesses and celebrated fertility as the source of all life (rather than a source of shame and “disgust.”)

The people who drafted the Gospels and early Biblical writings were all mostly older men.

They altered the status and power of women in their new faith. Over time, men have insisted that women be ashamed of their bodies and hide them, since women are presumed to be evil and dangerous to men.

The goddesses were absorbed into the church and turned into saints, all of them now deferential to the hierarchy and authority of the church.

The early Christians also took existing pagan symbols and gave them new meaning."

Both of these symbols have got nothing to do with (Jesus)Yeshua- the truthful Israelite Messiah, please?
It is all doings of the heretic Paulines while they were fixed on destroying the teachings and deeds of Yeshua, please, right?


I don't care about that. Not sure why you replied to me with that.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Swastika or the Cross

"Christianity's" another symbol was fish they later replaced it with Cross, right, please?:

View attachment 97173
"ichthys or “Jesus fish,” perhaps the most prominent symbol of Christianity apart from the cross, was originally a pagan symbol representing almost every pre-Christian fertility goddess from Atargatis, Aphrodite to Artemis.
Oh please. The reason the fish was chosen was because it's an ANNOGRAM. The Greek word for fish is ἰχθύς (pronounced "ichthys"). This word has historical significance in Christianity, as it became a symbol for early Christians. Each letter of ἰχθύς was used as an acronym for "Ίησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ," meaning "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior."

During times of persecution, the fish functioned as a secret sign. One Christian would inquire if the other were Chrsitian by drawing a curve on the ground. If they other person drew a similar curve forming the fish, then they knew they were safe with each other.

Other common Christian symbols in the early church were the Chi-Rho, the Alpha and Omega, the Good Shepherd, the anchor, the dove, the phoenix, the cross, the lamb, the peacock, grapes and vines, bread and fish, orants, the ark of Noah, a fish and cup combination, and the Good Shepherd's Staff.
They altered the status and power of women in their new faith. Over time, men have insisted that women be ashamed of their bodies and hide them, since women are presumed to be evil and dangerous to men.
Has Islam done anything different? The #1 regime in the world most oppressive to women is Taliban Afghanistan.

On the flip side, visit an Assembly of God church, and women do everything men do, including be senior pastor. While the denomination encourages modesty for *both* men and women, it has no teaching that immodest dress is directly responsible for lust.
The goddesses were absorbed into the church and turned into saints,
Oh please. The Chrsitain saints were real people, not the gods of other religions. Where in the world are you getting your ideas from.
This website is both absurd and obscene. I'm really surprised that you would take it seriously. The fish looks exactly like a fish. If someone looks at it and sees a vulva, I would say they have issues and need to see a shrink.

Bedlamfarm.com is not a historical website. It is just some blog that a random dude who lives on a farm runs. Why in the world would you assume he knows diddly squat about religious history?

A religion can adopt any symbols it wants. Symbols are simply metaphors for beliefs or in the case of the fish, linguistically related.
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Veteran Member
The Swastika or the Cross

One of our friends here says"
"The cross obviously is a Christian symbol but has uses and meanings in various other religions and esoteric beliefs."
"Christianity's" another symbol was fish they later replaced it with Cross, right, please?:
Israelites had nothing to do with it - "sign/symbol of Cross" it, right, please?
With sign/symbol of Cross, Pauline-Christianity became hyper-mythical, right, please?:

"Pauline Christianity or Pauline theology (also Paulism or Paulanity),[2] otherwise referred to as Gentile Christianity,[3] is the theology and form of Christianity which developed from the beliefs and doctrines espoused by the Hellenistic-Jewish Apostle Paul through his writings and those New Testament writings traditionally attributed to him. Paul's beliefs were rooted in the earliest Jewish Christianity, but they deviated from this Jewish Christianity in their emphasis on inclusion of the Gentiles into God's New Covenant and in his rejection of circumcision as an unnecessary token of upholding the Mosaic Law.[3][4][5]"


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Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
The Swastika or the Cross

Israelites had nothing to do with it - "sign/symbol of Cross" it, right, please?
With sign/symbol of Cross, Pauline-Christianity became hyper-mythical, right, please?:

"Pauline Christianity or Pauline theology (also Paulism or Paulanity),[2] otherwise referred to as Gentile Christianity,[3] is the theology and form of Christianity which developed from the beliefs and doctrines espoused by the Hellenistic-Jewish Apostle Paul through his writings and those New Testament writings traditionally attributed to him. Paul's beliefs were rooted in the earliest Jewish Christianity, but they deviated from this Jewish Christianity in their emphasis on inclusion of the Gentiles into God's New Covenant and in his rejection of circumcision as an unnecessary token of upholding the Mosaic Law.[3][4][5]"


I told you I don't care about this Christian stuff you keep bringing up to me, so why do you keep replying to me about it?


Veteran Member
The Swastika or the Cross

One of our friends here says"
"The cross obviously is a Christian symbol but has uses and meanings in various other religions and esoteric beliefs."

Jesus never told to his followers to use the symbol of Cross for the way he professed himself and acted, please, right, please?
Therefore it is not to be used on the roof tops of the churches or worn in the neck by the peaceful Christian, of course, one does not display the device with which one’s loved one got tortured and or got killed. It is most illogical and irrational to use this symbol for a religion attributed to Jesus. Is it necessary to continue the mistakes of the ancient people?

The scene of Christian God Father cutting throat of Jesus or putting Jesus of Bible on the Cross for imaginary salvation or atonement of the sins of the Catholics Protestants is most cruel from of terror.
The truthful Messenger Prophet Muhammad when he mentioned of Second Coming of Jesus, he also mentioned of rectification of this mistake of the Church continuing it without guidance from Jesus.

Muhammad mentioned that when Jesus Second Coming would take place, Jesus would break the Cross. Of course this would be done by Jesus with rational and logical reasons. Jesus in his Second Coming would expose the trick( and or Pious Fraud) of the cunning Paulines who invented the Theological Philosophy of Jesus’ death on Cross, "that in reality, one understands, never ever happened?. Later Church fixed the Cross, (as mentioned in its etymology from mid-10c.) as the symbol of the Modern Christianity. Jesus in Second Coming will point out mistake of the Church and its false creeds, never sponsored/supported by Jesus at all, right, please?
"cross (n.)
Old English cros "instrument of Christ's crucifixion; symbol of Christianity" (mid-10c.), probably from Old Norse or another Scandinavian source, picked up by the Norse from Old Irish cros, from Latin crux (accusative crucem, genitive crucis) "stake, cross" on which criminals were impaled or hanged (originally a tall, round pole); hence, figuratively, "torture, trouble, misery;" see crux. Also from Latin crux are Italian croce, French croix, Spanish and Portuguese cruz, Dutch kruis, German Kreuz. " cross | Etymology of cross by etymonline




Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
The Swastika or the Cross

One of our friends here says"
"The cross obviously is a Christian symbol but has uses and meanings in various other religions and esoteric beliefs."

Jesus never told to his followers to use the symbol of Cross
You keep bringing this up. It's irrelevant.

As time goes by, religions develop new traditions, including the use of new symbols. For example, the original symbol of Judaism was the menorah, but more recently in history we also added the Jewish star.