Is it various Christian denominations or their false shepherd's teachings as forewarned at
Acts of the Apostles 20:29-30 ?
I am merely posting what the Bible really teaches. Really teaches about earth's glorious-and-happy future for mankind.
I recognize that you think so and allow you to think so.
Paul says here the Jews have the oracles of God, not anyone else: "
What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? Much in every way! First of all, the Jews have been entrusted with the very words of God." To me this is quite important and weaves together with many like passages. Paul doesn't say that Jews are required to tell us what the Bible really says, just that they are entrusted with the words of God. The implication to me is that nobody can tell me what the Bible really teaches except Jews, and I don't see any requirement for them to tell me, either. I can't order them about. After all, its been entrusted to them. If they were required to then they'd waste no time doing it. This is how I see things. Paul says that we see only partially. "
For we know in part and we prophesy in part...For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." (1 Cor 13:9...12) Whenever we talk about the Bible we should always assume there is error in our statements. I feel that James refers to anything else as boasting. I personally see it as a failure to confess being a sinner, and how can I be under grace without confessing my sinful nature? I feel this is central to Jesus message.
How do you know Revelation ( revelation as in revealing of a happy future ) is Not about the future ?
Fortune telling, or prophecy ?
True, we do Not see fortune tellers willing the lotteries, but how does that mean what Jesus foretold will Not come to pass -
Matthew 5:5
In Scripture, to me, didn't the now lost 'tree of life' exist in biblical Eden ?
Doesn't Revelation paint a vivid-word picture of the return of the Genesis 'tree of life' for mankind as described at
Revelation 22:2 ?
I don't presume to know that Jesus is foretelling the future, because I don't presume that the gospel of Matthew is literal, and I have looked for signs that it is and found none that could satisfy me. Every thing called a fulfillment in Matthew is an allusion to a passage in the Tanach that does not predict anything. I have looked each one up personally and checked it. Nothing in Matthew can be taken literally, so by insisting that it is literal I would actually fight against the faith of Jesus. I would I think be telling others to stop following the tabernacle and to stay back in a camp with me where I think best. This is just my opinion and not really an absolute statement about all other creeds. By telling others specific creeds, specific must-have doctrines I would be raising myself up as a brazen serpent. People might benefit, but I would eventually become a problem and overall a detriment.
I think its not about the future but about being a Christian. Its about patience. Its focused on the number seven, which per the story of Joshua and Jericho is a number representing patience until something is complete. (Remember that Joshua and Israel didn't know they would have to march seven times around Jericho. They marched until they were told to stop. Seven refers to this same patience and strength of character to continue without seeing the end.) Also Revelation refers to John's conception of the Christian creation and in chapter one it refers to seven spirits before the throne -- which I think are like the seven words that create everything. The entire books is telling us to keep going, keep moving, keep circling. John says Revelation is about things that must shortly come to pass, and then he lists the problems with seven churches plus seven judgments against those churches, but he wants to encourage them not to quit. Note that all of the judgments are the same, merely described in different ways. They are like seven layers of a single cake. Then he proceeds to describe seven seals, seven bowls, seven thunders by means of visions or of one long visions with many seven part interludes. All of these are seven not by accident but to emphasize patience. Even though we can't see the end results of our efforts we should continue trying.