The Jews had capital punishment, that's the point! But they couldn't dictate to their occupiers what form to use. And the group of religious fanatics that hated Jesus certainly had no problem with Pilate crucifying Jesus!
Here we see how a Christian portrays "the Jews" as "fanatics".
A story as old as Christianity.
Furthermore we see, again, how this Christian has no knowledge whatsoever about the different religio-political streams of Jews at the time.
For him they are all just fanatics that most likely had it coming.
Well because his book says so.
A book that very curiously changes it tone towards Rome the further the authors were away from their Human-God figure.
And so one of the two dominant Empires of the time, the Empire that has crushed every single other adversary in the Mediterranean area becomes the victim of the people it is occupying and slowly eating every single bit of left-over independence away.
So surely the poor Romans encountered similar threats of the people they occupied elsewhere.
No. They didn't.
It's almost as if it was all made up by a small religious sect that tried to gain Roman favour to set itself apart from "the Jews".
But they couldn't dictate to their occupiers what form to use
Wow it's almost as if the occupying force sets the rules and not the people who are being oppressed.
The Sanhedrin found Jesus guilty and worthy of death after a sham trial. They had to get Pilate to carry out the death sentence. The individuals involved would be judged accordingly.
And here the Christian quotes the "Sanhedrin" (he most likely means the Great Sanhedrin, he just doesn't know any better), an institution that was under Roman control, without any independence and constantly on the threat of the Roman sword.
Obviously this "Sanhedrin" actually called the shots.
I've recently heard that the Jews, hey come closer,
control the entire world.
It only stands to reason that they also controlled the Roman Empire.
Those foolish Romans had no clue how they were controlled from the shadowy corners by the cunning conniving Jews.
Tune in next time too when we cover how the Jews purposefully made the Christians start the crusades to massacre Jews everywhere they went against their saintly Christian souls.