How about I stop running circles around your grasp of the English language. That way, you can stop repeatedly trying to use mathematics to prove to me that you are using a word correctly. Or did you not realize that's what you've been doing for the most part?
Yeah... yeah...
Lets just keep it to one topic. Great idea. Mathematics does not make reality. Your grasp of mathematics does not make reality. Nothing that you've said so far has even come close to suggesting that you are anywhere near discovering an origin of anything, let alone everything.
You repeatedly contradict yourself. You refuse to respond to completely valid commentary, and instead simply present a book or web link that supposedly explains it all. You use words because they sound good instead of what they mean. You talk about mathematical principles as if they are second nature to you, and yet never once effectively present them as an argument beyond the simple statement thereof. You seem completely unprepared to respond to any criticism at all, in fact.
So lets talk about that.
First I just wanna say that were dealing with paradox of actual contradiction as states of reality. So it's understandable that it at first seems circular, because the truth is circular at the core.
Okay how does math literally evolve into space. This is the immediate topic of concern as far as I understand of your prior comment. I've posted links to sources of this information, but I'll attempt to address it here more briefly. However it requires a little math as that is the concept we are describing. And may require more than the limits of characters per post, so this may be broken into several replies.
First a quote from Geoff Hasslhurst...
"Sir William Rowan Hamilton (1843) invented quaternions, a four dimensional algebra that uses this property of imaginary numbers to represent three orthogonal planes, which allows us to represent the motion of real things in real three dimensional space. Hamilton believed this mathematics was special and would be important to physics (he carved it on a stone bridge, as he was walking when he thought of it and did not want to forget!).
And it turns out he was correct about its importance - in fact he was 60 years ahead of Einstein in connecting three dimensional space (x,y,z) with time (t) into a four dimensional space-time continuum in one quaternion equation q = t + ix + jy + kz where the i, j, and k terms are imaginary numbers such that i2 = j2 = k2 = ijk = -1."
Imaginary numbers are not imaginary any more than any other number is. What it actually means is square root -1 (a.k.a 180 degree transition). Regardless the point is quaternions are a proven mathematical representation of fundamental points of space. Not to be confused with fundamental measurements of space which we refer to as planck lengths.
Quaternions (specifically bi-quaternions) have fairly recently illuminated our misconceptions about particle-wave duality, and simplified things as just waves of space.
So right now I've only stated quaternions is our established math for representing a fundamental structures of space. This has all been documented and proven and the information on this is plentiful so there's no need for me to defend it or prove it, the proof already is available and I've pointed to where you can begin to learn it. I'm not refusing to explain further, its just simply not realistic for me to attempt to teach you everything about already established information.
Okay so hopefully this sheds light on what quaternions are. Just a mathematical representation of 4 dimensional space. Let this sit on the backburner as we jump to a more broad analogy of quaternions, Spinors.
Spinors orignated as a series of maths to predict the spinning of objects (specifically a spinning top - toy) however this math became more significant when it was discovered that electrons (and other "particles") have an intrinsic form of angular momentum or spin. And that behavior is is captured by these maths.
So we have Spinors a broad sense of calculating rotations. And we have Quaternions an accurate representation of spatial self-interaction expressed through algebra. So let that sit in the background now and lets cover Monads.
Monads are different, as spinors are human interpretation of reality, monads are transcendental. A lot of deep thinking goes into understanding the logic involved, again I can't teach a class here, so I'll just post a few quotes to help give you an idea of the concept of "monad".
Darius Malys quote...
"Kants transcendental philosophy argues about the necessary conditions to make our experience and a priori knowledge of the objects of experience (mathematics, theoretical physics, metaphysics) possible. Those conditions together with philosophy of Fichte, Hegel and Leibniz are used to model our cognitive framework (and the Universe as it appears to us) as quantum computer. The cognitive faculty of understanding is defined as the grid of cells where logical forms of thought relate cells together. The grid is transcendental unity of self-consciousness(synthetic unity of apperception) and is quantum entangled structure of space-time. Unit cellis the purest expression of reason (or consciousness). Reason is outside computation but it performs computations in this transcendentally ideal space (2D holographic grid of 6D cells)where cells perform quantization and our thoughts are formed by synthesis of cells. Time is present in every cell as the rate of it and represents an act of spontaneity I think. The grid is the framework of natural language, mathematics and is unitary system of fundamental forces of physics. Language reflects the world. All phenomena are described by mathematics. Unit cell is unit sensor and the grid is sensorium. Fundamental forces and our sense perception are related. The cells are in superposition of states from possible worlds. The grid is synthesized by the productive imagination under the categories of the understanding. In this process our apperception causes cells to take definite states from the superposition of states and conscious experience of empirically real objects in 3D space emerges. Curvature of empirically real space depends on the rate of cell (rate of time parameter)."
The "cells" in reference here are later described as fundamental monads, which are Eulerian circles that express pure reason, or... Recursive trifold sythesis. Read the paper for more on this, or ask specific questions for me to answer so I don't just recite all utterances related.
My point so far has been to briefly describe the concepts of quaternions and monads. If you read more about monads from either Darius in relation to quantum computing and consioucness, or the philosophy of monads according to its original development, you'll learn that the essence of the monad is self reflection of relative information from a perspective that transcends quality and quantity of all monads.
Now back to quaternions. The essence of spinors is also self-reflection. We can mathematically calculate the spinning of forces around a point, though that point is not definable by any means other than the spinning of forces around it. A spin is a 4 dimensional transition, we measure spin generally by its 180 degree transitions of 3 axies observed by comparing the frequency of standing waves in relative space to the original quaternion spin or wave variant in question.
180 degree transtion is analgous to inversion. If I'm facing north, the inverse vector is south, which is a 180 degree translation.
Monads, a logically proven fundamental essence of information is transcendent of informational relativity and physical relativity in the form of interconnected bi-quaternion driven spacetime. And we are all of this space-time and any relative information that is coherent as being information.