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The Trump Administration believes in 'Herd Immunity supposedly practiced by Sweden

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
How high will the death toll have to get before you give a ****?
It's pretty pointless when there's no cure and I advocate the general practices of distancing and hygiene toward the help of mitigation and buying time so a cure or vaccine might be found to help those considered vulnerable.

Closing down society and letting it implode is an idiotic response for a moderately lethal virus.
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Premium Member
It's pretty pointless when there's no cure and I advocate the general practices of distancing and hygiene toward the help of mitigation and buying time so a cure or vaccine might be found to help those considered vulnerable.

Closing down society and letting it implode is an idiotic response for a moderately lethal virus.

Like all pandemics, epidemics and seasonal infections of other zoonotic viruses the COVID 19 will most likely run its course like is happening in the countries first infected before a vaccine is developed. If it becomes a seasonal virus like flus we will have to engineer a virus every year.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Like all pandemics, epidemics and seasonal infections of other zoonotic viruses the COVID 19 will most likely run its course like is happening in the countries first infected before a vaccine is developed. If it becomes a seasonal virus like flus we will have to engineer a virus every year.

I suspect that will be the most likely scenario. There's no question once a virus is here, it's here to stay.


Premium Member
Sweden regrets their casual policy of personal preference

Sweden's lax COVID-19 response caused too many deaths, country's top epidemiologist says | Live Science

Sweden's lax COVID-19 response caused too many deaths, country's top epidemiologist says
By Nicoletta Lanese - Staff Writer 2 days ago

"The country should have done more, he says.

The epidemiologist who led Sweden's controversial COVID-19 response, which did not involve a strict lockdown, now says that the country should have done more to stop the spread of the virus, according to news reports.

"If we were to run into the same disease, knowing exactly what we know about it today, I think we would end up doing something in between what Sweden did and what the rest of the world has done," Anders Tegnell, the state epidemiologist of the Public Health Agency of Sweden, told Swedish Radio on June 3, according to Reuters.

NPR reported in April. With no mandatory quarantine in place, museums, bars, restaurants, gyms, malls, schools and nightclubs remained open while residents were encouraged to follow guidelines for personal hygiene and social distancing.

Health officials also banned gatherings of 50 or more people, recommended that residents avoid nonessential travel and encouraged those over age 70 to stay home as much as possible. In late March, Sweden prohibited residents from visiting nursing homes, but the measure did not prevent the virus from reaching elderly care facilities throughout the country.

As of June 4, Sweden has reported more than 4,500 deaths associated with the virus, according to the Johns Hopkins virus dashboard, and about half of those deaths occurred among elderly people living in nursing homes, Reuters reported.

The trend had already emerged in April, when Sweden's ambassador to the U.S., Karin Ulrika Olofsdotter, told NPR, "Once we know how the virus got into our elderly care facilities, the government can make recommendations and take measures to try to stop that, because that is the biggest tragedy of all this, that it has gotten into the nursing homes." Now, more than a month later, nursing homes still bear the brunt of Sweden's COVID-19 deaths."

I have a bit of a different take on the efforts of many countries failed to do to contain the COVID-19 virus. Containment in the general population required disciplined and consistent policies from the very beginning of the course of the COVID-19 infection, but this is very difficult for many countries that politically and culturally diverse with everyone wanting to do their own thing. To a certain extent the 80%+ of the population that were asymptomatic and mildly effected frustrated the efforts to control the pandemic The reality eventually is among the young herd immunity is inevitable.

The biggest failure in most countries was to isolate the older generations and the vulnerable consistently early on when it was known that this population would be severely effected. Also the delay of producing sufficient PPE equipment was a significant failure . The countries that did the least early in the pandemic had the greatest case count and fatalities per-capita like the USA, Brazil, Sweden, and the UK. The current policies of the Trump Administration reinforces the concept of the belief in eugenics.

The bottom line is the virus is in control. We can only reduce the impact of the virus. Of course there is no vaccine.
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Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
Looking forward to all the trumpers contritely admitting they were wrong when they were shrieking "but look at Sweden! Sweden makes trump's inaction look acceptable!"

Although it was sort of fun watching people who spend so much time saying "well we can't have Scandinavian style socialism, because reasons!" suddenly discover their inner Nord.


Well-Known Member
One needs to look at herd immunity, logically. Say I get a virus, like the corona virus. In this scenario, say my immune system is strong. I get the virus but I do not get sick or show any symptoms.

This healthy body reaction means that although the virus may have entered my body, it was not able to proliferate This is why I show no symptoms. No symptoms means the virus got it butt kicked by my body. Symptoms would mean the virus is proliferating so my body is overreacting.

My strong immune system would be chewing up the virus, making my body fluids full of virus fragments, anti-bodies and other immune factors. My fluids would become similar to a living flu shot. A medical grade flu shot is a artificial fluid full of weakened virus and antibodies. My fluids would be a natural flu shot that could contribute, to some extent, to herd immunity, simply by me interacting with others.

If a virus gets the upper hand in someone else, their fluids become full of viable virus, which can then be transferred to others. The healthy people, by interacting, can counter this, to various degrees, by giving others a natural flu shot in advance or as the disease progresses.

Say we were all required to wear the mask of fear and to social distance. This will slow the passage of the virus between people. Bit it will also slow the passage of the natural flu shot between people. In this case the math becomes unnatural.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
One needs to look at herd immunity, logically. Say I get a virus, like the corona virus. In this scenario, say my immune system is strong. I get the virus but I do not get sick or show any symptoms.

This healthy body reaction means that although the virus may have entered my body, it was not able to proliferate This is why I show no symptoms. No symptoms means the virus got it butt kicked by my body. Symptoms would mean the virus is proliferating so my body is overreacting.

My strong immune system would be chewing up the virus, making my body fluids full of virus fragments, anti-bodies and other immune factors. My fluids would become similar to a living flu shot. A medical grade flu shot is a artificial fluid full of weakened virus and antibodies. My fluids would be a natural flu shot that could contribute, to some extent, to herd immunity, simply by me interacting with others.

If a virus gets the upper hand in someone else, their fluids become full of viable virus, which can then be transferred to others. The healthy people, by interacting, can counter this, to various degrees, by giving others a natural flu shot in advance or as the disease progresses.

Say we were all required to wear the mask of fear and to social distance. This will slow the passage of the virus between people. Bit it will also slow the passage of the natural flu shot between people. In this case the math becomes unnatural.
How does your super jenius plan help people who DON'T have strong immune systems, pray tell?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I would say since there is no cure, and if you never will have a cure for a very long time yet, if at all, the bottom line is that you're just putting off the inevitable.

The high death figures will just be spread out over a longer period of time, that's all.

Sweden opted just to get it done and over with. The quicker herd immunity takes effect, the quicker the country recovers.

That's how nature works.