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The Vatican has Secrets: that's unchristian

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
The Vatican is not Christianity...I am sorry. Christianity is against secrets. Christianity sides with the Truth, the Truth shall set you free.

Now there's the Commission of Inquiry about Emanuela Orlandi, a Vatican citizen who disappeared on June 22, 1983. Her body was never found.

The Vatican has always been very ambiguous about this case.
Until a chat between two people has been unveiled: F.I Chaouqui and Monsignor Vallejo Balda.


This is the chat:
-After I found out that Pell funded Bergoglio's diocese, are you sure we won't be in the sh**?
- In September we must get rid of that stuff of Emanuela Orlandi and pay the gravediggers.
- By the way that stuff about Emanuela Orlandi needs to go, and you must mind your business. I have met Giani. What they did is a crime and he must learn of it.
- You don't say anything to Gianni. The Orlandi thing is serious. The Cardinal told we need to put all the effort into this. The Pope is with us.
- Just let me tell you that if something happens to me, you're dead. I warn you. Burn this conversation and after you read it. At least make some copies of that thing about Orlandi, so I can send it to the prosecutor's office anonymously. This thing is gonna end badly.
- The Pope does really care about this. We will succeed.

Francesca Chaouqui answered by saying that she can't comment on that chat because all that she knows is covered by Vatican's State Secret.
Emanuela Orlandi, _Far sparire quella roba e pagare tombaroli._ Le nuove chat emerse _ LA7 - G...png

So the Vatican has SECRETS.
I am over the Vatican. The Vatican doesn't exist any more.
Jesus says: the TRUTH shall set you free.

Vatican...I am really sorry...but you're still the chloaca of the Middle Ages.


The Vatican is not Christianity...I am sorry. Christianity is against secrets. Christianity sides with the Truth, the Truth shall set you free.

Now there's the Commission of Inquiry about Emanuela Orlandi, a Vatican citizen who disappeared on June 22, 1983. Her body was never found.

The Vatican has always been very ambiguous about this case.
Until a chat between two people has been unveiled: F.I Chaouqui and Monsignor Vallejo Balda.


This is the chat:
-After I found out that Pell funded Bergoglio's diocese, are you sure we won't be in the sh**?
- In September we must get rid of that stuff of Emanuela Orlandi and pay the gravediggers.
- By the way that stuff about Emanuela Orlandi needs to go, and you must mind your business. I have met Giani. What they did is a crime and he must learn of it.
- You don't say anything to Gianni. The Orlandi thing is serious. The Cardinal told we need to put all the effort into this. The Pope is with us.
- Just let me tell you that if something happens to me, you're dead. I warn you. Burn this conversation and after you read it. At least make some copies of that thing about Orlandi, so I can send it to the prosecutor's office anonymously. This thing is gonna end badly.
- The Pope does really care about this. We will succeed.

Francesca Chaouqui answered by saying that she can't comment on that chat because all that she knows is covered by Vatican's State Secret.
View attachment 91689

So the Vatican has SECRETS.
I am over the Vatican. The Vatican doesn't exist any more.
Jesus says: the TRUTH shall set you free.

Vatican...I am really sorry...but you're still the chloaca of the Middle Ages.

Thanks for sharing this information. I agree with Jesus’ words, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

And Paul’s…

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I've heard other Christians, eg, Baptists, say
that Catholics aren't Christian. This is specious.
Catholics are Christian.
The question is whether some acts perpetrated
by some are "unchristian". Much argument there.


I've heard other Christians, eg, Baptists, say
that Catholics aren't Christian. This is specious.
Catholics are Christian.
The question is whether some acts perpetrated
by some are "unchristian". Much argument there.
Probably because many Catholics are not Christians. Many Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, and others professing to be Christians, also may not be Christians. I was raised in the Catholic Church, went to mass every Sunday, went to catechism classes, made my first holy communion, had my confirmation, went to confession, etc. I thought I was a Christian. When I finally trusted Jesus Christ as my personal, real Savior and was born again to new life in Him….I realized I had not been a Christian until that moment.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The Vatican is not Christianity...I am sorry. Christianity is against secrets. Christianity sides with the Truth, the Truth shall set you free.
Three quick questions:
Where does it say that Christianity is against secrets?​
Where does it say that Truth (sic!) is counterposed to secrets?​
With all do respect to the genre, where the hell do you get this stuff?​


Catholics would disagree.
Christians....it appears that they share one thing
in common with Muslims, ie, various sects
consider other sects apostates.
I’m sure they would, just as I did because I thought I was a Christian. I don’t equate following or practicing a religion with being a Christian now.
An apostate is one who has fallen away from a faith/religion they once adhered to or gone off in a different spiritual direction; so that’s a bit of a different subject.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Three quick questions:
Where does it say that Christianity is against secrets?​
John, 8:32. The Truth shall set you free.
Which means: lies and secrets shall keep you prisoners and slaves.

Where does it say that Truth (sic!) is counterposed to secrets?​
Matthew, 23

25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

He is against the priests who keep secrets and shady things.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
Probably because many Catholics are not Christians. Many Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, and others professing to be Christians, also may not be Christians. I was raised in the Catholic Church, went to mass every Sunday, went to catechism classes, made my first holy communion, had my confirmation, went to confession, etc. I thought I was a Christian. When I finally trusted Jesus Christ as my personal, real Savior and was born again to new life in Him….I realized I had not been a Christian until that moment.

There's a saying that goes [paraphrased]: If you go to church to count hypocrites, make sure to bring a mirror.


Active Member
Thanks for sharing this information. I agree with Jesus’ words, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

And Paul’s…

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11
The Vatican also respects personal privacy.

Many of these secrets they probably can’t share because it was told to them in confidence.

Would you like them to just put your confessions on loud speaker so the whole church can know about you?


The Vatican also respects personal privacy.

Many of these secrets they probably can’t share because it was told to them in confidence.

Would you like them to just put your confessions on loud speaker so the whole church can know about you?
No, but something such a child abuse or criminal activity must be reported to the authorities for the sake of the victims. It doesn’t have to be announced to the whole church on a loudspeaker.

Anyway, I believe Jesus is the only Mediator, I don’t go to a Catholic priest for confession.


Active Member
No, but something such a child abuse or criminal activity must be reported to the authorities for the sake of the victims. It doesn’t have to be announced to the whole church on a loudspeaker.

Anyway, I believe Jesus is the only Mediator, I don’t go to a Catholic priest for confession.
The Vatican also will not release their videos of exorcisms they have performed.


Well-Known Member
The Vatican also respects personal privacy.

Many of these secrets they probably can’t share because it was told to them in confidence.

Would you like them to just put your confessions on loud speaker so the whole church can know about you?
Catholics have Confession, which is a ritual, where speaking the truth can set you free. Most people are afraid to confess their deep secrets, that make them a prison of their own minds. They fear others would try to use that truth to put them in a social prison of gossip and intrigue, unless those whose job it is to hear that deep truth, do not judge or gossip. Lawyers know the secrets of the criminal and cannot be forced to confess this truth. Doctor knows the truth of your medical conditions and cannot be forced to betray the trust so it can be used for gossip and leverage.

Unlike the Catholic and Orthodox faiths, confession in Protestant denominations is done directly to God rather than through a priest. “Certainly a person is free to discuss his struggles, weaknesses and sins with his pastor, but it is not required to receive forgiveness from God,” said the Rev.J.

Among the Christians, not all have to verbalize and confess the truth to another human. Saying the truth to another person allows you to get the reaction of another, to see if what you are confessing, is as bad, or not as bad, as you may self justify. I remember as a child going to Confession each week and not having much to confess. However, since I was there, I felt I had to come up with something. I might confess that I didn't eat my peas, but pretended to wipe my face and spit them out in my napkin and then threw them in the barrel when I brought my plate to the sink. The Priest would kindly have me say a few prayers. It felt good to be clean, until next time. It was also nice to have an adult confident who was forgiven. The next day I could have Communion and receive the host with a clean soul.

If you look at secular Government they have levels of secrets called Classification, such a Restricted, Confidential, Classified, Secret and Top Secret. Would the truth set them free or does Atheism get a pass? Atheism is the only religion allowed in government; mirror religion. The level of secrets are there, so the enemy cannot use the secrets against them. In the secular, dog eat dog world, of two faced people, secrets cut both ways.

What about lying as opposed to keeping secrets. On the one hand we have white lies, where we withhold the truth; secret, and say something nice, that is more flattering, to spare people from the prison of their own insecurities. At the other extreme, we have lies like misinformation and disinformation, such as occurred during the Russian Collusion Coup assault and then the defensive coverup. The lies unraveled, yet nobody confessed, because the truth, about their lies, will make them a prisoner of the own two faced secular standards. Therefore, they invented the dual standards of an injustice system along with Kangaroo courts.

25 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
27 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
The Vatican has not officially released any videos of exorcisms but does offer training to priests from around the world..


aged ecumenical anthropologist
No, but something such a child abuse or criminal activity must be reported to the authorities for the sake of the victims.

The trouble with that is then no one will confess anything or even go to confession.