Treasure Hunter
Carol is wonderful.
Does anyone else like Father Gabriel? I'm convinced I'm his biggest fan. He's not my favorite character,but he's one of my favorites, and I notice most people 100% hate him. I think he's adorable and much more realistic than a lot of the others. All of the "heroes" have outright murdered people, so I don't see why everyone hates him so much for simply letting people die to save himself. Rick and Carol have done worse. I think it's reasonable for someone to be cowardly and a bit less than moral during a zombie apocalypse, and he's clearly remorseful for what he did.
Glenn is my very favorite though. I've loved him since the beginning, and I'll love him until the end (which hopefully won't be any time soon...)
Does anyone else like Father Gabriel? I'm convinced I'm his biggest fan. He's not my favorite character,but he's one of my favorites, and I notice most people 100% hate him. I think he's adorable and much more realistic than a lot of the others. All of the "heroes" have outright murdered people, so I don't see why everyone hates him so much for simply letting people die to save himself. Rick and Carol have done worse. I think it's reasonable for someone to be cowardly and a bit less than moral during a zombie apocalypse, and he's clearly remorseful for what he did.
Glenn is my very favorite though. I've loved him since the beginning, and I'll love him until the end (which hopefully won't be any time soon...)