Well I mean addicts often neglect even highly enjoyable lives. That some end up or even start out impoverished perhaps colours perception of addiction. But given how ineffective criminalisation has been suggests we seek a high just because it feels good. I understand why experiments usually take place upon rats. But we are not rats at the end of the day.Decriminalisation of all drugs. Addiction treated as a medical issue. Work towards a society that people don't want to escape.
There was a famous experiment where rats were given access to cocaine and they kept going back for hit after hit, neglecting to eat or sleep as long as they could. Those rats lived in a small cage, had nothing to do, were living impoverished lives.
In another experiment the researchers gave the rats the kind of environment that rats enjoy. Space, stimulation, fun. The rats didn't really bother with the cocaine.
People are somehow surprised when they hear this.
Edit: Actually it was morphine.
Though I agree about decriminalisation. Humans have been getting high since we discovered you could get high