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12 Bible verses about The Destroyer
'>Isaiah 33:1
Woe to you, O destroyer, While you were not destroyed; And he who is treacherous, while others did not deal treacherously with him As soon as you finish destroying, you will be destroyed; As soon as you cease to deal treacherously, others will deal treacherously with you.
'>Hebrews 11:28
By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that he who destroyed the firstborn would not touch them.
Our human life, is lived inside of a natural atmospheric, Heavenly body above us natural light, burning gases, that ground water evaporation, the baptism of our life/mind/spirit and heads is protected by.
As spiritually scientifically stated.
Water evaporation keeps the burning gases, natural light, the sacrifice of the spirit of the Heavens, the flame above us, where it belongs.
However, Satanism, meaning to unlock and unseal the body of God, the stone angel, sion or fusion, holding the evil spirits within, once burning gases inside of the stone.
So human life knows, we are kept safe on Earth by God the angel of the stone...the seals.
Therefore if a human being says to their natural life, the firstborn babies in our life were harmed, it would mean that our natural and original human Genetics have been changed.
Which is what everyone is facing today, the presence of the VIRUS that attacks our holy life cells as given to us via our HOLY BLOOD and Holy Water and Holy Tree of Life, its oxygenation.
Now the Passover is stated to be when the life of a human was sacrificed on the Holy Tree of Life, the function of the oxygenation of life...to own Holy life and Holy blood due to oxygenation of the cells of our life.
So a long time ago....this event was recorded that our life blood/cell and life health was sacrificed and attacked...for Autumn is one season on one side of Earth + the cross of the 4 Sea of the son.
The Spring, being when the Trees newly spring into life is the newly arrived and re gained life continuance of the sacrificed attacked life.
So we use ceremony to praise the return of Spring as a Sea son al change.
From wiki
The Romans gave this month the Latin name Aprilis[1] but the derivation of this name is uncertain. The traditional etymology is from the verb aperire, "to open", in allusion to its being the season when trees and flowers begin to "open", which is supported by comparison with the modern Greek use of άνοιξη (ánixi) (opening) for spring. Since some of the Roman months were named in honor of divinities, and as April was sacred to the goddess Venus, her Veneralia being held on the first day, it has been suggested that Aprilis was originally her month Aphrilis, from her equivalent Greek goddess name Aphrodite (Aphros), or from the Etruscan name Apru. Jacob Grimm suggests the name of a hypothetical god or hero, Aper or Aprus.[2]
How science of the science of natural life, spirit and holiness was described as a celebration. For about 2000 years ago, this event involved the sacrifice of the body of life the BLOOD and CELL in the human life body.
Seasons and their normal function therefore were heralded as being part of the life support of healthy life blood and life cell.
Which defined WIN ter, the gain of ICE and snow as the newly born, and balanced sea of the son against the hot irradiation gains of the SUM mer.
Hence 2020 will be a moment for human life to watch for itself as a human life in its sacrificed suffering whether the natural seasonal return occurs this year.
Which will then identify for humanity if science has changed the living conditions for our cellular life to remain Holy or to be continually attacked due to atmospheric gas mass changes.
Why we were all taught this HOLY medical reckoning for our own self awareness....as an everyday human self.
For the story of the sacrifice of the human body, life, blood and cell condition is real, and medical documentation, being conscious awareness was why the relative reasoning was taught, for the sake of a Holy human life inheritance.
'>Isaiah 33:1
Woe to you, O destroyer, While you were not destroyed; And he who is treacherous, while others did not deal treacherously with him As soon as you finish destroying, you will be destroyed; As soon as you cease to deal treacherously, others will deal treacherously with you.
'>Hebrews 11:28
By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that he who destroyed the firstborn would not touch them.
Our human life, is lived inside of a natural atmospheric, Heavenly body above us natural light, burning gases, that ground water evaporation, the baptism of our life/mind/spirit and heads is protected by.
As spiritually scientifically stated.
Water evaporation keeps the burning gases, natural light, the sacrifice of the spirit of the Heavens, the flame above us, where it belongs.
However, Satanism, meaning to unlock and unseal the body of God, the stone angel, sion or fusion, holding the evil spirits within, once burning gases inside of the stone.
So human life knows, we are kept safe on Earth by God the angel of the stone...the seals.
Therefore if a human being says to their natural life, the firstborn babies in our life were harmed, it would mean that our natural and original human Genetics have been changed.
Which is what everyone is facing today, the presence of the VIRUS that attacks our holy life cells as given to us via our HOLY BLOOD and Holy Water and Holy Tree of Life, its oxygenation.
Now the Passover is stated to be when the life of a human was sacrificed on the Holy Tree of Life, the function of the oxygenation of life...to own Holy life and Holy blood due to oxygenation of the cells of our life.
So a long time ago....this event was recorded that our life blood/cell and life health was sacrificed and attacked...for Autumn is one season on one side of Earth + the cross of the 4 Sea of the son.
The Spring, being when the Trees newly spring into life is the newly arrived and re gained life continuance of the sacrificed attacked life.
So we use ceremony to praise the return of Spring as a Sea son al change.
From wiki
The Romans gave this month the Latin name Aprilis[1] but the derivation of this name is uncertain. The traditional etymology is from the verb aperire, "to open", in allusion to its being the season when trees and flowers begin to "open", which is supported by comparison with the modern Greek use of άνοιξη (ánixi) (opening) for spring. Since some of the Roman months were named in honor of divinities, and as April was sacred to the goddess Venus, her Veneralia being held on the first day, it has been suggested that Aprilis was originally her month Aphrilis, from her equivalent Greek goddess name Aphrodite (Aphros), or from the Etruscan name Apru. Jacob Grimm suggests the name of a hypothetical god or hero, Aper or Aprus.[2]
How science of the science of natural life, spirit and holiness was described as a celebration. For about 2000 years ago, this event involved the sacrifice of the body of life the BLOOD and CELL in the human life body.
Seasons and their normal function therefore were heralded as being part of the life support of healthy life blood and life cell.
Which defined WIN ter, the gain of ICE and snow as the newly born, and balanced sea of the son against the hot irradiation gains of the SUM mer.
Hence 2020 will be a moment for human life to watch for itself as a human life in its sacrificed suffering whether the natural seasonal return occurs this year.
Which will then identify for humanity if science has changed the living conditions for our cellular life to remain Holy or to be continually attacked due to atmospheric gas mass changes.
Why we were all taught this HOLY medical reckoning for our own self awareness....as an everyday human self.
For the story of the sacrifice of the human body, life, blood and cell condition is real, and medical documentation, being conscious awareness was why the relative reasoning was taught, for the sake of a Holy human life inheritance.