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The weight of good against bad.


For Abrahamic religions: we know how when the day of judgement comes, we will be judged by our good deeds and bad deeds, entering paradise if the good outweighs the bad.

For Athiests: Morals show us that we should do good deeds and stay away from bad ones, we have emotion to help us with this via compassion, empathy, guilt etc.

This weight of good and bad also applies to whether something else is good or bad, not just us. For example, stealing may help one person get something they want, however it will always come back negatively to another person, so this is bad.

Anyway, I heard from someone I work with this day:

"I wonder how religion can be good when there is much bad that comes with it, yes religion can guide people and bring many together, but it also causes so much war and injustice because of those who use their religion in the wrong way."

Do you think the bad outweighs the good in religion? Or likewise? Why?
List some points for good and bad in religion.


could this be moved to general religious topics or debates please?

thankyou and sorry for incorrect area posting.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Most of us have that problem, whether you are religious or not; Bad overweights our Good.

It's not our fault either.

I think it's best to not overweight either Good or Bad, stay even, stay neutral.

Bad is good when it comes to humor.

Good is good when it comes to being respected.

Good is bad when it comes to humor.

Bad is bad when it comes to being respected.

But what's the point of being 100% respected if you're not going to live a humorous life?

That's how I see it.


Through the Looking Glass
Religious beliefs are there for people swallowed up in their egotistical pursuits to the point that they are untrustworthy without imprinting a moral code on them in lieu of an internal feeling of compassion and personal dignity. People with a high level of self-awareness, which manifests as love/compassion, don't need moral law or religious belief to govern their feelings of fear, isolation or existential anxiety that drives selfish and destructive conduct. That's not most people though.


Well-Known Member
Do you think the bad outweighs the good in religion? Or likewise? Why? List some points for good and bad in religion.
Yes I think the bad outweighs the good, but I do not think it was always like this. Today when people attend church they do so with the belief that's good enough. What you are wearing or who is wearing what is another way in which I believe people have desecrated what was meant to be sacred with self importance, vanity and outright disrespect. At the dawning of religious beliefs within the human race, the things that were being worshiped where the only center of attention with appropriate respect being shown. Ancient buildings of worship were treated as sacred grounds, not a meeting place to hear a one sided perspective of what some try greatly to over simplify.

The good is quite simple to see; people are given a change of communion with each other and show respect (to the greatest of their abilities) to Deities. People who have religious beliefs are more likely to think before they act as opposed to ones who don't; but I must add IMO any belief or lack thereof to me is considered a "religious" belief and as a dominate species we are born with an instinctual difference between "good" and "bad".


Veteran Member
Premium Member
For Abrahamic religions: we know how when the day of judgement comes, we will be judged by our good deeds and bad deeds, entering paradise if the good outweighs the bad.

For Athiests: Morals show us that we should do good deeds and stay away from bad ones, we have emotion to help us with this via compassion, empathy, guilt etc.
This weight of good and bad also applies to whether something else is good or bad, not just us. For example, stealing may help one person get something they want, however it will always come back negatively to another person, so this is bad.

Anyway, I heard from someone I work with this day:

"I wonder how religion can be good when there is much bad that comes with it, yes religion can guide people and bring many together, but it also causes so much war and injustice because of those who use their religion in the wrong way."

Do you think the bad outweighs the good in religion? Or likewise? Why?
List some points for good and bad in religion.
I think the answer is religion-specific. In my view, some religions offer a lot more bad than good, while other religions are fairly equal in that regard, or offer more good than bad.

I don't view the Abrahamic religions in a very positive light. There's a lot of dogma, the scriptures contain a lot of things that are quite unethical compared to many current views on ethics, many mainstream interpretations revolve around a reward-based system which I don't think is meaningful, a tendency to think of unbelievers or different believes as being bound for torment, etc.

I think there are a lot of significantly better ideas out there.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
The big problem I see with religion is that so many people use them to make their inethical behavior seem/sound ethical.

Because a lot of religions lend themselves to that I think they attract a lot of inethical people, especially at the higher levels.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
IMO i would say mostly bad comes from religion,for some religions instead of spreading love and peace which they boast (and i am not talking about one religion in particular) they spread intollerance and violence along with a holier than though attitude.


Well-Known Member
For Abrahamic religions: we know how when the day of judgement comes, we will be judged by our good deeds and bad deeds, entering paradise if the good outweighs the bad.

For Athiests: Morals show us that we should do good deeds and stay away from bad ones, we have emotion to help us with this via compassion, empathy, guilt etc.

This weight of good and bad also applies to whether something else is good or bad, not just us. For example, stealing may help one person get something they want, however it will always come back negatively to another person, so this is bad.

Anyway, I heard from someone I work with this day:

"I wonder how religion can be good when there is much bad that comes with it, yes religion can guide people and bring many together, but it also causes so much war and injustice because of those who use their religion in the wrong way."

Do you think the bad outweighs the good in religion? Or likewise? Why?
List some points for good and bad in religion.

It depends upon the specific religion.

There are some religious beliefs I find to be dangerous both psychologically and physically. There are some I consider to be harmless. Some I consider to be beneficial and others are just plain ol' dumb.

I do notice that the good I see is usually resident in religious individuals and not the religious community. Most often I find the mindset of a religious community to be indistinguishable from xenophobia.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
For Abrahamic religions: we know how when the day of judgement comes, we will be judged by our good deeds and bad deeds, entering paradise if the good outweighs the bad.
Not what this Abrahamic believes...


Not what this Abrahamic believes...

What is it you believe in regards to this? If you don't mind me asking.
I'm not as learned in Christianity as I am Islam however I did believe Christians also had their place in heaven determined as Muslims did, forgive me if I am wrong but it was just my perception.



Through the Looking Glass
however I did believe Christians also had their place in heaven determined as Muslims did, forgive me if I am wrong but it was just my perception.

For mainstream Christian belief, you are correct. For example, the Roman Catholic Church believes in Heaven as a specific place where those chosen as blessed by God will go after death: CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Heaven

Obviously, there's a variety of beliefs as to Heaven among self-identified "Christians" with many taking the position that it is a metaphor to express the idea of living a life abundantly in the here and now.


"I wonder how religion can be good when there is much bad that comes with it, yes religion can guide people and bring many together, but it also causes so much war and injustice because of those who use their religion in the wrong way."

Key words, right there. Religion is neither good nor bad. People will do what they will do, whether it's good or bad, with or without religion. If religion weren't there to use as an excuse for war, the people would find something else to point to. You will find good and bad people, doing good and bad things, in all religions.

I tend to like to separate the people from the religion... I don't think the bad outweighs the good "in religion". I think that individuals and their actions need to be considered regardless of religion.


Well-Known Member
to understand good verses bad it must be looked at through thought & feeling. if we are baseing things in negative thought it will be encouraged in our face regaurdless what religion you turn to. you will be holding onto the 'bad things in life. you will not be finding it easy to express the love & understanding of the good. good is a awe inspireing thing! it is a source of inspiration that no 1 could turn away from if it is in your thoughts & feelings -coming to life with a radiant smile & a show of hands that are genuine in there intent>


Well-Known Member
For Abrahamic religions: we know how when the day of judgement comes, we will be judged by our good deeds and bad deeds, entering paradise if the good outweighs the bad.

For Athiests: Morals show us that we should do good deeds and stay away from bad ones, we have emotion to help us with this via compassion, empathy, guilt etc.

This weight of good and bad also applies to whether something else is good or bad, not just us. For example, stealing may help one person get something they want, however it will always come back negatively to another person, so this is bad.

Anyway, I heard from someone I work with this day:

"I wonder how religion can be good when there is much bad that comes with it, yes religion can guide people and bring many together, but it also causes so much war and injustice because of those who use their religion in the wrong way."

Do you think the bad outweighs the good in religion? Or likewise? Why?
List some points for good and bad in religion.

The generally accepted idea is that we are all going to stand before God's throne and be judged on our previous actions. Think though, does that actually make sense???
How could all mankind be judged on the information in the Bible, when the vast majority of people who have lived on earth have not learned anything about the TRUE God. This is not God's purpose!!!
In Revelation we are told of a thousand year Judgement Day, Rev 20:1-7. During this thousand years people who God judges as worthy to be resurrected will be judged on the things they do during that Judgement Day, and not on their past deeds. Jesus said that there is going to be a resurrection of the ones in the memorial tombs. They are the ones who are not deemed WICKED by God, Ps 9:5, Prov 11:7. Also, in Acts we are told that there is going to be aresurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous, Acts 24:15. The one resurrected will learn righteousness during the judgement day, and also the ones who Come out of the Great Tribulation, Rev 7:14. This means that when Jesus comes to earth, which will be very soon now, the people who survive the Great Tribulation have the opportunity of living forever, without having to die at all, John 11:25,26.

You point out a very important truth about religion. Is religion a force for good or bad in this world??? Most of it is certainly BAD!! But not all!!
Consider this point, the Bible tells us to change our mind over so that we can do Dod's will, Eph 4:17-19, 22-24. Then at Heb 4:12,13 we are told that God's word is ALIVE and has power. This means that God's word will change our ways if we want it to.
Consider what Jesus said about people who claimed to be his followers, Matt 7:21-23. Notice that these people were doing all kinds of thing that people thought would mark them as Christians, but Jesus said for them to get away from him, because they were workers of lawlessness, even their supposed powerful works, and the expelling of demons. Later Paul wrote that these very things are not Christian activities, but are from Satan, 2Thess 2:9,10. Consider the scriptures 2Thess 2:3-12, which point out that it is truth that God wants not powerful works. Jesus pointed out that God is looking for ones to worship Him with spirit and truth, John 4:23,24.
Many people claim to know God, but are they footstep followers of Jesus, Titus 1:16, 1Pet 2:21. Notice also that Jesus said to look out for false prophets, Matt 7:15,16, 20,you can recognize them by their FRUITS.
This all means that; If the major religions of today were teaching the truth of God's word the world would be steadily getting to be a better place. Since the world is declining every day, this proves thay are not teaching God's truth.
If you get a concordance and look up the foundation doctrines of the major churches of today, you will find that none of these doctrines are supported by Bible truth. This is the reason for our slipping down every day, and faster and faster.
The Bible tells us that there is ONE religion that He favors, Eph 4:3-6. What makes the true religion difficult to recognize is the fact that people think that the true religion will be the most popuar. The truth is, it is the most unpopular, just as Jesus and the early disciples were, Luke 6:21-26, John 15:18-21. Jesus said that his people would be hated by all the nations, Matt 10:22, 24:9.
All who love God will be helped to find that one religion if they are sincere.
For Abrahamic religions: we know how when the day of judgement comes, we will be judged by our good deeds and bad deeds, entering paradise if the good outweighs the bad.

For Athiests: Morals show us that we should do good deeds and stay away from bad ones, we have emotion to help us with this via compassion, empathy, guilt etc.

This weight of good and bad also applies to whether something else is good or bad, not just us. For example, stealing may help one person get something they want, however it will always come back negatively to another person, so this is bad.

Anyway, I heard from someone I work with this day:

"I wonder how religion can be good when there is much bad that comes with it, yes religion can guide people and bring many together, but it also causes so much war and injustice because of those who use their religion in the wrong way."

Do you think the bad outweighs the good in religion? Or likewise? Why?
List some points for good and bad in religion.

Only people can be good or bad. Religion can influence people but the ultimate choice of doing good or bad is up to the individual.